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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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Guns and Butter: Tyranny Abroad, Police State at Home

09-03-2007 00:35

Guns and Butter radio show recorded on 7th March 2007: Interview with attorney and President of the US Center for Constitutional Rights, Michael Ratner. Michael Ratner has led the center in its aggressive legal fight against the post - 9/11 violations of civil liberties by the Bush administration.

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Update from Greece: Ongoing repression, tear gas and arrests

09-03-2007 00:16

The police keeps provoking against the students' protest, a situation that has started earlier in the afternoon, as the new law for the University structure was being voted in the parliament

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Levy, Blair and Injunctions

09-03-2007 00:10

Much has been said about the injunctions, or attempted injunctions, against the BBC and Guardian, to prevent the publication of information relating to Lord Levy's alleged attempt to pervert the course of justice in the cash for honours enquiry.

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We Are All Ratbags Now: Kangaroo Court for a Kangaroo Skinner

08-03-2007 23:49

David Hicks is a 31-year-old Australian convert to Islam who was "captured" by US forces in Afghanistan. Actually, he was “sold” by warlord bounty hunters to the American military. Mr. Hicks has rotted in the prison at Guantanamo Bay for five years without charge, without trial and without conviction. Until recently, Australia's conservative prime minister, John Howard, was content to leave his compatriot to rot in an American prison camp.

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Friday eve: SHUT DOWN GUANTANAMO Demo outside US Embassy, 6pm

08-03-2007 21:10

Hearings begin tomorrow for 14 men who were in secret CIA prisons to determine whether they are 'enemy combatants.
Demonstration tomorrow outside the US Embassy at 6-7pm - SHUT DOWN GUANTANAMO. Please come and join us - the weather forecast is good!

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SOCPA shame - CPS clutching at bent straws

08-03-2007 20:32

It was nice to see some democracy and justice within a courthouse, for a change.

I would like to offer Judge Wadsworth a huge bouquet of roses and many thanks. After seeing the likes of the bent DJ Evans, the corrupt DJ Snow and their crony DJ Purdy, I have had a small amount of my faith restored in the justice system. For the minute, anyway...

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GREECE, breaking news: The most severe police brutality against 35.000 students

08-03-2007 19:18

Thousands of students and teachers, protesting against the new law for the universities which is being voting at the moment, were brutally repressed by the police.

(visit Athens indymedia for follow ups)

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SOCPA - some justice as babs is back in town

08-03-2007 18:48

barbara after the court verdict
for the past few weeks, barbara tucker has been subject to wholly disproportionate bail conditions denying her the right to enter a 1km area around parliament. today, justice prevailed in a hearing at southwark crown court, where the judge, clearly appalled at the restriction, lifted all conditions and allowed her to return and peacefully protest outside parliament and downing street

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What more do you need to do to control people?

08-03-2007 11:02

BBC article on casual police violence

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Australian government declares it owes no legal duty to Guantánamo detainee Davi

07-03-2007 22:44

Howard Gov't accomplice in war crimes
Whatever the outcome of the Federal Court application, the Howard government stands indicted as an accomplice in war crimes, committed in pursuit of oil and gas resources, and US global hegemony.

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07-03-2007 20:47

I just watched this great new video about the clash between Islam and the West and how to stop it

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Raoul Vaneigem: major work now in English translation

07-03-2007 18:38

Now on-line for free, the first English translation of a major work by the ex-Situationist, Raoul Vaneigem, called THE RESISTANCE TO CHRISTIANITY. Required reading for all atheists!

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We’re Heartbroken and Furious! A report from Copenhagen, and call-out for action

07-03-2007 16:15

Solidarity demonstration Saturday the 10th at 2 pm outside the Danish embassy, 55 Sloane Street, SW1X 9SR. Bring banners and ideas for further action!

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SOCPA - The garrotting of commonsense and democracy continues

07-03-2007 15:45

Beagle punching at HLS
Three activists have been sent to prison for a total of 7 years and nine months. Mark Taylor got 4 years, Suzanne Taylor, 2½ years, and Teresa Portwine received 15 months under SOCPA.

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Third Planet Report --progressive radio from The Farm in TN, USA

07-03-2007 13:57

Third Planet Report is a radio program broadcast from The Farm Community in Summertown TN with host hippielawyer Alan Graf

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Urgent Call-in to defend Africanist Movement leaders!

07-03-2007 09:00

Chernoh Alpha M. Bah, Director of the Africanist Movement
On March 6th, Chernoh Alpha M. Bah, Director of the Africanist Movement, a regional African Internationalist organization based in Sierra Leone and several neighboring "countries" was stopped while driving in Freetown, capital of Sierra Leone. People are urged to call and email the Sierra Leone ambassador in Washington D.C. and/or your nearest Sierra Leone ambassador.

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International Human Rights Group visit Mexico-RSF

07-03-2007 02:40

Reporters Without Borders sends them chapter on media of fact-finding report by International Civilian Commission for Human Rights Observation

Ms. Rosario Ibarra de Piedra, president of the Senate Human Rights Commission
Mr. Gerardo Priego Tapia, president of the Chamber of Deputies Special Commission for Monitoring Attacks on the Press and Media
Mr. Ignacio Álvarez, special rapporteur for freedom of expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)

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How much taxpayers money for John Howard's scapegoat show trial?

06-03-2007 23:28

John Howard's scapegoat show trial
All that money should then be deducted out of the Liberal parties pension funds not taxpayers money. They won't need a pension once they're thrown in jail for their criminal acts.

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The 3 latest ALF prisoners

06-03-2007 21:37

Originally From: A Longing For Collapse Press on Myspace.

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Interview with Moazzam Begg

06-03-2007 20:41

Moazzam Begg

British national Moazzam Begg was a prisoner of the United States for over three years, first at Bagram and Kandahar in Afghanistan, and then at Guantanamo Bay. He was also one of the first six men designated as eligible to be tried by military commissions. He was abruptly released two years ago, and the British authorities cleared him of any involvement in terrorism related activities within hours. He lives with his family in Birmingham, England, and is currently the spokesperson for the activist website Cage Prisoners. Mr. Begg is the author of “Enemy Combatant: My Imprisonment at Guantanamo, Bagram and Kandahar”. On March 1, 2007, I had the privilege of interviewing Mr. Begg by telephone.

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