UK Repression Newswire Archive
Judge sentences 18 of Ratcliffe defendants
05-01-2011 17:01
At 2pm today, 18 of the 20 defendants were sentenced after being found guilty of conspiracy to commit aggravated trespass in December. The judge addressed each defendant individually, commenting on their previous convictions and the strength of their character, before passing their sentences. The judge spoke broadly about the defendants’ qualities as a whole – commending them for their references, which repeatedly described them as ‘honest’, ‘dedicated’, ‘committed’, ‘intelligent’ and ‘caring’.Daily fail's take on prison riot
05-01-2011 16:36
A Daily Mail article published today exposes the shocking and immoral lifestyle of prison boss Sharon Williams. [spoiler - she's a blonde lesbian]
Benefit from subsidy to the Vatican by UK taxpayers: the ministry's own words
04-01-2011 20:13

"There is no public interest test to apply" about staff wages.
Sheridan and the Prostitution of Scots Law
04-01-2011 19:33
Indymedia UK have republished an Indymedia Scotland article on the conviction of Tommy Sheridan here:
It is telling to see the IMCista CH and other here side with the police, Rupert Murdoch and the SSP against Tommy Sheridan. That says more about that site's morals and allegiances than Sheridan's. In reality, a great injustice and diminution of everyone's rights has just went uncommented except by genuinely independent thinkers.
Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Resist the ‘Non Lethal’ Weapons industry - Call to target BAE and CSI
04-01-2011 18:39

amounts of CS gas being used against demonstrators at an anti apartheid
wall demonstration in Bil In. She is one of over 20 people in the West
Bank who have died as part of the popular struggle against the wal and
settlements since 2005, many at the hands of supposedly ‘non
lethal’ weapons.
11 January:Beyond Words: Silent Witness To Injustice (London)
04-01-2011 17:20

Police and mainstream media selective accounts of Prince Charles incident
04-01-2011 15:38
The police and mainstream media are still trying to spin this and looking for people to pick onHSBC 3 Defence Campaign
04-01-2011 14:55
What is the HSBC 3 Defence Campaign?A defence campaign has been launched in Newcastle to oppose the charges against demonstrators who came out alongside hundreds of others on 18 December 2010 to protest against government cuts to education and other public services, benefits and jobs. The campaign also stands in solidarity with all the other demonstrators being criminalised for taking part in actions against the cuts.
A full report and videos of the protests on the 18th December, and one of the arrests, is here.
Mark Pearson explained why it is so important that all those arrested on such political charges are defended:
‘The banks are robbing the world and getting away with it, yet the police are trying to make it an offence to peacefully enter a bank and express opposition. The government and police have made it clear whose side they are on: they will do everything in their power to protect the banks and businesses, while savagely attacking our living standards and our freedom to protest. We have to stand together and fight back.’
Join the campaign to defend Mark and Patrick from these phoney charges, which are a blatant attack on all of our democratic rights and a political defence of the banks and big business by the police. The HSBC 2 Defence Campaign is demanding that the charges be dropped immediately and the bail conditions lifted. Join the solidarity demonstration outside Newcastle Magistrates Court, on Market Street at 9.30am on Friday 7 January, and contact

Justice for the HSBC 2! Stop the Cuts! We won’t pay for the capitalist crisis!
**UPDATE: Whilst doing a routine political stall on 22 December a third activist, Toby Hobbs, was arrested in relation to the 18 December protests, on ‘suspicion of assualting a police officer’. After having his details taken and being held in a cold cell for hours, Toby and his solicitor were shown the police’s supposed ‘evidence’ of the assault – a youtube video of the protests which showed no such thing! Toby has not been charged, but is on bail and has to return to the police station on 3rd February. This is political policing, to pick activists up on spurious charges, gather information, attempt to intimidate them, and then release them without charge. Activists in Newcastle are determined to oppose this kind of policing every step of the way. The HSBC 2 is now the HSBC 3, and we are asking everyone who is available to come to Market Street Police Station at 8.45am on 3rd February to show solidarity for Toby. Following his release, Toby commented:
‘It’s clear that this kind of unjust arrest will be happening more and more as resistance against the cuts increases. This kind of intimidation, and intelligence gathering just increases the commitment of protestors, as it just exposes the oppressive lengths which are needed to protect the capitalist system.’
Dale Farm: Defence Planing
04-01-2011 11:48
BRIGHTON will be the location tomorrow evening (5 Jan)for the latest in a series of public meetings being held
to consolidate opposition to the Tory-inspired plan for
Britain's biggest anti-Gypsy clearance operation
Hillary Clinton: please send tanks to support elections
03-01-2011 22:46
#09STATE34688 : Straight from the horse's mouth: Hillary Clinton called for support for the Lebanese army for the June 2009 Lebanese election, her deputy Feltman praised the UAE for sending 10 tanks for the election, and Feltman criticised Saudi Arabia for *not* sending money to the pro-West March 14 Alliance.Text from the 3 imprisoned members of Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)
03-01-2011 19:00
LETS MAKE THE BEGINNING IN GREECE OF A WORLDWIDE SOCIAL REVOLUTION“If someone today wants to open a profitable business, they should make guillotines”.
Internationa week of action in solidarity with Reykjavik Nine
03-01-2011 14:52
An international week of actions has been called for 10th - 16th of January, 2011 in support of the Reykjavik Nine, nine individuals including anarchists and radical leftists, who face up to 16 years in prison for protest against the Icelandic parliament.Full article | 1 addition | 13 comments
There is a revolution growing inside of us-Statement by anoymous Gazan students
03-01-2011 11:43
two of the alleged authors of this statement have apparently been repeatedly detained by Hamas...Two Kurds at imminent risk of execution by Iran's islamic regime
02-01-2011 20:25
Hossein Khezri, a 28-year-old man, and Zeynab Jalalian, a 27-year-old woman, Kurdish Youth Activist, are feared to be at imminent risk of execution. Both were convicted of “enmity against God”, in separate cases, for membership of the Party for Free Life of Kurdistan.anarchist attack action in innercity bristol for a smashing new year
02-01-2011 17:55
january the first. anarchists saw in the new year 2011 with attacks on both newfoundland road police station and the probation office on upper york street using easily found stones.Obama and Clinton, the evil twins
31-12-2010 14:09

The two corporate political twins, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, held forth at a joint White House press conference – so tightly matched that no light could be seen to shine between them. Obama soon ceded the room to his comrade in collaboration with Republicans, the senior triangulator. Although competitors, Obama and Clinton “emerged from the same political system, and fed at the trough of the same wealthy individuals and corporate campaign check bundlers.”
Inquest into death of weapons inspector: David Kelly probe case 'unanswerable'
30-12-2010 12:38

A lawyer for the group of doctors behind the demand for an inquest said they "hope and expect" that Mr Grieve will make his decision on legal grounds only, and will resist any political pressure to reject their application.
Anti Nuclear Campaigners In Court In Lowestoft
29-12-2010 19:18
4 January 2011, 10am (plus 5, 10, and 11 January)Two anti nuclear campaigners, Andreas Speck (46) from London and Ian Mills (45) from Chippenham, will be tried at Lowestoft Magistrates Court from 4 January on, for "failing to leave land" (S69(3)(a) CJPOA 1994) when they blockaded Sizewell nuclear power station in Suffolk on 22 February 2010 [1].
Free the Yarl’s Wood 3! - New Year’s Eve Solidarity Demonstration
28-12-2010 12:37

Police State USA (rock music video) Released
28-12-2010 01:28