UK Repression Newswire Archive
Honduras: Soldiers invade radio station during live show (audio)
28-09-2009 14:19
Following orders of coup leaders, soldiers invaded the studios of Radio Globo, one of the dissident voices against Honduras coup, and shut down the radio. This is the very moment when soldiers started to slam the doors of radio during the live broadcast.South Africa: Abahlali under attack!!!
28-09-2009 10:33
Kennedy Road Development Committee Attacked. People Have Been KilledLast night at about 11:30 a group of about 40 men heavily armed with guns, bush knives and even a sword attacked the KRDC near the Abahlali baseMjondolo office in the Kennedy Road settlement.
BNP fascists using online radio to target young voters
28-09-2009 09:09

#95 | Four youths arrested and charged under the anti-terrorist law in Athens
27-09-2009 23:32
#95 | Four youths arrested and charged under the anti-terrorist law in Athens; six more warrants issued; media anti-anarchist frenzy: It must be election time!Has anyone seen this lad before - Vestas Security...
27-09-2009 16:12

SHAC's Operation Liberation – Open letter and pics of cops!
27-09-2009 14:42

Nights of terror in Honduras (by Latuff)
27-09-2009 10:00

Anarchists & Police Clash at G20 Pittsburgh
27-09-2009 02:32

Excellent report of Pittsburgh Anti-G20 black bloc protests
26-09-2009 22:16
This is on-the-spot reporting just in from the first day of the G20 summit in Pittsburgh, which has seen a great deal of spirited resistance and confrontation—perhaps as much as has occurred at any anarchist mobilization in North America in half a decade. This gushy, hastily composed account presents the context, attempts to convey the spirit of the day, and raises a few preliminary questions.Brighton local newspaper ordered to hand over Smash EDO mayday footage to police
26-09-2009 21:29
The Argus caves in to the police stateCape Town Militant Mzonke Poni Goes to Trial on Tuesday 29 September 2009 on a Charge of 'Public Violence'
26-09-2009 16:24
Mzonke Poni, Chairperson of Abahlali baseMjondolo of the Western Cape, is scheduled to stand trial on the charge of public violence on Tuesday 29 September 2009. The charge relates to a protest organised in opposition to state criminality against the Macassar Village Land Occupation. He has written this essay on 'public violence' in response to the charges levelled against him.Full article | 3 additions | 3 comments
Copenhagen Mass action against Coal Plant today
26-09-2009 16:19

Demon in Support of Calais Migrants
26-09-2009 16:12
No Borders London call for action in solidarity with migrants in Calais!Join us in a demonstration at 5.30pm, on Tuesday 29th September 09, outside the French Embassy.
Banned WWF ad
26-09-2009 15:29
The WWF has pulled an ad that used images of the 9/11 attacks on the US.Maurice Kirk has been incarcerated for 3 months
26-09-2009 14:55
Arrested and sectioned for bringing charges against South Wales Police, now held at a secure medical facility against his will and drugged daily, under 24 hour observation.Honduran President Zelaya: Israeli mercenaries are planning to assassinate me
26-09-2009 14:07

Camp Ashraf Protest at US Embassy
26-09-2009 00:11

Honduras coup resistance (by Latuff)
25-09-2009 19:41

PRESS RELEASE- Activists Are Occupying Chief of Police Office Calais
25-09-2009 12:37
NO BORDERS GROUP OCCUPY CHIEF OF POLICE OFFICES IN CALAISCurrently, twenty No Borders activists including some from the UK are
occupying the *sous-prefecture* in Calais, demanding an immediate end to
the persecution of migrants and calling for freedom of movement for all.