UK Repression Newswire Archive
VIDEO: Ramona Africa remembers the MOVE 9 trial
16-03-2008 21:49

In this new interview (03/08), Ramona Africa talks about observing the MOVE 9 trial, before she actually became a member of MOVE. The video also features archival footage from the documentary "MOVE," made by Cohort Media, and narrated by Howard Zinn. The intro spotlights the public beating of Delbert Africa, while the conclusion features the illegal destruction of MOVE's house and the fraudulent "conspiracy" charge used to convict the MOVE 9.
The Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan
16-03-2008 18:55

Mass Abductions take place in middle of the night across Lhasa, Tibet
16-03-2008 18:02

Every house is being searched and people are being abducted in the night..
Please attend any demonstrations you can outside Chinese embasy in London or a consulate near you.
Demonstration ouside Chinese Embassy in London Tomorrow 17th March
16-03-2008 13:01
Please attend the demonstration...China declare "Peoples War" in Tibet to "Clear UP" resistance to CCP
16-03-2008 12:48
China has Closed mount Everest, Declared Martial Law and Shut Tibet to the outside world, after 60 years of unimaginable pain and suffering, with a full 1.25 million murdered by the Chinese a full 1/4 of the population, the Tibetans have risen up to demand freedom from China.Full article | 1 addition | 25 comments
Fitwatchers arrested for "intimidating the police" at STWC march
16-03-2008 02:45

Scientology coming to a shopping centre near you: West Bromwich
15-03-2008 21:03
The 'Citizens Commission on Human Rights', a front group for the Scientology cult is scheduled to show an exhibition in the Queens Square Shopping Centre West Bromwich. The exhibition is called 'Psychiatry - An Industry Of Death' and is due to run from Monday 31st March until Thursday 17th April 2008 -
Whilst the name 'Citizens Commission on Human Rights' (CCHR) certainly makes it sound like they are a alturistic group looking to help people, the truth is somewhat different.
fbi's CJIS Must Be Removed From fbi Control !
15-03-2008 19:45
fbi seeks to intimidate (through CJIS) all who show NO "fbi respect".
Who's editing Wikipedia?
15-03-2008 17:48
Find out just who is editing one of the biggest information sources on the net.Nottingham Defy-ID group back in business
15-03-2008 14:45

Indian Neo-Fascism and People’s resistance
15-03-2008 08:06

Tuesday 18th of March, 7.30pm
Shaheed Udham Singh Centre
(Indian Workers Association Centre)
346 Soho Road
Birmingham B21 9QI
Prof. Ram Puniyani
Indian anti-fascist intellectual
SOCPA - a day in the life of brian
15-03-2008 02:24

here is some video footage of the day that brian took, including the 'public order' arrest of 'the ant' for calling the police "nazis"
Notts Police Spend £12,000 Defending Sadie Graham
14-03-2008 18:55

Reminder: Campaign for Free Assembly public meeting 16th March LSE
14-03-2008 17:20
Campaign for Free Assembly meetingSunday 16th March2pm-4pm
London School of Economics room H102, Connaught House

chinese shoot young girl in tibet - mass rioting - demonstrate now at embassy
14-03-2008 15:17
news is just coming in of rioting in tibet and chinese military have shot a young girl of 16Paddy's Day of Action Against shell (Meeting & Update)
14-03-2008 13:36

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SOCPA - a plea from barbara tucker
14-03-2008 01:19

Full article | 1 addition | 8 comments
Ilan Pappé: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
13-03-2008 23:08

Discussion Forum - Pakistan and The War on Terror
13-03-2008 18:45
Discussion forum organised by Pakistan Solidarity Campaign on the proxy war waged by the imperialist forces against the people of Pakistan.Sunday 16th of MARCH 2008, 2.00 pm
The Drum, 144 Potters Lane, Aston, Birmingham B6 4UU
Political groups, parties and concerned individuals will come together to discuss the situation in Pakistan and explore ways in which we can provide help and support.