UK Repression Newswire Archive
London ABC letter writing and christmas card afternoon- this Sunday!
06-12-2012 17:17

New Years Eve: International Anti-Prison Demos & Actions
06-12-2012 07:46

Everywhere to the deportation and detention centers!
Interview With Militant Prisoner John Bowden by From Here On In
05-12-2012 11:11
Recent interview with John Bowden by Bristol-based publication 'From Here On In' to be published in the next issue (
Bradley Manning's Testimony [Part 1]
04-12-2012 22:34

Alexa O'Brien has been tweeting a summary of the notes she took while Bradley Manning was giving evidence in court at Fort Meade last Thursday and Friday.
Bradley Manning Hearing: Notes from the courtroom 1 & 2 December
04-12-2012 16:35

Court martial proceedings continued Saturday and Sunday 1 & 2 December at Fort Meade, Maryland where Judge Denise Lind is hearing evidence in a defence motion that Bradley Manning was subjected to unlawful pretrial punishment. The pretrial 'motion' hearing picks up again Wednesday 5 December until Friday 7 Dec.
Gustavo Rodriguéz - Antagonistic violence
03-12-2012 08:38

Approaches to the armed struggle in urban environments
from an anarchist perspective
An Introductory text for a debate with comrade Gustavo Rodriguez, at the Centre of Anarchist Information (CEDIA), Mexico City, 8th of October 2011

Bradley Manning takes the stand - More reports from court
02-12-2012 11:54

Police, army turn terror on Jaffna University students
01-12-2012 20:00

November 28: Appalling attack and deafening silence
01-12-2012 19:49

Victimisation of students forces UCL occupation to withdraw
01-12-2012 12:42

The occupation was established in protest at UCL’s plan to open a new campus in Stratford, east London. The development of the campus would require the demolition of the Carpenters’ Estate, and the eviction of hundreds of council tenants from their homes. Robin Wales, the Labour executive mayor of Newham, has defended the plans. Among his many justifications, he has said: “you find people who say it’s their chance to move to Southend.”
Unfairness committed by Tower Hamlets Council
01-12-2012 12:23
A trendy sounding outfit has been set up by Tower Hamlets Council with an even trendier Anglican Clergyman Giles Fraser put at the top. The plug for the Commission, one of a number by local Councils, claims the object to be "looking at how to improve equality outcomes in their areas."So is that another hype or is that part of a sinister agenda like making the Rightwing attacks on Society acceptable?
Bradley Manning takes the stand - Reports from court
30-11-2012 11:19

Prisoners for Peace day on 1st December
30-11-2012 10:25
War Resisters' International urges supporters to contact people imprisoned for their actions for peace, marking 'Prisoners for Peace day' on Saturday, December 1st.Two Years of Cablegate as Bradley Manning Testifies for the First Time
30-11-2012 08:54
Yesterday was the second anniversary of the publication of the first Cablegate leaks in newspapers around the world. It was also the day on which Bradley Manning took the stand for the first time in the court martial proceedings against him. In this particular hearing, Bradley Manning's Defence is calling for all charges against him to be dropped on account of his severe and illegal mistreatment in pretrial detention, so in effect it's the US Military that's in the dock this week.Julian Assange marked the occasion with an article in Huffington Post.
Italy: Monti’s government “democratic and sober” response to the crisis
29-11-2012 19:39

Brazil: Neo-Nazi in Congress.
28-11-2012 18:32

Twenty-nine Years of Dignified Resistance: An Echo in the Heartbeat of the Peopl
25-11-2012 09:34
17th November 1983 to 17th November 2012by the
Dorset Chiapas Solidarity Group
UG#594 - Occupy 2.0 (Peer Produced Politics)
25-11-2012 08:56

Full article | 2 additions | 16 comments
Indymedia cover-up police agent-provocateurs at G20 –
24-11-2012 12:19
Met Police lying about undercover police agent-provocateurs at G20, AND SO ARE INDYMEDIA -NUS march - report and pics (#demo2012)
21-11-2012 22:43