UK Repression Newswire Archive
Plea of imprisoned youth sentenced to death by Islamic regime
07-01-2013 23:34

Is this world so cruel, to watch both my cousin and I be hanged in public from a crane on the street? and say nothing? Or not to do anything?
Inspector Stuart Bill of West Midlands Police wants to meet Brum's Critical Mass
07-01-2013 20:03
The latest in the 'cops sniffing around Birmingham Critical Mass' saga

No Borders anarchist Joke Kaviaar comes out fighting against incitement trial
07-01-2013 00:10

Tower Hamlets Community for a new Council
06-01-2013 20:54
This week sees new central Govt measures in Tower Hamlets. Why so? Isn't there an elecetd mayor in place there already?11 Years of Guantánamo: Where is the world?
06-01-2013 20:36

Anti-fascists of Kazan, Russia need solidarity!
06-01-2013 17:10

PC 2858 Dominic McGrath harasses 'anti-social youth' and Brum's Critical Mass
05-01-2013 20:32

West Midlands Police Sniffing Around Birmingham's Critical Mass
05-01-2013 16:32

The mass last night with the 'punk as fuck' theme, as it gathered in the grounds of the Cathedral, was met by cops on bikes who distributed letters. The text of the letters is viewable on the Facebook group or if you have reservations about corporate social networking sites then you can read the letters here:

New Year's Day solidarity action at London Detention Centre
04-01-2013 20:47

Migrants can be held for many years for the "crime" of crossing a border, and for most of those there for the long-term, are there with no end to their detention in sight.
January 1st has also become the date that many are given as a date of birth when no records exist. January the 1st is therefore many migrant's official 'birthday', and a solidarity action was organised on this day with people from different networks meeting in the afternoon and heading to Harmondsworth Detention centre to make noise and express solidarity with those inside.
New Year’s Eve Brixton [anti-prison demo] London 31 December 2012
04-01-2013 20:09
Brixton, London, 31 December 2012…almost midnightThe Gregorian calendar is moving towards the next chapter in the existence of those who mark time in the boredom of ritual …Suddenly they appear out of nowhere, a few people out of step, dressed in black. Unfurling banners, a strange light in their eyes, they unhurriedly conquer the urban high street and proceed towards Brixton prison.
The Mother of All Kangaroo Courts - Awami League and Their Vindictive Politics
04-01-2013 14:36
Bangladesh War Crimes Tribunal set up by ruling Awami League Party with the intention to carry out summary execution of opposition leaders.8 Jan: Vigil for Bradley Manning at US Embassy London at start of another court hearing
03-01-2013 22:50

Bradley Manning is back in court at Fort Meade, Maryland, US from Tuesday 8 - Friday 11 January.
Vigil at the US Embassy in London 2pm Tuesday 8 January.
The entire soundtrack of the Collateral Murder video will be played.
Report: NYE anarchist anti-prison demos in world
03-01-2013 15:31

Operation Yewtree deny victims basic Rights
30-12-2012 18:54
While waiting to make a statement in regard to the abuse I suffered in Halifax and Wrexham, this is the disheartening treatment I have received from Operation Yewtree.Will point out, Op Pallail have been great so far, and have tried to help sort this out for me, although they are hampered by the fact Op Yewtree are in control of my case, for the moment.
Tomorrow: NYE Anti-Prison Demo in London
30-12-2012 15:52

Schedule 7 terror laws used to interrogate activists
30-12-2012 10:32

There is now abundant evidence that the police are using terrorism powers to stop and question activists on their political activities when they pass through UK ports. It is undoubtedly very helpful to the police that the draconian powers introduced by Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 provide no right to silence – a refusal to answer questions can lead to a criminal conviction. The powers are also hugely intimidating – people can be detained for up to nine hours and have their DNA and fingerprints taken. To top it all, no ‘reasonable suspicion’ is needed – the police and border authorities can stop whoever they wish. What more could ‘total policing’ wish for?
Google's Role As Internet Censor
29-12-2012 21:29

activist link censorship, lawsuits regarding
censorship are some of the many issues involving Google.
MI5 Betrayed Bomb Victims
27-12-2012 10:48
My experiences after being attacked by satanist David Myatt are that the Admiral Duncan,Brick Lane and Brixton nailbombings were an MI5 sponsored sting operation that went wrong.Cardiff French embassy is target over police repression as busy month is topped
23-12-2012 22:25

Several activists decided to use International Migrants Day this week to respond to a call-out from French activists for actions outside French Embassies and Consulates in solidarity with a recent day of action that aimed to highlight the continued state repression against sans-papier, Roma, the homeless and anti-airport activists in France despite a change of government to a party that spoke out against such actions before they were in power.