UK Repression Newswire Archive
Swiss consulate in Barcelona occupied!!!!!
18-06-2003 13:17
Call for solidarity actions!!People is being hanging 5 days already. We really need to make pressure on
You´ll find a manifest to send to the consulate below.
Manchester’s Flagship Development Picketed by Sacked Workers
18-06-2003 09:10
A walkout by striking electricians at a Carillion construction site in Manchester city centre has exposed the Joint Industry Board (JIB) agreement covering the industry as management-friendly and intrinsically hazardous to workers health.What Is Happening in America?
17-06-2003 21:51
This article, one of the best short analyses of the Bush regime's policies, was published by "Vorwarts," Germany.First Published 08 June 2003
Swiss Consulate Occupied in Manchester
06-06-2003 17:50

Stop War Coalition says Labour MPs that voted for war are anti-war
11-05-2003 15:23
Posted on an antiwar list for direct action people.ISM Reports: Update On Continuing Activist Arrests
11-05-2003 14:53
ISM Reports: Nick & Alice Still Held By Shin Bet (Israeli Security Services).
10-05-2003 18:55
The Latest News On British ArresteesPict Defence Force :There Is No Scotland-Only Aberforth
10-05-2003 17:08
The Latest News From Occupied Scotlandactivists to be deported from Gaza
09-05-2003 17:16
2 activists to be deported for trying to enter the Gaza strip...Demonstration against the forced deportation of Afghan asylum seekers
08-05-2003 21:33
SUNDAY 11TH MAY. ASSEMBLE 1.00 PM @ WESTMINSTER TUBE. MARCH TO VICTORIA EMBANKMENT.Edinburgh: report of one the arrested, 22nd of march
05-04-2003 21:50
On Saturday the 22nd at a protest in Edinburgh, after one person was violently arrested by plaincloth police officers, demonstrators tried to intervene,thus resulting in more arrests. Most were released on sport due to crowd pressure, but here is the report of one of the arrested, all of them but one released without charges on the following monday.Venezuela fires on Colombian paramilitaries
01-04-2003 13:22
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - Venezuela's military exchanged gunfire with Colombian paramilitaries and bombed a zone close to the border as a warning to the fighters, President Hugo Chavez said Sunday.Police crack-down on anti-war protests
30-03-2003 13:29
A news report from the frontline that the tv and print-based media dont want you to read.Police opression and intimidation in Manchester
22-03-2003 21:22
After the Manchester rally, the police penned in about 30 protesters in Bridgewater Street. They also intimidated and used heavy handed tactics against thoses trying to support them.hopefully more pictures about Spanish embassy protest
13-03-2003 13:01

Ulla Roder Confirms Leuchars Tornado "Out of Action"
12-03-2003 22:09
Today Trident Ploughshares activist Ulla Roder confirmed that the Tornado jet which she damaged yesterday at Leuchars airbase is unlikely to fly of Spanish embassy protest in Edinburgh
12-03-2003 15:30

here are some pictures. (article 1)
Mobilising For Piece - RAF Tornadoe sabotaged
12-03-2003 03:03
Activist Ulla Roder entered RAF Leuchars Air Base early Tuesday morning in north-east Fife and is believed to have peacefully damaged a Tornado plane.