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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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13-01-2004 15:48

The national meeting of the Italian Anarchist Federation (FAI)
Milan 2004, 01, 10-11 about repression against anarchist and letter bombing

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Statewatch News Online 12th Jan 04

13-01-2004 15:45

Statewatch News online, 12 January 2004

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Noise Demo @ Lindholme Refugee Detention Centre

12-01-2004 14:57

Noise Demo, Saturday 31st January @ Lindholme Refugee Detention Centre. European Day of Action against Refugee Detention and for Migrant Rights!, Meet 12 noon @ Tyrham Hall Hotel, South Yorkshire, on the A614 south of Hatfield Woodhouse

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Bulkington Eviction Suspended - BBC

12-01-2004 13:50

BBC reports Warwickshire council's eviction of Travellers has been suspended.

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Judicial Review: 15th Jan: 'Kidnapped' Protestors Challenge Police

12-01-2004 11:51

one of the coaches forced back to london
Judicial Review Advance Press Release
12 January 2004

"If you only see one case this year make it this one!" Mark Thomas

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How to Cover Up War Crimes: Kissinger and Chile

11-01-2004 13:24

Kissinger and Chile, or, the Mechanics of a Propaganda Cover-Up. Commentary has recently published a column by a “scholar” from the American Enterprise Institute rehearsing some well-worn arguments concerning US involvement (or lack, thereof) in the coup which replaced elected President Salvador Allende, a self-professed “Marxist” with dictator General Pinochet. In the main, it involves a spurious defense of Henry Kissinger, based partially on a reading of telephone transcripts not currently in the public domain but which the impish Kissinger has kindly allowed him to peruse in advance. Drawing selectively on declassified documentary evidence, he claims to construct a case against Kissinger’s indictment and against any blame being apportioned to the Whitehouse either for the death of General Rene Schneider or the coup attempt in 1973. He compares his suggestions to Christopher Hitchens’ book The Trial of Henry Kissinger and also a BBC documentary with a similar name. Unlike Falcoff, I’ve read the book and watched the film. So the gaps that emerge in his account prove relatively simple to fill.

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"Display shoplifters in cages"

10-01-2004 20:02

No judge, no court case, just put them in a cage in the shop window....

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911 a picture of truth in Action

10-01-2004 03:07

This is truth in action, and a few criminals in Washington cannot stop the truth from reaching the light of day!

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South Korea: Repression Against Migrants Movement, more pictures

09-01-2004 17:29

Protest in front of the Bangladeshi embassy in Seoul
After the coordinated attacks of riot and immigration cops against the migrant union there are new protests and threats.

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19th day of hunger strike in London

09-01-2004 15:02

This is a press release dated January 9, 2004 concerning a hunger strike taking place in Seven Sisters, London. It is in opposition to prison repression in Turkey. The press release also contains details of a knife attack by racists on one of the hunger strikers.

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09-01-2004 14:38

On Thursday 15 January 2004, the High Court will consider whether the
police acted unlawfully by forcibly detaining innocent people and
preventing them from protesting against the war on Iraq.

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09-01-2004 13:51


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Labour Party Spring Conference 2004

09-01-2004 11:15

During the weekend of the 12th, 13th & 14th March 2004 the City Centre of Manchester will host the Labour Party spring conference at the GMEX/ICC. It is one of the strategic conference aims of Greater Manchester Police to "permit lawful protest, whilst minimising disruption to persons going about their lawful business".

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ANTHANY DAWSON FACT SHEET - Rose Henry August 2002

09-01-2004 06:51

It was at this point that several witnesses report seeing what appeared to be excessive physical violence done to Anthany by police officer(s): “When I saw him being punched it made me feel sick.” It is alleged an officer said, “When I tell you to roll over, you fuckin roll over.” Witnesses also say police appeared to be joking and laughing as they stood behind the ambulance once Anthany had been put inside.

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"Emergency" fascism now in UK??

09-01-2004 01:10

I see that an Emergency Powers act is now going through Parliament, similar to the so-called "Patriot Act" we're fighting in the U.S. In the "emergency" created by the Bush Regime's 9/11 Propaganda Coup, acts go through which make it much harder to expose the terrible truth that power is hiding. Unless people realize the danger and come together right now, authenic Democracy will be destroyed, and the future of the whole human race will go dark.

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Urgent Humanitarian Appeal to Lift The Siege Of Nablus

08-01-2004 15:18

Urgent Appeal to Lift Siege Of Nablus

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Civil contingencies bill

07-01-2004 21:38

The Civil Contingencies Bill, with the accompanying non-legislative measures, will deliver a single framework for civil protection in the United Kingdom.

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Urgent help needed to defend London social squat

07-01-2004 20:17

People are needed to help defend a squat, which is being ilegally threatened by landlord.