UK Repression Newswire Archive
Urgent solidarity still needed for anarchist in German prison!
09-12-2005 14:52
Jose Fernandez Delgado was in spanish prison for more than 20 years. He spent about 14 years in the infamous FIES-isolation regime, known for its brutality and systematic torture. He escaped and was arrested with three others in Aachen (Germany) in june 2004, and condemned to 14 years of prison in Germany (more info below).POL POT KISSINGER: THE U.S. MUST STAY IN IRAQ!
09-12-2005 13:48
George Orwell revisited: First Kissinger and his PNAC army start genocidal global killing fields, their terror which hardly can be described, and than he suggests to solve the problem by letting the chaos- and warmongers stay?Story of the Al Housain Palestinian camp in Amman, Jordan.
09-12-2005 12:03

Saturday anti-EDO march in Brighton
09-12-2005 10:58
The anti-arms trade and freedom to protest demo in Brighton town centre tomorrow starts at 12 at Churchill Square.Full article | 2 additions | 8 comments
Brian Haw ha been arrested this morining
09-12-2005 10:32
09-12-2005 05:42

A Patriot's Letter
09-12-2005 04:39
A call to action to Americans from an American. Please distribute as much as possible by any means.Christmas in Guantanamo
09-12-2005 04:33

Tight security impedes scapegoat case
08-12-2005 19:33
![Frozen Gulag [File photo] (Rooters)](/icon/2005/12/329493.jpg)
Terror scapegoats to be relocated without warning
08-12-2005 18:24

08-12-2005 18:16
Unison Cambridge Health campaign against NHS cutsSATURDAY 17th DECEMBER
1pm Market Square, Cambridge
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Action needed against crackdown culture - police escalate offensive poster drive
08-12-2005 17:21
Nottingham Police, allied with authoritarians at the local council and the Home Office, have been wasting taxpayers' money on a wave of offensive posters intended to terrorise dissidents and the socially excluded. This campaign has escalated with attempts to terrorise those involved in subvertising the posters.Spies, Lies & Whistleblowers
08-12-2005 15:36
Spies, Lies & Whistleblowers: MI5, MI6 and the Shayler Affair by former MI5 officer Annie Machon (Book Guild, 2005) provides a detailed account of the abuses within the intelligence services, and how resources are being devoted not to prevention of terrorism but to suppress political dissent.Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Italy: Cops and anti-TAV protesters clash
08-12-2005 13:53
Protests against the building of a high-speed rail tunnel through the Alps linking Italy and France have escalated dramatically, following a violent pre-dawn raid by riot cops on a protester camp at Venaus.PUBLIC MEETING ON GUANTANAMO HUNGER STRIKE TODAY THURSDAY 7th DECEMBER
08-12-2005 13:24
Thursday 8th December 20057.30pm
Birmingham Central Mosque
Belgrave Middleway, B5
Speakers Include
Clare Short (MP)
Abu Baker Deghayes (Brother of Guantanamo Detainee)
Moazzam Begg (Ex-Guantanamo Detainee)
Jack Straw - complicit in torture. Labour North West - complicit with Jack Straw
08-12-2005 13:04
Jack Straw did not "act alone" in his decision to co-operate with the United States government's torture programme. Labour North West could have stopped him, but they didn't. They actively supported Straw in May 2005, even when the extent of his torture complicity was becoming very clear.International Human Rights Day Action
08-12-2005 02:15

Oxford group campaigns against human rights abuses in Iran
07-12-2005 19:56

VENUE: Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, London
With the increasingly belligerent noises coming out of Washington about the current Iranian regime and its stance on nuclear power and weapons, Oxford’s Iranian exiles and their supporters have been getting increasingly alarmed at the possibility of a US attack or even invasion....(Continues below poster)
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a blow to freedom - guilty verdict in SOCPA case in court today
07-12-2005 18:02