Urgent solidarity still needed for anarchist in German prison!
abc | 09.12.2005 14:52 | Repression
Jose Fernandez Delgado was in spanish prison for more than 20 years. He spent about 14 years in the infamous FIES-isolation regime, known for its brutality and systematic torture. He escaped and was arrested with three others in Aachen (Germany) in june 2004, and condemned to 14 years of prison in Germany (more info below).
Shortly after the verdict, he was transferred to the prison of Köln. He did not get any of his personal stuff and was put in complete isolation. As a protest he refused to put prison clothes on (his own he did not get, though he is entitled to), he could not go for the daily walk. As depicted in the letter, he went into a hungerstrike, which lasted 13 days. The last four days he did not drink either. None of his demands were responded to.
We cannot let Jose struggle alone anymore. it is time to act ourselves and start to put pressure on the judge and on the director of the prison. It is the least we could do... We made a model a letter, which could be sent by post, by mail or by fax.
A date is fixed to put the pressure on the maximum and try to overload prison and court with our demands: the 5th of December. Below is a letter to the court that you can use, in English and in German, with two addresses for the responsible judge and the prison where Jose is held. Please send copies immediately and encourage others to do the same! And of course write to Jose himself and his comrades Gariel and Bart at (Name of prisoner) C/o Staatsnwaltschaft Aachen, AZ 401JS284/04, Stifstrasse 39-43, 52062 Aachen, Germany.
To the judge:
Richter Nohl, C/o Landgericht, Postfach 52034, Germany Tel: 0049/ (0)241 54 38 03, Fax: 0049/ 0241 9425-1407
To the prison: JVA Aussenstelle, Rochusstrasse 246, 50827 Köln, Germany
Dear Sir,
I want to bring to your notice the inhuman and unbearable conditions Jose Fernandez Delgado has to endure to this date. This prisoner has been transferred to the prison of Köln on the 13th of October. At the moment of his transfer, he was not allowed to take any of his personal possessions and every right was denied to him. The exact transfer- and detention conditions are not unknown to you. You decided upon them yourself.
I was shocked to hear he went on a hunger strike during two weeks. The last four days he did not drink either. He started eating again because his life was in danger, not because there had been a response of any kind.
You have been justifying the special measures and extremely hard conditions by the lies and terrorist atmosphere you have created yourself. By this you represented a situation which is unbearable to anyone, as normal and even necessary.
The exceptionally long detention period in Spain (more than 20 years) has inevitably caused serious mental and physical damage. Especially the 14 years of total isolation in the infamous FIES-regime and the current practice of torture therein, provoked his actual irremediable health problems. He is traumatised and suffers chronic heart problems.
Jose Delgado points out that he won’t be able to bear these conditions much longer.
His detention conditions put him in acute peril of life. You are directly responsible for this.
Therefore, I demand that he is granted conditions that make it possible for him to live further on. This is his fundamental right as a human being.
Own clothing as long as he is in U-haft.
Immediate access to his personal possessions (dictionaries, letters, addresses, books and other materials.)
Access to the recreation facilities for long-term prisoners: sport, culture, cooking and the like.
The correspondence and the books, sent to him in accordance with the prison regulations should be handed over to him immediately.Visits in the visiting room, removal of the window between the
prisoner and the visitor
Cessation of the isolation regime and the possibility to have contact with other prisoners.
Immediate cessation of the lies and of the creation of the terrorist atmosphere.
In case you wouldn’t comply with this basic demands, I feel obliged to act upon this matter with persistency.
Sehr geehrter Herr,
Hiermit möchte ich Ihnen mitteilen welch unmenschliche und unannehmbare Bedingungen Jose Fernandez Delgado bis zu diesem Tage ertragen muss.
Dieser Gefangene wurde am 13. Oktober in das Kölner Gefängnis verlegt.
Bei seiner Verlegung wurde ihm nicht gestattet seine persönlichen
Gegenstände mitzunehmen und all seine Rechte wurden ihm verwehrt. Die genauen Verlegungs-und Haftbedingungen sind Ihnen nicht unbekannt. Sie haben selber darüber entschieden.
Ich war schockiert zu hören, dass er während zwei Wochen im
Hungerstreik war.
Während der letzten vier Tage hat er auch nichts getrunken. Er hat
wieder angefangen zu essen weil sein Leben in Gefahr war, nicht etwa weil es eine Antwort jeglicher Art gegeben hätte.
Sie haben die außergewöhnlichen Maßnahmen und extrem harten Bedingungen durch die Lügen und die Terror-Stimmung die Sie selber geschaffen haben gerechfertigt.
Dadurch haben sie eine Situation die für jedeN schlicht unannehmbar ist als normal und sogar als notwendig dargestellt.
Seine extrem lange Haftzeit in Spanien (über 20 Jahre) hat unumgänglich ernsthafte psychische und physische Schäden mit sich getragen. Besonders die 14-jährige totale Isolation im schrecklichen FIES-Regime und die darin gängige Folterausübung haben seine jetzigen unheilbaren Gesundheitsprobleme provoziert. Er ist traumatisiert und
leidet unter chronischen Herzproblemen. Jose Delgado erklärt, dass er
diese Bedingungen nicht mehr viel länger ertragen könne.
Seine Haftbedingungen bringen ihn in akute Lebensgefahr und Sie sind
direkt dafür verantwortlich.
Deswegen fordere ich dass man ihm Bedingungen zuwilligt die es ihm
ermöglichen weiterzuleben. Dies ist ein menschliches Grundrecht.
Eigene Kleidung so lange er in U-Haft ist. Sofortiges Verfügen über seinen persönlichen Besitz (Wörterbücher, Briefe, Adressen, Bücher und andere Materialien.)
Zugang zu den Freizeitaktivitäten für langzeitig Inhaftierte: Sport,
Kultur, Kochen und Ähnliches.
Die Korrespondenz und die Bücher die ihm in Übereinstimmung mit den
Gefängnisbestimmungen geschickt wurden sollen ihm unverzüglich
ausgehändigt werden.
Ende der Isolationshaft und die Möglichkeit Kontakte zu anderen
Gefangenen zu haben.
Unverzügliches Ende der Lügen und der terroristischen Stimmungsmache.
Im Falle einer Nichteinwilligung dieser grundsätzlichen Forderungen
Ihrerseits, fühle ich mich dazu verpflichtet entschieden auf diesen Fall zu reagieren.
Background Information on the "Aachen 4" case
On the 28th of September 2005, the 23th day of trial, the verdicts were finally announced:
Jose Fernandez Delgado: 14 years in prison
Gabriel Pombo da Silva: 13 years in prison
Bart de Geeter: 3 years and 6 months in prison
Begonia Pombo da Silva: 10 month's probation
On the 28th June, near Aachen in the area of the German/Dutch border, police stopped a car with four people, including Spanish anarchist fugitive Gabriel Pombo da Silva. The car attempted to escape, and shots were exchanged between the police and the fleeing car. All four were eventually arrested, and are now accused of planning bank robberies, as well as the charges relating to their escape attempt. They are now on trial in Aachen. Their names are Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Begoña Pombo Da Silva (now released, but still facing charges), Fernández Delgado and Bart De Geeter . They can recieve letters sent via the prosecutors office:
(Name of prisoner) C/o Staatsnwaltschaft Aachen, AZ 401JS284/04, Stifstrasse 39-43, 52062 Aachen, Germany
Since their imprisonment we have tried to support and defend our comrades as good as we can. We provided for lawyers, organized benefits to raise (still bitterly) needed money, poster, leaflets and talks to explain and inform the people about what happened, about the prisoners (who are they, their situation in prison, etc.), about the context (FIES, etc.), about what we can, should, must do…
Finally, let’s make clear that this trial is not the end; it’s the beginning, or not even the beginning, but a continuation of the struggle we are committed to; a struggle to overcome our fears, to give up our privileges, to take hold of our own lives, to win our freedom and the freedom of all. Dare to struggle, dare to win!
Neither victims, nor martyrs. Solidarity with those who struggle.
You can find more details, and latest reports from the trial, on the homepage
We cannot let Jose struggle alone anymore. it is time to act ourselves and start to put pressure on the judge and on the director of the prison. It is the least we could do... We made a model a letter, which could be sent by post, by mail or by fax.
A date is fixed to put the pressure on the maximum and try to overload prison and court with our demands: the 5th of December. Below is a letter to the court that you can use, in English and in German, with two addresses for the responsible judge and the prison where Jose is held. Please send copies immediately and encourage others to do the same! And of course write to Jose himself and his comrades Gariel and Bart at (Name of prisoner) C/o Staatsnwaltschaft Aachen, AZ 401JS284/04, Stifstrasse 39-43, 52062 Aachen, Germany.
To the judge:
Richter Nohl, C/o Landgericht, Postfach 52034, Germany Tel: 0049/ (0)241 54 38 03, Fax: 0049/ 0241 9425-1407
To the prison: JVA Aussenstelle, Rochusstrasse 246, 50827 Köln, Germany
Dear Sir,
I want to bring to your notice the inhuman and unbearable conditions Jose Fernandez Delgado has to endure to this date. This prisoner has been transferred to the prison of Köln on the 13th of October. At the moment of his transfer, he was not allowed to take any of his personal possessions and every right was denied to him. The exact transfer- and detention conditions are not unknown to you. You decided upon them yourself.
I was shocked to hear he went on a hunger strike during two weeks. The last four days he did not drink either. He started eating again because his life was in danger, not because there had been a response of any kind.
You have been justifying the special measures and extremely hard conditions by the lies and terrorist atmosphere you have created yourself. By this you represented a situation which is unbearable to anyone, as normal and even necessary.
The exceptionally long detention period in Spain (more than 20 years) has inevitably caused serious mental and physical damage. Especially the 14 years of total isolation in the infamous FIES-regime and the current practice of torture therein, provoked his actual irremediable health problems. He is traumatised and suffers chronic heart problems.
Jose Delgado points out that he won’t be able to bear these conditions much longer.
His detention conditions put him in acute peril of life. You are directly responsible for this.
Therefore, I demand that he is granted conditions that make it possible for him to live further on. This is his fundamental right as a human being.
Own clothing as long as he is in U-haft.
Immediate access to his personal possessions (dictionaries, letters, addresses, books and other materials.)
Access to the recreation facilities for long-term prisoners: sport, culture, cooking and the like.
The correspondence and the books, sent to him in accordance with the prison regulations should be handed over to him immediately.Visits in the visiting room, removal of the window between the
prisoner and the visitor
Cessation of the isolation regime and the possibility to have contact with other prisoners.
Immediate cessation of the lies and of the creation of the terrorist atmosphere.
In case you wouldn’t comply with this basic demands, I feel obliged to act upon this matter with persistency.
Sehr geehrter Herr,
Hiermit möchte ich Ihnen mitteilen welch unmenschliche und unannehmbare Bedingungen Jose Fernandez Delgado bis zu diesem Tage ertragen muss.
Dieser Gefangene wurde am 13. Oktober in das Kölner Gefängnis verlegt.
Bei seiner Verlegung wurde ihm nicht gestattet seine persönlichen
Gegenstände mitzunehmen und all seine Rechte wurden ihm verwehrt. Die genauen Verlegungs-und Haftbedingungen sind Ihnen nicht unbekannt. Sie haben selber darüber entschieden.
Ich war schockiert zu hören, dass er während zwei Wochen im
Hungerstreik war.
Während der letzten vier Tage hat er auch nichts getrunken. Er hat
wieder angefangen zu essen weil sein Leben in Gefahr war, nicht etwa weil es eine Antwort jeglicher Art gegeben hätte.
Sie haben die außergewöhnlichen Maßnahmen und extrem harten Bedingungen durch die Lügen und die Terror-Stimmung die Sie selber geschaffen haben gerechfertigt.
Dadurch haben sie eine Situation die für jedeN schlicht unannehmbar ist als normal und sogar als notwendig dargestellt.
Seine extrem lange Haftzeit in Spanien (über 20 Jahre) hat unumgänglich ernsthafte psychische und physische Schäden mit sich getragen. Besonders die 14-jährige totale Isolation im schrecklichen FIES-Regime und die darin gängige Folterausübung haben seine jetzigen unheilbaren Gesundheitsprobleme provoziert. Er ist traumatisiert und
leidet unter chronischen Herzproblemen. Jose Delgado erklärt, dass er
diese Bedingungen nicht mehr viel länger ertragen könne.
Seine Haftbedingungen bringen ihn in akute Lebensgefahr und Sie sind
direkt dafür verantwortlich.
Deswegen fordere ich dass man ihm Bedingungen zuwilligt die es ihm
ermöglichen weiterzuleben. Dies ist ein menschliches Grundrecht.
Eigene Kleidung so lange er in U-Haft ist. Sofortiges Verfügen über seinen persönlichen Besitz (Wörterbücher, Briefe, Adressen, Bücher und andere Materialien.)
Zugang zu den Freizeitaktivitäten für langzeitig Inhaftierte: Sport,
Kultur, Kochen und Ähnliches.
Die Korrespondenz und die Bücher die ihm in Übereinstimmung mit den
Gefängnisbestimmungen geschickt wurden sollen ihm unverzüglich
ausgehändigt werden.
Ende der Isolationshaft und die Möglichkeit Kontakte zu anderen
Gefangenen zu haben.
Unverzügliches Ende der Lügen und der terroristischen Stimmungsmache.
Im Falle einer Nichteinwilligung dieser grundsätzlichen Forderungen
Ihrerseits, fühle ich mich dazu verpflichtet entschieden auf diesen Fall zu reagieren.
Background Information on the "Aachen 4" case
On the 28th of September 2005, the 23th day of trial, the verdicts were finally announced:
Jose Fernandez Delgado: 14 years in prison
Gabriel Pombo da Silva: 13 years in prison
Bart de Geeter: 3 years and 6 months in prison
Begonia Pombo da Silva: 10 month's probation
On the 28th June, near Aachen in the area of the German/Dutch border, police stopped a car with four people, including Spanish anarchist fugitive Gabriel Pombo da Silva. The car attempted to escape, and shots were exchanged between the police and the fleeing car. All four were eventually arrested, and are now accused of planning bank robberies, as well as the charges relating to their escape attempt. They are now on trial in Aachen. Their names are Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Begoña Pombo Da Silva (now released, but still facing charges), Fernández Delgado and Bart De Geeter . They can recieve letters sent via the prosecutors office:
(Name of prisoner) C/o Staatsnwaltschaft Aachen, AZ 401JS284/04, Stifstrasse 39-43, 52062 Aachen, Germany
Since their imprisonment we have tried to support and defend our comrades as good as we can. We provided for lawyers, organized benefits to raise (still bitterly) needed money, poster, leaflets and talks to explain and inform the people about what happened, about the prisoners (who are they, their situation in prison, etc.), about the context (FIES, etc.), about what we can, should, must do…
Finally, let’s make clear that this trial is not the end; it’s the beginning, or not even the beginning, but a continuation of the struggle we are committed to; a struggle to overcome our fears, to give up our privileges, to take hold of our own lives, to win our freedom and the freedom of all. Dare to struggle, dare to win!
Neither victims, nor martyrs. Solidarity with those who struggle.
You can find more details, and latest reports from the trial, on the homepage
