UK Repression Newswire Archive
March on parliament-London 19th Jan - finally a huge protest is happening again
13-01-2011 18:50
The scum in parliament are debating taking even more money from the poor - in this case scrapping EMASolidarity demo for the Thessaloniki 4 – London friday 14.01.11
13-01-2011 18:36

14:00 Friday January 14, 2011
Greek Embassy, London
1A Holland Park,
London W11 3TP
Nearest tube: Lancaster Gate, Central Line
undercover cop Newsnight report online
13-01-2011 16:46
It's available for the moment on YouTube, as well as iPlayer, if you want to see it after this week, or send it to your friends abroadSaving Iceland statement on Mark Stone
13-01-2011 15:10
The following is a statement from the Saving Iceland campaign released today in response to various request from media to talk about Mark Stone / KennedySave Liebig 14! - Demo This Friday
13-01-2011 13:51

Demo outside the German embassy
This friday - 14th January - 12 midday
23 Belgrave Square, sw1x
Underground: Knightsbridge / Hyde Park Corner
Full article | 2 additions | 38 comments
Officer A
13-01-2011 09:32
Last night's guardian article about another undercover officer below - sorry to repost but this seems like useful information to me. So are we keeping to the guardian's 'gentlemen's agreement' with the police not to be open about who this officer A is? Is it just for those that 'need to know'? Please just post her name and face someone.Tunisian People's Revolution
13-01-2011 02:12

Urgent Appeal - Please distribute far and wide.
13-01-2011 01:54
I don't believe too much in the efficacy of the kind of write-in protest advocated below, but an international spotlight on this case just might have an effect onthe final sentencing of these exemplary militants. So if you are on any listservs, please post. Thanks
Mark Kennedy: secret policeman's sideline as corporate spy
12-01-2011 22:48
I know its bad form to just repost from the liberal press but they finally seem to have revealed something usefull.Hopefully this will put paid to any of the “going native” shit that was stirred up by the newsnight piece.
The second half of this actually contains some investigative journalism (though as always they got their leads from here)
Translated: "Indignez-vou" by 93-y.o. Incites Young French-600,000 Sold
12-01-2011 21:45

ENTSICHERN CONGRESS in Berlin, 29-30 January 2011
12-01-2011 21:13

A considerable part of all legislative and political decisions are currently made via the European Union. Expected resistance in the 27 member states is thwarted by this ”policy laundering” while the financially strongest governments furthermore dominate the course. At the same time the EU enlarge its powers through its own structures which coordinate cross-border activities as well as advance projects under its own direction.
This policy is especially noticeable in the area of European ”homeland defence” and its securitization, militarisation and gendarmerisation of social phenomenons. There is, however, no increased attention which accompanies the development of the EU by now, for example by the social movements. The radical Left, as well, which is normally never short of criticism of the state, remains speechless.
Post Flash Fallout, Lessons and Activist security
12-01-2011 20:00
Everyones being talking about Mark since Oct but what have people learned or changed? We always knew that the state was interested in our activities and that they send people to our meetings and monitor our email etc. However it seemed unlikely that the cops would take us seriously enough to go to such extreme lengths to embed a cop in our circles so deep or for such a long time. Sure, the cops would have their snitches among us, those who dedication to the cause could not compete to their own dedication to drink, drugs, parties and easy cash. Of course we also knew that the corporations we target would also be spying on us and that there were companies who specialised in infiltrating our groups and selling info to whoever would pay. When the news about Mark broke, the surprise wasn't that we had been infiltrated, it was the it was a cop and not simply a private detective or a friend turned informer.The 'censored' Mark Kennedy article
12-01-2011 19:41

PC Mark Kennedy sold services to E-ON via Global Open
12-01-2011 11:53
Story pulled from mainstream media in damage limitation exerciseWhite Hat Report #8
12-01-2011 05:56
White Hats Reporting on the latest activities of the the Dark Cabal, the United States Fed, the WH administration, Congress, the IRS, etc.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
9 years of Guantánamo - Beyond Words: Silent Witness to Injustice
11-01-2011 23:17

Solidarity demo for Thessaloniki 4
11-01-2011 20:04

1A Holland Park,
London W11 3TP
Nearest tube: Lancaster Gate, Central Line
Global Open - who Flash went to work for next!
11-01-2011 17:59
Mark Kennedy / Stone AKA Flash went on to work for a very dodgy 'commercial intel' firm set up by an ex head of the NPIOU!This is their website !

I can't forgive Mark Kennedy's betrayal of activists
11-01-2011 14:37
Along with many others, I was sickened when I discovered that the man I knew as a fellow activist, Mark Kennedy, was in fact an undercover police officer who had been spying on us since 2003. Yet my feelings were nothing compared with those who were close to him. The betrayal and loss they are feeling is a real grief – the equivalent of someone you love dying. I went through this myself a few years ago when one of my best friends, Martin Hogbin, was exposed as a BAE spy. I denied the facts for a long time simply because the truth was too difficult. I still miss my friend, miss the good times, miss him seeing my son grow up; I don't think this feeling will ever go away.
WikiLeaks: treat incitement seriously or expect more Gabrielle Gifford killing sprees
11-01-2011 14:19
Wikileaks today offered sympathy and condolences to the victims of the Tucson shooting together with best wishes for the recovery of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords, a democrat from Arizona's 8th district, was the target of a shooting spree at a Jan 8 political event in which six others were killed.