UK Repression Newswire Archive
Electronic-Voting and the U.S. & Brazilian Elections
03-10-2006 04:49

These electronic voting machines can be altered in minutes to throw elections
Australian charities boycott “welfare to work” measures
03-10-2006 01:27

Caritas Sony - dawn raided this morning
02-10-2006 21:21
Caritas Sony (24) and her two children (2 and 4 months) were dawn raided this morning, and are currently being detained in Dungavel prior to deportation.Canberra’s dirty tricks ahead of Solomon Islands no-confidence vote
02-10-2006 20:54

First They Came for Amalie
02-10-2006 20:44
A journalist and Los Angeles area police death squad survivor tells her story.BRITAIN: The mysterious case of the disappearing 'terror’ plots
02-10-2006 19:20
I've been wondering about this myself. The outrageous claims are made, the Government gets its "fear spike", then retractions are made quietly, if at all.London Social Forum – housing and land rights conference
02-10-2006 17:01

Missing Link Atta “Martyrdom” Video Appears Five Weeks Before Election
02-10-2006 11:54
Suddenly, with the midterm election five weeks away, a previously undiscovered video emerges, showing Mohammed Atta “reading his ‘martyrdom’ will inside Afghanistan at Usama bin Laden’s headquarters.”The idea here is to keep the American people on point as the Bushcons attempt to remain in control of Congress, not that Democrats can be expected to wander much from the neocon forever war agenda, inflated by fake terrorism and elusive, one-step-ahead terrorists, Freddy Kruger phantoms designed to keep the “clash of civilizations” going indefinitely.
PHILIPPINES: The Killings Must Stop
02-10-2006 11:23
This is a Statement by European Church and Civil Society Organisations regarding the recent upsurge of political killings in the Philippines.Public Meeting for Sack Parliament - this Tuesday
02-10-2006 06:53
Sack Parliament public meeting this Tuesday eve at LARCSixth Anniversary of Al-Aqsa Intifada Passes Still Unresolved
02-10-2006 05:59
PALESTINIAN OPPRESSION CONTINUES UNABATEDThe Zapatistas and the Other: The Pedestrians of History
01-10-2006 23:54
This document is especially intended for and directed toward the adherents of the Sixth Declaration and the Other Campaign. And, of course, to those who might sympathize with our movement.Bilingual Bulletin from Oaxaca
01-10-2006 19:22
A rough translation of recent events in Mexico from Irene. Streets have been renamed to honour the disappeared. Anybody who can make a better translation from the Spanish to the English is invited to do so.The War They Do Not Want You to See; The Lughing 9/11 Bombers - New Video
01-10-2006 18:35
- Blood & guts: At the front with the poor bloody infantry- The laughing 9/11 bombers: Video: Osama Bin Laden's HQ Chilling message of the 9/11 pilots and more
Welfare Reform, Not Welfare Destruction.
01-10-2006 16:01

Top British architect tells of terror 'arrest'
01-10-2006 10:02
Seth Stein is used to jetting around the world to create stylish holiday homes for wealthy clients. This means the hip architect is familiar with the irritations of heightened airline security post-9/11. But not even he could have imagined being mistaken for an Islamist terrorist and physically pinned to his seat while aboard an American Airlines flight - especially as he has Jewish origins.“A Total Rollback Of Everything This Country Has Stood For”:
30-09-2006 08:27

30-09-2006 01:36

A spanner in the corpse machine (report on picket of London Soldier)
30-09-2006 01:24