UK Repression Newswire Archive
Hyrbyair Marri is Hijacking the Baloch struggle?
28-10-2010 08:47

Whose cops are more racist, America’s or the Brits'?
27-10-2010 22:51

‘Deadly coal tour’
27-10-2010 21:04

Autonomous film night (31st Oct.)
27-10-2010 15:30
Anarchy, bank robbery & revolt in Greece... Film showing & discussion.A few comments on the shac sentencing
27-10-2010 11:36

The SHAC Trial - Political Sentences Are Good for You!
27-10-2010 00:10
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”SHAC Second Trial sentences - could have been a hell of a lot worse
25-10-2010 17:24
Today 6 activists who had plead guilty to either Conspiricy to Blackmail HLS or Conspiricy to interfere with a contractual relationship of an animal research company (SOCPA 145). Were sentencedState Repression in Iceland - RVK9
24-10-2010 20:48

They are in desperate need of support and solidarity actions from abroad.
Birmingham Spy Cameras - police meeting Monday 25th October
24-10-2010 19:52
Public/ open meeting at 11.30 AM TOMORROW - Monday 25th Oct
West Midlands Police Authority are holding a meeting about the issues surrounding the controversial 'Project Champion' spy cameras, which was suspended in July.
There will be a response from the police and the police authority to the recent independent review into the fiasco. There will aslo be a report from the chief constable regarding "the future of the cameras". Th...en the public (who are allowed to attend, but not speak, I'm told) will be ejected. The meeting will continue in closed session behind closed doors with the public excluded while talks are carried out in secret.
SHAC Solidarity demos
24-10-2010 12:41
To show solidarity with those being sentenced tommorrow and to demonstrate our disgust at the most recent infiltration of our movements please read belowTrading Corruption
24-10-2010 10:16
Financial Trading: why you NEVER win in general by trading any financial instruments.Translation of two leaflets about current struggles in France
23-10-2010 20:05
Translation of two leaflets about current struggles in France from Internationalist ProletariansUG#521 - Walling Us In and The Illusion of Separation
23-10-2010 07:21

ITALY: Rubbish tip riots rattle Terzigno town
23-10-2010 03:50

Thessaloniki Solidarity Campaign: Public Meeting in London @ LARC, 25 October
22-10-2010 23:32
The Thessaloniki 4 solidarity campaign group will hold a public meeting on 25 October 2010 at 7.30pm at the London Action Resource Centre (LARC) in Whitechapel, London E1.Over a hundred people were arrested after a demonstration confronting the European Union summit, held in Thessaloniki in Greece in 2003. Seven people were imprisoned on remand and eventually began a hunger strike that lasted more than 50 days.
With the constant worldwide solidarity of thousands of people, in direct action, in occupations, demonstrations, benefits and struggle, the seven prisoners were released on bail and the charges were dropped. Then the charges were reinstated, and when the first trial took place in January 2008, the four were found guilty and sentenced to prison sentences between 5 and 8 years.
The solidarity campaign in London, in Greece and around the world was one of the most powerful – and effective – struggles for the freedom of prisoners we ever experienced.
Eight years after the original arrests, the remaining four accused face their final appeal trial in January 2011. All four, charged with serious offences such as riot, possession and causing explosions, possession of weapons and resisting arrest, face sentences of more than five years, even though they were all beaten up, fitted up and framed.
We will present the latest news on the case and some short films that show what happened in 2003, and what could happen next.
Demi-Lune squat evicted, repression in Montreuil, France
22-10-2010 19:21

Southampton EDL Social/Fundraiser
22-10-2010 15:06
Southampton EDL Social/FundraiserAnti-nuclear protests at 100 German locations this Saturday
21-10-2010 23:15

Organisers claim that at least 500 additional consignments of CASTOR containers will travel if the operating lives of 17 nuclear power stations are extended, which the conservative-led government plans to do by parliamentary decision next Thursday, 28 Oct.
Militant murdered by (statist) unionists, Argentina
21-10-2010 17:12
Yesterday (20/10) agents of a mainstream union killed a 23-year-old activist of an independent union in Argentina. Social organisations and the non-official union confederation made an urgent call for mobilisations and a general strike in Buenos Aires.