UK Repression Newswire Archive
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Dale Farm: The wider context
14-10-2011 16:14

The last time I wrote about Dale Farm I had been living there for four days and it had felt inspiring to be a part of Camp Constant and the Dale Farm Solidarity Campaign, trying to resist the eviction of the largest Traveller community of its kind in Britain. I am now writing this six weeks later and after an aborted eviction attempt and a short respite as another appeal has gone through the courts, eviction is once again imminent. It is not my intention to interrogate the facts around the council’s pretext for the eviction as I already laid down in my previous article my argument for why I believe it is unjust and based on prejudice. After having lived there for five weeks the following article represents just a small part of my personal experience of being at Dale Farm, the wider context of what I have discovered and why I think you should get your arse down there immediately.
Second Open Letter to those concerned with the progress of our enemies
14-10-2011 01:59

Michael Lyons: Appeal turned down at Royal Courts of Justice
13-10-2011 17:15

Ceilidh Benefit Night For Antifascist Prisoners
13-10-2011 13:58

Trade agreement threatens your internet freedom
13-10-2011 02:48
A new trade agreement poses a threat to free speech online. Help stop ACTA now and tell the European Parliament to vote "NO!"See the full story at

The Abuse Of Mentally Ill Prisoners Held In Close Supervision Centres
12-10-2011 16:23
Prison doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists are currently complicit in the abuse and psychological torture of mentally ill prisoners held in a brutal jail control-unit at Woodhill Prison in Milton Keynes.Sentencing From Student and Anti Cuts Protests As Of 10/10/11
12-10-2011 07:42
Operation Atomic Phaseout: Neither Satisfied Nor Pacified
11-10-2011 20:41

Birmingham Guild Reinstate the Vice President Education Mobilisation!!!
11-10-2011 13:00
Edd Bauer was arrested on Friday the 16th of September after unfurling a banner at the liberal democrat conference saying “Traitors Not Welcome, Hate Clegg Love NCAFC”. He has been constantly fighting to defend education through grass roots campaigning which he pledged to do in his manifestoOn Tuesday 27th of September Edd Bauer was suspended as the vice president of education “indefinitely”. Stop Fees and Cuts Birmingham are calling for Edd’s reinstatement to his position with immediate effect and are calling for national mobilisation.
St. Andrews in Tent City Occupation
11-10-2011 06:04
St. Andrews students are in occupation against the recent fee increase for Rest Of UK students. The cost of a degree at St. Andrews now stands at £36,000 which makes our University the most exspensive in the UK. Anti cuts activists and autonomous supporters have started a tent-city occupation to demonstrate against this University's policy.Ceilidh Benefit Night For Antifascist Prisoners
10-10-2011 13:03
A benefit organised by supporters in London. Info about the case at Sounds like it'll be a great night.10 years in Afghanistan: torture and detention - report
10-10-2011 12:09
Friday 7th October 2011 marked the tenth anniversary of the start of the current NATO-led war in Afghanistan. As well as leading to the death of thousands of civilians and soldiers, the war in Afghanistan is also the birthplace of one of the lesser known aspects of the so-called "war on terror": the torture and arbitrary detention of thousands of prisoners of all ages and nationalities.Pics here:

Antifascist Prisoners Leaflet
10-10-2011 09:49

Block the bridge live video feed
09-10-2011 16:25
5.24pm protestors blocked in mini kettle by cops..Call to scientists to join ant-"biofuel" appeal
08-10-2011 18:07

Europe’s agrofuel devours the rainforests.
In a joint letter 168 scientists have warned the EU against so-called “biofuel”. They say plant energy from field crops is anything but climate-friendly, which the EU claims it is.
Prominent Kurdish Activist Assassinated in Syria
08-10-2011 13:27

Policing public order - the manual
07-10-2011 16:14

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Open Letter from TPTG
06-10-2011 20:43
Open Letter to the British internationalist/anti-authoritarian/activist/protest/street scenes (and to all those concerned with the progress of our enemies)