UK Repression Newswire Archive
Labour government gags “extraordinary renditions” whistleblower
04-03-2008 15:22
Last Friday, the Labour government took out a high court injunction to prevent a former member of the British Special Air Services, Ben Griffin, from revealing further details about the government’s involvement in “extraordinary rendition”The Systematic Abuse of Children by the State
04-03-2008 13:25
John Bowden writes from Noranside Prison, Scotland.Appeal For Financial Assistance: UKZN Engineering Students
04-03-2008 12:35
Socialist Student Movement (SSM) has released the following press statement in solidarity with a group of engineering students who are instituting legal action against the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN). The Institution has filed opposing papers, and the matter will be coming before the Durban High Court in a few days. The students, who we believe have a very strong case, are in dire need of financial support towards legal fees. And anyone who is in a position to assist with whatever amount can deposit the funds into following account:Account Number: 62015762322
Bank: First National Bank
Branch: Davenport
Many new encryption packages insecure
04-03-2008 11:30
Passwords remain in memory - problems with TrueCrypt and FileVault.NETCU WATCH // Wash your mouth out!
04-03-2008 00:39

NETCU WATCH // Who are the Inkerman Group
04-03-2008 00:34

Guantánamo whistleblower Stephen Abraham addresses European Parliament
04-03-2008 00:15
Andy Worthington, the author of “The Guantánamo Files,” reports on a European Parliament meeting regarding the detainees in Guantánamo, and reproduces the testimony offered by former US military intelligence officer Stephen Abraham, the whistleblower who last year exposed the military tribunals as a sham.Save Sulukule (Turkey) and 3000 gypsies
03-03-2008 23:53
Since November 2007, when Istanbul began its large-scale project of urban transformation, Sulukule, old and legendary neighborhood of Istanbul famous for its Roma population, has received its share of attention. Moving the Roma community to a new district is being advocated by an Italy-based social activist associationFull article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Children gassed and shot in Gaza Solidarity Protests across West Bank
03-03-2008 17:51
Children of the West Bank take to the streets, leading a wave of solidarity protests against Israel's attacks on Gaza.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
G8 2001 Bolzaneto, the indictment by Morisani, state prosecutor
03-03-2008 17:38

Last Thursday Genova Prosecutor Mario Morisani stood to begin his final arguments in the Bolzaneto G8 torture case, the sister case to Diaz. He spoke of the G8 in Genoa which "had been a wave of insanity. Everyone lost control on one side and the other".
Harmondsworth public inquiry challenge - tomorrow 4 March 2008
03-03-2008 17:25
A demonstration will be held outside the Court of Appeal as it prepares to hear a case brought by Liberty asking for a judicial review of the government's refusal to hold a public inquiry into the disturbance at Harmondsworth in November 2006.Creating the Climate of Fear: Counter-Terrorism and Punishment without Trial
03-03-2008 17:01
The government is seeking to pass new anti-terror laws giving the police and the judiciary more powers to use against you - the 42 day debate is just part of the package. Join us on 14 March and see what the Counter-Terrorism Bill really has in store. Public meeting: all welcomeCops use military seige tactics at TAA fundraiser, Brighton.
03-03-2008 12:53
A fundraiser for the forthcoming Temporary Autonomous Art project in Brighton was clamped down on heavily on Saturday. Police used violent tactics to attack the building showing there true face yet again. more........How to Fitwatch
03-03-2008 10:39
Fitwatch meeting - Saturday 8th March at the LSE (Connaught House, Aldwych) at 2pm. Room H103.CDG - the lying continues
03-03-2008 10:16
The lying at CDG has evolved from little white lies to big black liesThe acceptance of atrocities against Palestinian civilians
03-03-2008 07:12
The extraordinary acceptance of mass killings of men, women and children by the Israeli Defence Forces, on a now daily basis, is becoming ever more repugnant to thinking Jews around the world who refuse to allow such atrocities to be carried out in their name.SOCPA - euro referendum protest - crane occupation at parl sq
03-03-2008 02:59
some peaceful activists from have just occupied a crane at parliament square in the early hours of monday 4th marchSOCPA - MP stops just short of advocating the death penalty for protest
03-03-2008 00:25

Full article | 3 additions | 2 comments
Reclaim your Food stall finally criminalised
02-03-2008 16:39
Police has definitely intervened in the weekly Sunday free food action today 2nd March 2008 in the Brixton Oval.Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
Freedom to Protest, London 1 March 2008
02-03-2008 10:17

Pictures © 2008, Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.