UK Repression Newswire Archive
New York car bomb Incident: Another false flag?
08-05-2010 19:36

Then using it as a pretext for more war and to divert attention from America's deepening economic crisis, likely to erupt in protests because of Washington's indifference to millions affected.
BNP meltdown continues - annihilation in Barking and Dagenham
07-05-2010 18:06
Bye-bye BNPContact Greens of Gloucestershire to get them to stop selling NAZI flags!
07-05-2010 15:44
Please ring / email or write to get these assholes to stop selling fash memorabilia.Black Cat Centre (Bath) Illegally Evicted
07-05-2010 14:55
The Black Cat, Bath, has sadly been evicted this morning from the Porter Butt building on London Road.Athens: Lawyers, pensioners, activists attacked by cops
07-05-2010 12:20

Greek cops injure people, break into social centre
06-05-2010 21:43

An employee of the burnt bank speaksout on tonight’s tragic deaths in Athens
06-05-2010 15:29
An employee of the burnt bank speaks out on tonight’s tragic deaths in Athens – please spread....The murderers “mourn” their victims-(Regarding the tragic death of 3 people)
06-05-2010 15:26
Thursday, May 6, 2010": Statement by the Skaramanga squat in Athens regarding General Strike's eventsregarding of what happend yesterday 05/05/21010
May 15th, Paris: Final plans for No Borders Transnational Action
06-05-2010 13:34

Then come to Paris on 15th May to participate in a transnational day of action for freedom of movement. Check out this breakdown of the day's events and book your travel now!
Bristol Eco Villager hospitalised after tripod demolition
05-05-2010 20:14
Bailiffs succeed in evicting Bristol Eco VillageBita Ghaedi deportation halted by European Court of Human Rights
05-05-2010 18:42

European Court of Human Rights halts Bita Ghaedi deportation.
05-05-2010 18:14

Pogrom in Exarchia, squats attacked. Fire service say 3 dead
05-05-2010 15:22
Exarchia under attackSquats attacked
Local citizens attacked
National Coordinator Domestic Extremist
05-05-2010 11:05 new site just set up by "anti extremism" copsBristol Eco Village Eviction Update - Urgent
05-05-2010 10:07
Bailiffs threatening to remove Trpod sitters without special equipmentAfrica house unde threat and CRS 8
04-05-2010 21:47

Tied Hands
04-05-2010 20:32
latest editorial by antifaresistance, about repressive strategies in europe.Question concerning resistance actions in the UK
04-05-2010 14:46
why?why?why?Bita Ghaedi Asylum case refused by UK Home Office.
04-05-2010 14:09
I have just spoken to Bita's partner Mohsen and he has stated that the UK Home Office has refused to stay the deportation order of Bita Ghaedi.The Protest Psychosis
04-05-2010 13:11
Great piece of historical research into the diagnosis of political protest as a psychiatric disorder amongst black men in the 60 & 70s USA.'Protest Psychosis' was the actual term applied by psychiatrists to angry black demonstrators.