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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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London Daily Telegraph group lying on, making Harriet Harman legitimate

14-01-2009 07:15

The TELEGRAPH group's coverage of one of Harriet Harman's electoral stunts hides the truth as usual. They are calling it a 'class war' move. The truth is the opposite

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Protests in Latvia

13-01-2009 23:08

Violent protests in Riga

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More Riots in Oslo / Mass arrests in Copenhagen

13-01-2009 21:25

Yesterday there were new, and bigger, riots in Oslo. It all started
with a demonstration outside parliament, called by a variety of mainly
left wing organizations.

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Leak: Israel plans to attack Free Gaza relief boat

13-01-2009 13:07

This message has been received from medical sources inside Gaza. It alleges that the Israeli Navy intends to attack the Free Gaza relief boat "Spirit of Humanity," which had to return to port with engine trouble yesterday. Suggested contacts are included.

See also

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Talk from Guantanamo former detainee and guard - Cageprisoners National Tour

13-01-2009 11:22

I attended the second night of this tour in Bristol, and would highly recomend it. The opportunity to watch the conversation unfolding between these people is a rare and profound experience, full of emotional insights and even humour amongst the grim reality.
Please support this tour and check back to to find out more about how it came about. It's an incredible story.

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TSG Goons Lash Out At Demonstrators By Kensington Palace Gardens

13-01-2009 11:05

Bell Hats
There is a rumour which seems to have gained credence and may still persist among those demonstrators who took part in the march from Hyde Park to the Israeli Embassy rally point on the 10th Jan 2009. Namely that the Kensington Palace Gardens Gate battle with the TSG happened at back gates to the Israeli Embassy.

But the truth in fact is someone had spotted a large unit of cops in bell helmets some safe distance behind the gates. An increasing numerous crowd parted from the march gathered at the gates and started throwing shoes, setting placards alight and shoving them under the gap of the gate. This in turn ignited the shoes.

The fact that a number of people were sitting on top of the gate wall waving the hammer and sickle flags of the MLKP maybe should have, but clearly failed to alert the crowd, that this entrance was actually the approach to the Russian Embassy!

A quick surf of multimap will confirm where Old Court Place is in relation to Kensington Palace Gardens!

Photo time line –

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American Indian activist: Breaking the silence on Obama

13-01-2009 10:48

Russell Means
American Indian activist Russell Means said President-elect Obama was selected by the colonial powers as president to improve the US image globally in the aftermath of George Bush. On Indian lands, the only people who get ahead are those who sell out to the colonial system.

“Every policy the Palestinians are now enduring was practiced on the American Indian,” added Means.

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Canadian Website incites MURDER of ISM activists in Gaza.

13-01-2009 08:35

A notice on the website of a group calling itself STOP THE ISM.COM which asks for Information of the exact locations of the ISM activists "so that they can be dealt with" The article carries photo's and names two activists still in Gaza Ewa Jasiewicz
Vittorio Arrigoni and goes into the usual anti Palestinian rants about hiding behind babies and all the added bullshit. This site is thought to be in the Canada (Apparently) .

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Gaza Demo - a cop opines

12-01-2009 20:46

I've been reading comments on the site for a few days and while you don't expect to find a lot of love for the Metropolitan Police on here the lack of objectivity is starting to border on the myopic. To suggest that the violence on Saturday was in some way planned or instigated by the police is to ignore both the facts and the truth. Quite sad really on a site that proclaims it's honesty and integrity as it's raison d'etra

I was there on Saturday and my colleagues and I were coming under attack for hours before the baton charges and mounted deployments that everyone seems to be solely focusing on. Police did not deploy in "riot" kit but normal everyday beat helmets and jackets. We sustained a constant barrage of shoes, sticks, placards, road cones, coins, the occasional firework and paint for several hours prior to kit being deployed.
Your own pictures posted on the site show this.

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Stop Government Sound Lelel Restrictions in Live Entertainment Venues

12-01-2009 13:47


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Attempted murder of Oaxacan activist

12-01-2009 00:01

In the latest of a string of intimidations and attacks, an attempt is made on the life of the libertarian activist and former APPO Councillor RUBÉN VALENCIA NUÑEZ.

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Netcu Watch // Demonstrations outside HLS on days of SHAC sentencing. Join us!

11-01-2009 16:44

Call to action on 19th and 20th of January.

Some of us will be engaging in legal and peaceful protests in Cambridgeshire and Suffolk on the days on which Greg, Natasha, Heather, Gavin, Dan A, Dan W and Gerrah are sentenced for conspiracy to blackmail.

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Demonstrate against police brutality in solidarity with yesterday's arrestees.

11-01-2009 12:01

Policing at yesterday's demonstration against Gaza put us all in danger. Come and make some noise outside Kensington Police Station and let the arrestees know they have our solidarity.

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US resupplying Israel from port in Greece

10-01-2009 20:49

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz is reporting that the U.S. has arranged for a charter ship "to carry 325 standard 20-foot containers of what is listed as 'ammunition' on two separate journeys from the Greek port of Astakos to the Israeli port of Ashdod in mid-to-late January." The type and nature of the shipment is described as "pretty rare."

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LLoyds TSB Trample UK Registered Palestinian Charity

10-01-2009 14:06

Interpal, a UK registered charity, faces closure as a direct result of action taken by Lloyds TSB. This action has been taken and no reason given.

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SHAC ACTION ALERT : No Let Up For Animal Abusers

09-01-2009 21:08

This alert focuses on a HLS shareholder, Vanguard Group. This company hold
nearly one hundred thousands blood stained shares in Huntingdon Life Sciences,
who trade under the name, LSR (Life Science Research).

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From Oakland to Greece-fuck the police!

09-01-2009 20:58

Todays protest in Athens-Greece.

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This email is being monitored by your government ...

09-01-2009 19:27

... or it will be from the 15th of March 2009.

What is happening then?

From that date forth your ISP (Internet Service Provider) will
by law have to keep a copy of the address of every email you send and
receive (Including any junk mail your receive offering you pills,
potions and other services!) and it is estimated it will cost the
government in the region of 15-25 Million pounds per year (How many
teachers, nurses etc could that fund?)

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FIT policing at the Gaza demo (Sat 3rd Jan)

09-01-2009 19:13

The Gaza demonstration last Saturday was justifiably passionate, angry and determined, and there were many more there than the 12,000 that the police claimed.