UK Repression Newswire Archive
09-10-2005 04:37
6 ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTSSpanish Prison Resistance talk, London, this wednesday
08-10-2005 22:45
Spanish prison resistor Laudelino Iglesias Martinez will be talking about his 20 years in prison and the resistance to the F.I.E.S isolation units.Notts campaign against ID cards steps up a gear
08-10-2005 15:26

Genoa G8 Diaz Raid - Trial May be Cancelled by Berlusconi Law Change
08-10-2005 13:08
Amazing as it may seem, the court trial in Italy over the brutal police raid on the Diaz school during the 2001 Genoa G8 protests, may be effectively cancelled.The enquiry and trial of police accused of committing brutal acts is due to start this week, on Friday 14th October. Yet due to a new law currently going through the Italian parliament it may never conclude, meaning that no one will be punished.
Wednesday 12th October: Venezuelan "Day of Indigenous Resistance"
07-10-2005 21:01
We have two Hands Off Venezuela-related events this Wednesday 12th October:From 4pm to 6pm there is a picket of the Colombian embassy in solidarity with terrorised workers on general strike. 3 Hans Crescent (behind Harrods) SW1, nearest tube Knightsbridge.
Then from 7pm, a booksigning of "Hugo Chávez and the Bolivarian Revolution" by Richard Gott plus photo exhibition of the Alberdi School in Caracas by Jason Harris, followed by Venezuelan food & music. NUJ headquarters, 308 Gray's Inn Rd WC1, nearest tube King's Cross.
Launch of Jean Charles de Menezes Family Campaign
07-10-2005 18:22
The family and friends of Jean Charles de Menezes will be officially launching their campaign for justice at a public meeting on Monday 10th October, please see details below.AOL Time-Warner Censors Alex Jones Websites blackout nationwide in US since 7/7 bombings
07-10-2005 15:00
AOL Time-Warner Censors Alex Jones Websites Nationwide blackout a clear attempt to shut down free speech or just an error?They were the first site to broadcast Peter Power's C4 comments about conducting 'an exercise' on 7/7 at exactly the same underground stations
Peak District - The Rise of the Machines 2
07-10-2005 14:11
The natural environment is commodified as machines are used to collect a new countryside tax from visitors to the Peak District National Park.Sheffield - The Rise of the Machines 1
07-10-2005 11:56
Sheffield inchs towards Orwellian-Terminator nightmare as South Yorkshire Police announce plans for new machines in South Yorkshire.Revised proposal for terror law
06-10-2005 23:35
'Glorifying' terror plan revised - a victory for civil rights or part of the planA proposed new law which would have criminalised the "glorifying" of so-called terrorist activities has been revised following criticism. The revised proposal apparently means that somebody would have to "intend to incite" future terrorist acts in order to be convicted.
The mainstream media spin is that this change represents a 'Climb-down' by the Home Secretary Charles Clarke. However, I see things a little different. This is all 'double speak', just part of a well rehersed game we have seen over and over again to hoodwink us.
06-10-2005 22:22

Colombian Vice President Santos
06-10-2005 22:04
Contact the Vice-President of Colombia if you can before the 12th October....Critical Mass London: Letter from Green Party to Met. Police
06-10-2005 15:23
Jenny Jones has sent the following letter to the Commissioner of the Met Police, regarding Critical Mass. She and Darren Johnson will attend the next ride to show solidarity with fellow cyclists. They hope that others will do the same.Evidence needed to defend cilvil rights and promote world peace.
06-10-2005 14:06
Evidence needed to defend the rights of ordinary people to protest against powerful arms dealers responsible for the death of civilian s world wideB&K Universal- Blood on their Hands
06-10-2005 11:44
B&K are one of the largest breeders of lab animals in the UK wo sell gerbils, guinea-pigs, hamsters, mice, primates and rats. They are also known to sell rabbits and farm animals.Israel Court Bans Use of 'Human Shields'
06-10-2005 09:54
JERUSALEM - Israel's Supreme Court on Thursday banned the military's practice of using Palestinian civilians as "human shields" in arrest raids, saying it violates international law.Insidious Police Recruitment
05-10-2005 21:41

Set Farouq Kamara free. Police did not protect his family from racism.
05-10-2005 16:51
BLINK today launches a campaign to free Farouq Kamara from behind bars where he is languishing after defending his family from attack.You can write to Mr Kamara to show your support.
OutRage!-report on the demo-Iran Embassy
05-10-2005 15:29
Report and pics of the demo outside the Iranian Embassy: 4 October against Iran's attacks on gay people (and others).