UK Repression Newswire Archive
arrested for trying to deliver a letter
19-07-2006 15:49

Belgrade remembers Srebrenica - 11 years on...
19-07-2006 15:20

The Srebrenica massacre was the July 1995 killing of up to an estimated 8,106 Bosniak males, ranging in age from teenagers to the elderly, in the region of Srebrenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina by a Serb Army of Republika Srpska under general Ratko Mladić including Serbian state special forces "Scorpions". The Srebrenica massacre is the largest mass murder in Europe since World War II and considered by many as one of the most horrific events in recent European history. It is also the first legally established case of genocide in Europe after the Holocaust. (source: Wikipedia).
11 years on, a large crowd gathered in the city centre of Belgrade to remember the victims killed in the Srebrenica massacre. Last year the same vigil was attacked by nationalist groups, some of who trew teargas in the crowd. The police guarded the protest heavily this time. We took some photos...
Links: Wikipedia on the Srebrenica massacre | Preliminary list of 8106 Bosniaks killed in Srebrenica - (PDF version) - Issued by Federal Commission for Missing Persons on June 5, 2005 | The Association Women of Srebrenica - Official Website | Srebrenica Genocide Blog - Independent Blog Regarding Srebrenica Massacre | "Cry from the Grave" documentary film detailing the account of the massacre | Chemical Warfare in Bosnia? The Strange Experiences of the Srebrenica Survivors (a Human Rights Watch report) | BOSFAM - Non-Governmental group supporting displaced women in Bosnia
Emergency War Demos flyer HERE: please print & post
19-07-2006 13:13

detailing Birmingham, Manchester & London Demos.
Chronicle of global resistance against the 2006 G8 Summit!
19-07-2006 10:50
July 14, 2006 was a Global Day of Action against the G8. July 15, 2006 was an International Day of Action for Climate Justice, and against Climate Change and the G8. Below is a partial list of anti-G8 actions that happened on these days around the world, and on other days in St. Petersburg and elsewhere during the past week. A number of actions against climate change (including many Critical Mass bike rides) also occurred on July 14. We continue to receive information about additional actions -- stay tuned to and for updates! Contact
NEWCASTLE Lebanon/Gaza Emergency Demonstration this Saturday
18-07-2006 20:10
Just to let you know details of the Stop the War Coalition Demostration in Newcastle this Saturday at 1pm at Grey's Monument in the city centreNeocons Rise From Mideast Ashes
18-07-2006 17:18
Send this to your media outlets:It all started on July 12 when Israel troops were ambushed on Lebanon's side of the border with Israel.

19 July Iran demo's 1st anniversary of gay executions
18-07-2006 15:55
19 July 2006 is the 1st anniversary of the execution of two teenage gay men in Iran on trumped up charges. Demo's are planned around the world, incl London to mark this event and the on-going persecution of gay people in Iran.A Hyde Park Democracy - from London to Palestine
18-07-2006 12:43
The emergency conference called by ‘Stop the War’ on the crisis in Palestine drew a packed house. After a promising start we were left with the same options, a candle lit vigil and a state sanctioned march. With Gaza being bombed day and night surely it is time to step out of our comfort zone and reflect the courage of Palestinians.Lecomber murder plot. Six months on and still no arrest. Why?
18-07-2006 08:08
No arrest or even questioning for a known terrorist who proposes to murder public figures, in a racially-motivated conspiracy - yet he isn't even questioned...Picket of Israeli Tennis Team, Sat 22nd July
18-07-2006 07:20
Boycott IsraelPicket Israel’s tennis team in their Davis Cup tie with Britain
On Saturday 22nd July from 1.00pm
At Devonshire Park Tennis Club, College Road, Eastbourne, E Sussex, BN21 4JJ

Valerie Plame's CIA Unit Spied at 3rd-World Nuke Conferences
18-07-2006 06:00
Jean C. Edwards is a former CIA agent who recently listed Valerie Plame's famous CIA front company Brewster Jennings Associates as her own former employer. Edwards attended at least three conferences with nuclear engineers and scientists from Iran, Pakistan, and other prospective and actual nuclear nations, apparently to spy on them.. The conferences were held in Trieste, Italy, in 1991, 1992, and 1995 while Edwards worked for the CIA. In the lists of attendees below, Edwards is listed as Jean C. Edwards from Jamaica.Chronicle of global resistance against the 2006 G8 Summit!
17-07-2006 22:54
July 14, 2006 was a Global Day of Action against the G8. July 15, 2006 was an International Day of Action for Climate Justice, and against Climate Change and the G8. Below is a partial list of anti-G8 actions that happened on these days around the world, and on other days in St. Petersburg and elsewhere during the past week."Shut Guantanamo now!" Home Office, London 15 July, 2006
17-07-2006 21:59

Jean Charles - Another nail in the coffin of democracy.
17-07-2006 21:45

So as it stands right now there will be no opportunity to question in court:
1) The officer who falsely identified Jean Charles as would be suicide bomber Hussain Osman.
2) The officers who followed Jean and did not question their orders even though he displayed NO characteristics of a bomber and was not carrying a bag as the failed bombers had done. They also delayed the train for the firearms squad and indicated Jean to them.
3) The officer who grabbed Jean around his body and held him to be shot. Did he not realise that there was no bomb strapped to him as he clearly would have felt it?
4) The two officers who pulled the triggers that left Jean with seven bullets in his head and one in his shoulder (3 missed).
5) The senior officer who authorised ‘Shoot to kill’.
While we are on the subject, an enquiry into how the British public came to be bombarded with a total blitz of lies about the murder would be nice.
At today’s press conference Jean’s cousins vowed to fight on. They have coped with this tragedy and being thrust into the media spotlight with incredible dignity and determination. Meanwhile the killers of Jean remain on holiday, on full pay, their anonymity protected.
There will however be a prosecution of the MET over this under Health and Safety legislation!!? Exactly how you can fail to consider someone’s Health and Safety when you have been ordered to kill them remains to be seen……..
Jean Charles De Mendes memorial sat 22 July
17-07-2006 19:36
one year on, a protestA Nice Mess Our President Has Made for US
17-07-2006 19:12
This is not a smart guy, or even a dummy fronting for a bunch of smart guys. This is an idiot who is listening to a bunch of idiots.Russian Authorities Target Journalists
17-07-2006 12:31
The following press release was issued today by the Berlin-based "G8 2006 Info and Press Group"Updates and more info:

17-07-2006 12:08

"A man of the highest principle": an interview with Craig Murray.
17-07-2006 07:53
Craig Murray talks about the war on terror, British government complicity with torture and the growing authoritarianism of Western states.Repeal the Hitlerian Civil Contingencies Act
17-07-2006 06:51
The Civil Contingencies Act, passed in November 2004, places the anti-democratic New Labour Government in the same position Hitler's Enabling Act placed the Nazi German Government. It permits the calling of a state of Emergency and the total abolition of democracy and individual rights --- i.e. Dictatorship Acts. Few people know anything about the contents of the CCA. (Few MPs to this day seem to know much about it.) We better learn quick, I say.