UK Repression Newswire Archive
Fairford Camp Report
21-07-2003 13:45
Fairford Peace Camp Thursday 18 - Mon 21 July 2003International Air Tattoo
The Suitcase Clinic-A friend Of The Homeless
21-07-2003 07:49
The Suitcase Clinic Of Berkeley Ca, Offers A Helping Hand To The Homeless.Really Dodgy Dossier
20-07-2003 18:51
Much has been made recently of the "Dodgy Dossier" that was used by HMG to justify its participation in the invasion of Iraq. But nobody seems to have seen fit to ask about the Really Dodgy Dossier, the one put forward by Number 10 in the days immediately following the 9/11 massacre. The PMO's "Responsibility For The Terrorist Atrocities In The United States," are 70 points presented without any citations of sources or references, that are mainly unsupported innuendo. If this dossier is also Dodgy, then the whole Bin Laden Conspiracy Theory begins to unravel.unFairford: A talk by Damacio Lopez on Depleted Uranium
20-07-2003 14:33
A talk by DU expert Damacio Lopez in Fairford Community centre on 20th July 2003 to coincide with the arms-fair.STWC Members confront Jack Straw on Guantanamo Issue
19-07-2003 12:42

Bloody Aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan
19-07-2003 00:14
At the end of the 20th century human mankind became faced with an unprecedented recidivism of the medieval barbarity - the mass expulsion of the people from their home places and the direct genocide towards the whole people. Azerbaijan turned out to be one of such victims. In 1987 Armenia raised a problem of joining the Nagorny-Karabakh Region of the Azerbaijan Republic to Armenia and a range of actions were undertaken by Armenia in this respect.The wave of Armenian chauvinism raised in connection with the forced problem of "reunion" of Nagorny-Karabakh and even which does not have common borders on Armenia, led to the mass violations of human rights of Azeris living in Armenia.
Interview with Mark Thomas at the Edinburgh anti-repression action, 17th of july
18-07-2003 23:31

Israel’s Refusal to Recognize the Right of Palestinian Refugees to Return
18-07-2003 20:35
Since July 1 the Israeli government has violated RVERY recent agreement it made by carrying out military invasions of Palestinian areas, implementing a campaign of abductions, opening fire on civilian areas without provocation, imposing curfews and not relaxing its “draconian” closure that restricts all movement for PalestiniansREPUBLICANS SEND COPS TO ARREST DEMOCRATS ON US CAPITOL HILL
18-07-2003 19:28
WASHINGTON - There was a stand-off today between the Democratic members of the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means and the U.S. Capitol Police after they were called by staff representing Committee Chairman Bill Thomas (R-Calif.). The incident occurred after Committee Democrats protesting the late notice given them of major changes to pension legislation, walked out of the Ways and Means markup of that bill in the main Committee room and convened a meeting in the Committee library.Interview with Simon, at anti-repression action in Edinburgh, 17.7.2003
18-07-2003 16:34

also see

There are also more pictures in bigger file-sizes to see at:

Interview with Mark Ballard,MSP, at an anti-war action 17.7.2003, Edinburgh
18-07-2003 14:42

Pictures and report from the Edinburgh Anti-Repression action with Mark Thomas
18-07-2003 10:36

Mark Thomas and friends have called for a symbolic action to point out the hypocrisy in the repression of anti-war protesters, who have now their court cases coming up.
Hundreds of Thousands of Palestinians Face Cut-off of Humanitarian Aid: Hansen
18-07-2003 06:36
"Half of the 1.3 million Palestinians UNRWA helps will no longer receive food and nearly 2,000 shelters that were completely destroyed in the West Bank and Gaza will not be rebuilt, Hansen revealed .."OCCUPIED JERUSALEM - The United Nations agency in charge of helping Palestinian refugees said that if its appeal for millions of dollars in aid was not answered immediately, then the agency, the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, UNRWA, will have to cut humanitarian assistance to hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
New Militant Movement In Iraq
17-07-2003 22:05
According to Arab press reports, a new resistance movement in Iraq has warned both U.S. and international military forces from staying in Iraq.Irishman bans Welsh language from his hotel
17-07-2003 20:51
A controversy is brewing in north Wales following revelations that an Irish hotel owner in a Welsh-speaking area has told his staff to stop speaking Welsh.The controversy arose because of an investigation into the Celtic Royal Hotel in Caernarfon by the BBC Wales television programme, "Taro Naw".
The hotel was bought by a group of businessmen from Ireland a few years ago who then received substantial amounts of public money to develop it.
"Taro Naw" investigated complaints made by a number of former staff among them that the management of the hotel had ordered staff not to speak Welsh to each other in front of guests.
According to one who worked as a porter: 'If you were talking in Welsh on the walkie-talkie, you were warned that you would be sacked.'
Photos of action at St Leonards Police Station 17 July 2003
17-07-2003 17:56

Full details of LIBERTY report into policing at USAF Fairford
16-07-2003 14:16
Casualty of War - 8 weeks of counter-terrorism in rural EnglandLiberty Report: 15 Jul 2003
An investigation by human rights group Liberty into the policing of peace demonstrations at RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire, during the recent invasion of Iraq has revealed fundamental breaches of the European Convention on Human Rights.
Download full 13 page Liberty report:

LIBERTY defends the right to protest at Fairford
16-07-2003 13:39
click on the link-Statewatch News Online (14 July)
16-07-2003 12:49
Statewatch News online, 14 July 2003see: