UK Repression Newswire Archive
Oxford's Women in Black hold vigil against the occupation
18-07-2004 11:50

UK ID card tests - details and venues
16-07-2004 17:34
Contact details of UK ID card testing/experiments.Use this resource creatively - disruption needed!
Here's the latest from my quest to become part of the test group for the ID card nightmare that is poised to make the seeminly innocuous "Papers, please." as feared a sentence in the UK as it was in wartime Nazi Germany and Stalin's Russia.
"No Comment" updated and republished
16-07-2004 12:25
No Comment, the Defendant's Guide to Arrest has been upadted by formers members of the ABC network and LDMG.Real-Life David vs. Goliath (with art)
15-07-2004 22:04

14-07-2004 06:04
written by some comrades after the Mayday in DublinBig Brother - Now in our schools??
13-07-2004 15:58
Will Big Brother cameras be introcuded into schools???LEADED/UNLEADED The State Unleashed
13-07-2004 11:43
Beirut Independent Media Center Presents the Film - LEADED/UNLEADED The state unleashedLondon Screening at MARXISM 2004 - University of London – Birkbek Hall on Thursday, 15 July 2004 @ 2 PM - For bookings: go to ULU registration to get an afternoon ticket
Gamekeepers and police assault hunt saboteurs at home of Tory Peer.
12-07-2004 21:37

US & UK: Martial Law & Mad Max on our Horizon?
12-07-2004 21:13
A secret report, suppressed by US defense chiefs and obtained by 'The Observer' warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas, as Britain is plunged into a 'Siberian' climate by 2020.Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.SF- Protecting the Brits
12-07-2004 20:57
a sectarian march being forced through nationalist area by armed RUC/Brits/SF!!Sexual Domination In Uniform: An American Value
12-07-2004 19:02
Militarized sexual domination is neither "contrary to American values" nor simply the work of a few "bad apples." It is, rather, a daily practice. The "bad apples" defense is both unspeakably inadequate and completely disingenuous.Smash EDO protest Camp against the Arms Trade - Brighton - Aug 29th-Sept 2nd
12-07-2004 16:04
Open invite to a camp in Brighton against EDO technology, a company manufacturing release mechanisms for F16sOutRage! demo against anti-gay cleric
12-07-2004 15:04
Gay rights group OutRage! etc staged a demo outside the conference attended by the anti-gay muslim cleric this morning.founding member of Indymedia (Ecuador) assassinated
11-07-2004 20:35
23 year old Lenin Cali Najera, national leader of the youth of Pachakutik and founding member of Indymedia Guayaquil (Ecuador) was assassinated on the night of June 29th.more info at IMC Ecuador
Help me Daddy!!! (by Latuff)
11-07-2004 03:09

Twin speeches move the China issue
10-07-2004 23:06
When Communist China shot a Falun Gong activist in South Africa, these two activists took their shot in speeches against Communist China.Fairford 5 trials: the State is nervous...
10-07-2004 20:39
** This press release dates from the 1st of July, but as it hasn't been posted on Oxford Indymedia yet, well here it is! **The Fairford 5 trials have once more exploded onto the international stage, as the Foreign Office intervenes in the court proceedings against the 'Fairford 5' - who all attempted to disable U.S B52 Bombers stationed at Fairford (Gloucestershire, U.K) in the days leading up to the illegal bombing of Iraq during March 2003.
Related Link:

the God of Israel is the God of all humanity
10-07-2004 16:33
A proposal for an international petition for European Community sanctions against Israel.PSC protest olutside parliament...
10-07-2004 13:23