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Struggle in Oaxaca at the begining of the Guelaguetza

17-07-2007 08:14

Struggle in Oaxaca at the begining of the Guelaguetza. monday, July 16th 2007

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Asylum applicants dispersed and being moved away from Portsmouth City

17-07-2007 00:17

showing solidarity seeking change of heart
Read below for the details of a Portsmouth solidarity intervention.
How to grow - reflect, reflect, reflect!

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Who runs your local council?

16-07-2007 16:21

Who runs your local council, the officers or the councillors elected to represent the local community?

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Council rigs questionnaire on fortnightly waste collection

16-07-2007 15:58

It was known the Rotten Borough of Rushmoor could not be trusted on the recent trial of fortnightly waste collection, and so it has proved to be.

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Town centre demolition hits more problems

16-07-2007 15:39

Following numerous dangerous incidents putting public and workers at risk, the demolition of Farnborough town centre appears to have ground to a halt.

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Steven O'Doherty - a racist in charge of deaths in police custody?

16-07-2007 11:16

Attention to the Jean Charles family. This man was found guilty of victimization on a racial ground in court and yet he leads the team which investigates deaths in police custody - primarily black and Asian.

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Sir Ian Blair - "Pick on someone your own size - pr*ck!"

16-07-2007 10:52

Sir Ian Blair - I Charity Sweet will have your guts for garters mate!

YOU will be attending the Hague in the near future with your war criminal buddies.

Mark my words!

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Embargoed does Rise (For the people of Northern Cyprus)

15-07-2007 19:09

Human rights group Embargoed! had their stall open for the first time at the London anti Racism event RISE

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Police Bombing of MOVE HQ (New Profile)

15-07-2007 12:51

Eleven people, including five children, perished in a blaze after the state of Philadelphia dropped a bomb on a house owned by members of MOVE.

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Actions reports from the International Day of Solidarity with John Bowden

14-07-2007 20:23

Free John Bowden banner over the A58 in Leeds
Yesterday was the second International Day of Solidarity with prison militant John Bowden and in defence of the Anarchist Black Cross.

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Policing FIT for "serious and sustained" terror?

13-07-2007 23:41

...but I eventually got a portrait of all their unhappy faces

"[But]our services and police do a heroic job for our country day in day out and I can say that over the past years, as this particular type of new and awful terrorist threat has grown, they have done their utmost to keep this country and its people safe.As I saw again from the meeting of COBR this morning, their determination to get those responsible is total." Tony Blair 11 July 2005

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SOCPA movie hits the west end!!!

13-07-2007 19:40

the prince charles cinema today
the prince charles cinema is proudly advertising the socpa movie which will be shown there on sunday at 1pm, followed by a q&a session with rikki the film-maker, milan rai from peace news, and mark barrett from the parliament square picnickers. there's also now a film trailer on youtube.

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Hands off John Bowden: Picket at Parole Board HQ London 13 July

13-07-2007 18:55

John Bowden - London Picket
Supporters of John Bowden, who was placed in solitary and moved to a closed prison shortly before a parole hearing in April 2007 because of his contact with a peaceful anarchist group picket the Parole Board HQ in London today. Short report and pictures (Copyright: permission required for use; payment required for commercial use.)

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Reel News G8 Special Promo

13-07-2007 16:34

Reel News 8, G8 Special DVD out on 5 July.

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Peter Sandy cleared of nearly all allegations

13-07-2007 15:21

At a hearing before the Adjudication Panel of England, Peter Sandy, until recently a Rushmoor councillor, was able to clear himself of most of the malicious allegations made against him by Rushmoor chief executive Andrew Lloyd.

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Seasoned squatters & protesters needed!

13-07-2007 13:40

If you've got experience with the police, owners of squatted buildings and/or the court system, you believe in squatting and the history and philosophy behind it; and/or you have experience of protest camps and you're interested in spreading the word - read on...

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Haiti: Privatization Plan Begins with Mass Firings at Téléco

12-07-2007 18:10

The Privatization of Teleco
At least 500 Téléco workers received termination letters Friday as part of the government's announced plan to privatize the company. Another thousand are expected to be fired on Monday.

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Squat illegally evicted in Switzerland

12-07-2007 15:40

On July 10th, "La Tour" was illegaly evicted in Geneva, Switzerland.
Here's a brief summary of events and a call for international

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JUSTICE single - release date announced

12-07-2007 13:20

Western Promise NEW single release