UK Repression Newswire Archive
Cambridge stall for Simon
24-11-2003 13:22
We ran a very succesful info stall about the Saloniki prisonerslast Friday evening, 52 people signed postcards to the Greek ambassador,
400 leaflets were doled out and we made 28 squid in donations.
24-11-2003 11:11
A report on West Yorkshire Prisoners Solidarity Weekend and announcement of this week's events in support of the Thessaloniki Seven.Heavy handed policing at Bush protests
23-11-2003 21:15
During the week of Bush protests, I witnessed police arrests where people were treated pretty roughly, but I also saw police being pretty restrained. There were an unprecedented number of police monitoring the anti-Bush protests, and consequently Bush was able to travel without ever really encountering the protesters (occasionally this involved Bush slightly rearranging his schedule, so he certainly felt our presence).Police violence - Listen to FTAA report
23-11-2003 17:06
Check out
Sending Antiwar protesters to Guantanamo
23-11-2003 16:51
F.B.I will probaly soon begin to ship aktivists to Guantanamo..Fascist US police action in Miami
23-11-2003 04:12

Self protection in these fascist times
23-11-2003 03:58
Anonymity is probably your best defense on the InternetIn the midst of Miami's FTAA chaos we fed the homeless
23-11-2003 02:44
Despite all the bad images and problems of the FTAA protest there was some very positive things that also happened. There were many people that took time to commit acts of social responsibility and acts of kindness.VENEZUELA ALERT!!
23-11-2003 00:07
Why are they trying to stop the world from seeing the documentary “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised?”Colin Powell is coming to Maastricht
23-11-2003 00:06

refusing food in solidarity with Saloniki 7: Dublin, Ireland
22-11-2003 22:51

Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign: Latest Update
22-11-2003 15:41
Latest News From The Stop The Wall CampaignHunger strikers' doctors statement
22-11-2003 13:20
Full text of the formal statement of the doctors of the hunger strikers.DIRECT ACTION AGAINST DIRTY WARMONGERS
22-11-2003 12:54
dirty protest against dirty warmongers - Friday 21st NovemberSupport for Tessaloniki during and anti FTAA demo in Montreal
21-11-2003 21:50

Hunger striker's health: critical
21-11-2003 19:49
Spanish and English versionEn estado crítico los dos jóvenes españoles presos en Grecia y en huelga de hambre
In critical state the two youths Spanish prisoners in Greece and in strike of hunger