UK Repression Newswire Archive
ULU London - TV coverage takes #copsoffcampus message to hundreds of millions
11-12-2013 19:39
TV coverage takes #copsoffcampus / ULU London protest message to hundreds of millions of people -Solidarity demo with Russian LGBTQ activist facing deportation
09-12-2013 18:08



AgainstGreece: Day for Alexis, day for students Cops intrudeattack on university
06-12-2013 13:36
On the days demonstration, cops intrude on gathering in front of University senate, 'kettle' hundreds, arrest some 14-15 year old schoolkids
Local youth attack police station in Aigaleo, Athens, "in the name of what is proper"
Starving school pupil in Patras eats garbage food binned by clasmates, not the first time she was hungry.
Elswehere 1000s are forced to go to school hungry and return home with an empty belly.
A town in N Greece has no heating oil for schools, all are closed.
The main demo for Alexi is at 6pm.
Ukraine gets $8bn from China ...........
06-12-2013 10:35

#copsoffcampus protest attacked by police, with yet another mass arrest
06-12-2013 01:21

Ministry of Justice Gross Financial Mismanagement
05-12-2013 15:53
An account of the real nature of the finances of the ministry of justiceWorkfare Protest in Wrexham
03-12-2013 19:47
A protest took place outside the Wrexham Jobcentre at lunchtime today against changes to the benefits system.bristol city council mobile cctv vans attacked
03-12-2013 11:03
this is for the curtain-twitchers & community-snitchers, "their out there!" bolt your doors, lock up your daughers.Disconnecting the police state: Sabotage@Vodafone
29-11-2013 11:48
The night before last night we attacked the electronic communication net in Berlin (Germany). Our act of sabotage took place at a Vodafone radio tower and is meant as a symbol against total surveillance by governments, secret services and transnational corporations. Vodafone was chosen because it is eagerly engaged in cooperating with the british secret service GCHQ. GCHQ cooperates with the american secret service NSA. And NSA in turn cooperates with german secret service BND. Secret services collect patterns of normality and compare particular behaviours in order to find out if you could plan something deviant before you know it yourself. The collaborations of secret service industry and the industry's secret services secure the conditions of profit and power for both of them.The Solidarity Collective: The beginning of dialogue
26-11-2013 02:54

The Solidarity Collective
25-11-2013 16:44

Syria Peace & Justice London speaker event & planning meeting this Wed
24-11-2013 11:54
You are warmly invited to join a talk and discussion on the situation in Syria, followed by a planning meeting, on Wednesday 27th November, from 6.30 to 9.30pm.Venue: London Action Resource Centre (LARC), 62 Fieldgate Street (corner of Parfett Street), Whitechapel, London E1 1ES

Protest occupation camp against Sect 144 squatting law at Finchley Tory Office
23-11-2013 20:07
Squat campaigners have occupied and camped in the forecourt of a Tory Constituency Office in Finchley. It's the office of Mike Freer MP, one of the architects of the Section 144 law against squatting. They've received a lot of support from locals and are set to stay awhile.Shame of Camden council vote to ban spontaneous music and to control busking
20-11-2013 21:54

Home Office preparing to let hungerstriker die
20-11-2013 21:15
A man being held in Harmondsworth migration prison has been on hungerstrike for nearly 3 months. He has been deemed medically unfit to be detained but rather than release him the government are getting ready for his death.Basque Political Prisoners on Hunger Strike
20-11-2013 18:35
On the 28th of October 2013, 11 of the 13 Basque Political Prisoners whoare in Sevilla’s prison started a hunger strike to fight for their rights.
Catholic Worker invites Mother Agnes of Syria to Speak after she is "No Platformed" by StWC
20-11-2013 10:19
The Catholic Worker, a small anarchist pacifist community in Harringay London has extended an invitation to Mother Agnes to address its members on a two day retreat next week. Mother Agnes was recently pressured to withdraw from addressing the Stop the War Coalition meeting in London on Nov 30th.Mark Kennedy sought advice from STRATFOR
18-11-2013 23:07
One of many STRATFOR emails published by Wikileaks shows former spycop Mark Kennedy making enquiries.Solidarity with Assange and Manning as Australia finally takes on the US and wins hands down!
18-11-2013 00:26

16 November: Solidarity vigil at Rugby League World Cup Quarter Final in Wrexham.
As Australia geared up to meet the USA in the Rugby League World Cup 2013 quarter-final match in Wrexham last Saturday, we joined the crowds outside the ground to talk with fans about Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning, to sell raffle tickets for the football signed by Assange and collect donations to the Pvt. Manning Family Fund. Our last effort, at the Wales vs USA first round match on 3 November was covered prominently in the Australian magazine Rugby League Week. Text of article can be read in this post.
Support for San Sebastian Bachajon
17-11-2013 14:45
The struggle of the compañerxs is of great relevance at a global level for the proposal for an autonomous struggle, based in their indigenous worldview ) and for the freedom of the indigenous peoples. National and international support is essential such as the letter campaign promoted by the by the UK Zapatista Solidarity Network.