UK Repression Newswire Archive
Dutch police officer, who shot Rishi Chandrikasing, acquitted/Licence to kill
11-01-2014 02:36
The acquittal of the Dutch police officer, who shot unarmed Rishi Chandrikasing, a Dutchcitizen of colour, is an absolute scandal. Cop claimed self defence, while Rishi was running away,
didn't try to reanimate him [he was living after hit by the bullet] and shot when moving [against police
instruction]. But it fits a long tradition of Dutch police violence, racist or other.
A broad protest in society is necessary. No Justice, no peace!
Anti-fracking defendants found not guilty as movement grows
10-01-2014 11:42
Eleven anti-fracking campaigners have been found not guilty after a three day trial at Brighton Magistrate's Court.The defendants had been arrested on the 2nd day of the protests against Cuadrilla's exploratory drilling Balcombe last summer while sitting on or around a log which had been dragged outside the gates to the Cuadrilla site.
Irish Artists Create Welsh Festival Honouring Whistleblower Chelsea Manning
09-01-2014 17:14

Mark Duggan murder: How the establishment did cover up a political killing?
09-01-2014 08:48

The Judge improperly -directed- the Inquest Jury, over what could be called evidence, and the Duggans' lawyers, did not properly challenge that.
Ultimately if the Duggan family had proper legal representation, a European Court ruling, would lead to the proper verdict of unlawful killing.
The Myth of Turkish Secularism
08-01-2014 19:13
They're Dun Blaming me cuz now I'm exposing Them.
07-01-2014 09:56

Documentary film: Prison World
31-12-2013 15:56
International Solidarity Hunger Strike for Syria
30-12-2013 19:32
MOADAMIYA, SYRIA, December 29, 2013: The Food Justice Baton Is Passed to the World by the Hunger Striker of Syria, and We Shall Uphold ItCoca-Cola publish photos of protest against themselves
28-12-2013 21:45

EZLN Support Bases in San Marcos Avilés, Chiapas, Mexico, Denounce Aggressions
28-12-2013 16:20
A renewal of the attacks on the Zapatistas in the community of San Marcos Avilés. Report by the human rights centre published.Global Noise Demo: New Year’s Eve 2013/2014
25-12-2013 12:13

Bristol: graffiti/solidarity action @ Clifton Cathedral
24-12-2013 14:39
Early morning mass was blackened this Christmas eve for the catholic Cathedral in Bristol's wealthy Clifton neighborhood. Overnight we glued locks on their doors, spraypainted "without god", "without law", and anarchy symbols on the grand exterior and signed "queers x".The Many Faces of Nelson Mandela
23-12-2013 18:40

German police eating stones in Hamburg
23-12-2013 14:12
Saturday December 21 in Hamburg, saw a big demonstration for Rote Flora and refugees from Lampedusa.Philippines’ Foreign Debt Payments Dwarf Relief Aid After Typhoon Haiyan
20-12-2013 15:24
More than a month after Typhoon Haiyan devastated the Philippines, the country has paid approximately $900 million in debt repayments—more than twice as much as it’s received in pledged aid from countries around the world to support the recovery effort.Law: U.K. jury asks if U.K. soldiers are ... terrorists
19-12-2013 12:03

A question of the full extent of complicity in Child exploitation BY THE MEDIA
17-12-2013 19:11

For once, a huge police mobilisation didn’t beat students up! - #copsoffcampus
12-12-2013 22:25