UK Repression Newswire Archive
Call-out for international solidarity with anarchist prisoner Marco Camenisch
24-08-2010 14:43
Marco Camenisch, known for his active role in the anti-nuclear movement of the 70s, has been a political prisoner for almost 20 years. As a militant green anarchist he has been taking part in struggles, campaigns and protests in and outside prison during all these years. He is currently detained in Regensdorf, near Zurich.Juarez Narco-Violence Marked by Maquiladora Exception
24-08-2010 01:38
Mexican Border Town’s Industrial Parks Have Become a “Green Zone” in the Drug WarEDL Meeting in Cheltenham this Thursday!... 8pm (23rd Aug) phone the venue...
23-08-2010 15:07
The Gloucestershire division of the EDL are having a meeting this Thursday at 8pm to discuss Bradford with meeting places etc...The Cross Hands
Tewkesbury Road, Swindon, Gloucestershire GL51 9 - 01242 233847

Rally to Free Diop Olugbala!
22-08-2010 16:41

Tasers in Nottingham and elsewhere
22-08-2010 13:41
Tasers are becoming an increasingly prominent tool in the arsenal of police in Nottinghamshire and elsewhere. This should raise important questions, regardless of whether you accept the anarchist critique of the police as a tool of state control, view them as a necessary evil or actually regard the boys in blue as good for society. However, these questions do not seem to be asked. Despite a number of high profile incidents when tasers have been deployed, we continue to creep towards a situation where police are routinely armed without any public debate on whether this is actually what we want or not.
The most high-profile incident locally was the tasering of a man outside Flares on Upper Parliament Street. The incident, in June last year, was captured on video which for some reason was handed over to radio station Trent FM, but quickly found its way onto YouTube and from there became a major national story.
The incident was referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), a notoriously toothless organisation. They concluded their investigation in February of this year, announcing, "The investigation examined force and national policies on the use of tasers by police officers and police guidelines on managing conflict. It found that the actions of the police officers in these circumstances were within relevant policies. The investigation sought the opinion of a private sector expert in the use of tasers and force. His view was that the actions of the officers and the decision to deploy a taser several times, and not to use any alternative such as a baton or incapacitant spray, was compliant with their training and relevant guidelines."
Whether these guidelines were correct was not considered, a point raised by Amnesty International who noted, in response to the IPCC's report, that "current policing guidelines do not specify clearly that these weapons should be used only when there is a genuine threat to life or very serious injury. This, in our view, leaves the risk that the Taser may be used when officers are presented with far less threatening situations." In Amnesty's views, tasers, "which inflict excruciating pain" should only be used by highly trained officers in situations where there is a genuine risk to life. They urged "the Home Office to review the policing guidelines on the use of Tasers so as to ensure that officers only use the weapon when absolutely necessary."
growing list of fatalities, following the deployment of tasers has forced the abandonment of this as a selling point and the weapons are now billed as "less lethal". Experience in Nottingham and elsewhere, demonstrates that in any case tasers are usually not used in situations where a firearm would be deployed, but instead serve to lower the threshold of violence, possibly encouraging police brutality.
This is quite apart of course, from any questions about the competence of the officers using the weapons. On Wednesday August 4th, police were called to Alexander Street in Stapleford following reports of "anti-social behaviour." Reportedly, one man "became aggressive" towards the officers (a turn of phrase used by both Nottinghamshire Police and the BBC). At this point the police used a taser against him, but missed (or to use the police's own wording, the taser "did not connect with the man") and hit Jodie Gallagher who was standing behind him.
This case was referred to the IPCC, but they decided to hand the case back to Notts Police without even bothering to organise a sham investigation. The IPCC said: "In making this decision the IPCC considered a number of factors including that the girl was stood near the intended target , who moved as the officer discharged the Taser." Note that they state this as fact even before an investigation has happened. They were also content "that the police officer concerned took prompt actions to rectify the incident by stopping the discharge as soon as he realised the mistake and ensuring she was not injured. We are also aware that Nottinghamshire Police have apologised to the girl and her family." That makes it alright then? What's 50,000 volts between friends?
On the same day this story was published in the Nottingham Post, that paper was carrying another taser related story on the front cover, reporting that "POLICE dog handlers had to use a Taser gun on a crazed dog which savaged its owner in her flat." The Post states, "Police said the use of the Taser on the dog was 'extremely unusual' but they had no other option to ensure everyone's safety." Unfortunately, the paper doesn't make it clear if this is actually recommended policy or whether the officers involved were improvising, hoping that the weapon wouldn't simply enrage the animal further.
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the article is the final line which reveals that "Notts police officers trained to use Tasers now include road police and dog section officers." When the weapon was first introduced to the force it was only trained firearms officers who were issued with them. This is now changing. As the weapons become routine, we can expect to see them deployed in a increasingly diverse situation. In all likelihood this will include them being used against protesters. In August 2005, police in Pittsburgh attacked a counter recruitment demonstration using both Tasers and pepper spray against protesters. Nobody should kid themselves that this couldn't happen here. During last year's G20, in an incident which has received remarkably little coverage, the Met Police threatened peaceful protesters with a taser while evicting a squat in London.
Another worrying taser-related development recently was the death of Raul Moat, who shot himself after police used a "Taser Xrep" in an attempt to subdue him. The Xrep is a new weapon developed by Taser International. Unlike earlier tasers it is a wireless weapon which can be fired from any 12-gauge pump-action shotgun. The deployment of this weapon was a surprise because it is still undergoing testing by the Home Office and the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) did not know Northumbria Police had these weapons. While there are questions about the impartiality of some of the research used in previous Home Office trials, you might hope that the police would at least conduct some testing of weapons before using them against members of the public. Cynics might also note that this was a particularly high profile case and if the police were prepared to use an untested weapon in the full glare of the international media spotlight what are they up to on a day-to-day basis?
Tasers have been introduced with minimal mainstream debate. We are slipping towards a situation where police are routinely armed and nobody has been asked if this is what they actually want. This may be par for the course, but the silence of activists on this point is surprising and unfortunate. We may believe the police today are violent and oppressive, they didn't need a taser to do for Ian Tomlinson, but we shouldn't dismiss this as irrelevant. Tasers lower the threshold of violence and in doing so make it more likely.
Bradford EDL organiser revealed. Stop the EDL in Bradford!
21-08-2010 23:58

100 Cities agains Stoning women under islamic law
20-08-2010 20:10

100 Cities against Stoning – 28 August 2010: How to plan an action day to save Sakineh’s life
19th August 1953 - Anglo-American military coup in Iran: "Operation Ajax"
19-08-2010 10:05

Camberley Job Centre refusing to issue New Deal travel cards
19-08-2010 03:16
Why is Camberley Job Centre refusing to issue New Deal travel cards?Support Gaza protester in Court of Appeal – Tuesday 24 August
18-08-2010 21:32
Demonstrate outside the Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LLTuesday 24 August, 9am onwards (Martin’s appeal against the length of his sentence is listed for 10.30am
English Defence League Dudley meet in Poets Corner pub tonight opposite Hospital
18-08-2010 16:06
The English Defence League are a racist, Zionist led Islamophobic organisation who have rioted in Dudely, attacked family homes in Dudley scaring children, smashed cars, smashed shops, put a pigs head on a Mosque, staged roof top protests & encouraged a minor from the English Defence Youth member Bodie Holt to stage a roof top protest. They meet tonight in Poets Corner pub in Dudley.Phone Blockade English Defence League coach company Johnsons Coaches
17-08-2010 17:10

Demonstration Against pro Israeli "Death On The Med" BBC programe 22 August 2010
17-08-2010 14:17

Panorama aired "Death On The Med" a documentary about the Israeli attacks on the Freedom Flotilla in May 2010 - Israel's version. The BBC once again aired and spread propaganda on Israel's behalf.
Anti-Anarchist Repression In Chile. Immediate freedom to the 14!!!
17-08-2010 05:32
Raids Lead To Arrest Of 14 Alleged Members Of Chilean Anarchist GroupMonday, 16 August 2010 00:52Police say financing likely came from Italy, Greece, Mexico and Argentina.
Police on Saturday led simultaneous raids that resulted in the arrests of 14 people suspected of belonging to a Chilean anarchist group accused of more than 100 bombings.
Climate Camp Cymru, a camper's view
16-08-2010 18:46
I have just got back from South Wales, and got internet access for the first time in four days, to check any news about the Climate Camp Cymru, and I find there is next to none. I suspect the camp facilitators may be too embarrassed to say much because it was their poor organisation that helped the camp get evicted in short order.Flexible New Deal and Jobseekers aged 60 and over
16-08-2010 15:40
Flexible New Deal has replaced New Deal. It is mandatory for Jobseekers, but those aged 60+, that is have reached the age for Pension Credits, have a choice. Why therefore are they being threatened with sanctions, ie loss of benefits, if they refuse to participate?Protest at Planning Inquiry for Biofuel Power Station
15-08-2010 17:59

Members of Bristol Friends of the Earth, Action for Sustainable Energy for Bristol (ACSEB), Campaign against Climate Change, Newport Against Biofuels (NAB), Food Not Fuel, Greenpeace and Biofuelwatch joined local residents to form a 40 strong banner protest against a proposed biofuel power station in Bristol
‘Conditions in Youth Prisons’
14-08-2010 23:45
In this article, social prisoner John Bowden exposes the violent control methods carried against young people in UK prison. The prison guards who act out their brutal fantasies on young people are not isolated ‘bad’ individuals but part of a de-humanising authoritarian system of exploitation and power. This situation is not simply a case for the United Kingdom, young people are imprisoned in disgusting conditions everywhere, and all these prisons must be torn to the ground with the guards scattered. Fire to the Prisons.Climate Camp Cymru eviction shows need for action
14-08-2010 23:30

Fight Britain's racist immigration laws! Close Communications House!
14-08-2010 23:23
Tuesday 31 August • 5-6pmoutside Communications House Immigration Reporting Centre, Old Street London, EC1V 9BR