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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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The First Deliberate Mass Attack on Civilians in Mexico’s Narco War

01-09-2010 06:41

A Molotov Cocktail killed 8 people in a restuarant in a tourist resort in Cancun, after a carfull of men threw a molotov cocktail at the guests. Six died on the spot and a another two died in transit. There are two people still in hospital.

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Mexico After the Massacre of the 24th August

01-09-2010 06:12

On the 26th of August 72 murdered migrants from Central & South America were discovered after the lone survivor alerted marines at a naval checkpoint.

The state investigator, Roberto Suarez, (an establishment lawyer from Mexico’s elite) ‘dissapaeared’ after being appointed to look into the deaths. His body was found two days later.

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The Papal Visit should not be a State Visit. PROTEST THE POPE DEBATE tomorrow

31-08-2010 23:53

The Central London Humanists in partnership with the British Humanist Association and the South Place Ethical Society (SPES) are staging a debate on the core arguments of the Protest the Pope Campaign.

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Bullying Council Takes Anti-Open Cast Community Council to Court

30-08-2010 18:28

South Lanarkshire Council threatens Douglas Community Council after they reveal corruption.

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WikiLeaks’ CIA Red Cell memo: Orwellian mindset exposed

30-08-2010 10:00

"The CIA Red Cell memorandum" was released by the WikiLeaks
The CIA Red Cell memorandum released by WikiLeaks speaks volumes about the doublethink, paranoia, deception, and delusion of the CIA itself.

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Request For Support For Mexican Political Prisoner

30-08-2010 00:20

From Amnestia Internacional:

Mexico: Raúl Hernández, an indigenous leader and defender of human rights

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Report calls for “infiltration” of 9/11 sites

29-08-2010 20:30

A new report released by a think tank called Demos warns of the hazardous effects of conspiracy theories on society and recommends strategies for governments to mitigate these effects, including the infiltration of websites.

The report, called The Power of Unreason: Conspiracy Theories, Extremism and Counterterrorism, says "most notoriously and influentially, the ‘9/11 truth movement’ has questioned the official accounts of 9/11 and has become a large and growing political force."

The report notes that the 9/11 truth movement is "peaceful", but makes no distinction between the legitimate questioning of the official account of 9/11 and any number of unrelated, and often racist, conspiracy theories.

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Chilean Circus of 'Saints and Sinners'

29-08-2010 18:11

Chilean President Pinera leading prayer service for trapped Chilean miners
An update in spanish and english, by Mapuche International Link on the indigenous Mapuche political prisoners hunger strike in Chile on day 47 of their protest in defence of ancestral territorial rights and against the criminalisation of Mapuche democratic protest

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Catholic Church, UK govt in bomb cover-up: report. PROTEST THE POPE

28-08-2010 23:43

(Reuters) - The UK government, the police and the Catholic Church colluded to protect a priest suspected of involvement in a 1972 bombing in Northern Ireland that killed 9 people, a report said on Tuesday.

Just one more of the thousand reasons to fully support the PROTEST THE POPE demonstrations.

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Solidarity With the Campaign to Free Diop Olugbala

28-08-2010 17:36

Solidarity, Not Charity! Live show on
Sunday, 13:00 to 14:00 (2010-08-29)
Host: Penny Hess
This Week: Solidarity with the campaign to free Diop Olugbala and the right of African people to resist colonial oppression

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Fidel says Bin Laden is CIA

28-08-2010 12:05

It's cool to say conspiracy theory is nonsense if you are on the Left. But what if one of the Left's leading heros endorses it?

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In solidarity with Silvia, Billy and Costa

27-08-2010 15:42

Solidarity demo in Biel, Switzerland
Costa, Silvia and Billy continue their struggles from the Swiss prisons they're locked up in. They're accused of possession, transport and attempted use of explosive materials, and of planning to attack an IBM centre under construction. An IBM centre that will be among the focal ones in Europe's nanotechnology research.

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Rod Coronado ELF/ALF warrior jailed for using Facebook

25-08-2010 14:00

Rod Coronado given 4 months in jail for breeching probation terms and Friending a know ELF activist!

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Welcome to Chile, country of jails and jailers.

25-08-2010 10:57

This past Saturday the 14th of August, in the cities of Santiago and Valparaíso, a coordinated action of police special task forces violently raided 3 squatted social centers and many private homes in 5 communes. The police intimidated people with weapons of war, broke windows and doors, and took many personal items with them from all of the houses.
14 people were detained without being informed of the reason for their detention for 3 hours.

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Solidarity with Rev Han Sang Ryola

25-08-2010 08:36

The south Korean fascist puppet regime have arrested the Rev Han Sang Ryola 70 year Christian pastor and reunification champion of south Korea.He hadvisited the DPRK to mark the 10th anniversary of the historic June 15declaration and had stayed in the DPRK for 2 months.

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False Charges Ricochet in the War on WikiLeaks

24-08-2010 19:10

"Assange, however, quickly laid the blame on the Pentagon. He stated that he had been warned by Australian intelligence to be on guard against “honey traps”—the time-honored ploys that intelligence services use to lure a target into a sexual encounter with someone who then uses the encounter to damage the target’s reputation. Earlier today, however, Assange reversed course on these charges, telling the Sydney Morning Herald, “We don’t have direct evidence that this is coming from a U.S. or other intelligence service, but we can have some suspicions about who will benefit, but without direct evidence I won’t be making direct allegations.”
The Pentagon quickly denounced the charges as “absurd.” But there is no doubt that the Pentagon is seeking to gain from them in its information war with WikiLeaks: when the case first emerged, the accusations were aggressively spread by the Pentagon via Twitter.
As I wrote in “WikiLeaks: The National-Security State Strikes Back,” a highly classified Army Counterintelligence Center 32-page memorandum noted that to eliminate the threat presented by WikiLeaks, the United States would have to strike not simply servers and databases, but against the individuals who were critical to the operation of WikiLeaks. It repeatedly identifies Assange as a target, describes the leaks as criminal acts and advocates “successful prosecutions” to “destroy the center of gravity” of WikiLeaks. The suspicions raised by Assange are thus hardly unwarranted—they match the Pentagon’s own plan to take WikiLeaks out of action. However, there is as yet no direct evidence for the claim that the accusations leveled at Assange were the work of some intelligence service, and even if there were, Assange has plenty of governments anxious to shut him down aside from the United States. But as this incident makes clear, the war on WikiLeaks will be fought with unconventional tools and those following the story are advised to accept nothing at face value."

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Film: The Power of Community: 23 Sept 2010

24-08-2010 18:54

Cover picture
The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil

In the current global credit crisis Cuba is an inspiration ...

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24-08-2010 17:42

Shiva Nazar Ahari, an Iranian human rights activist and a political prisoner in Evin prison (Tehran) since December 20, 2009, is now facing the charge of Moharebeh (enmity against God), and she can be sentenced to death for it. Shiva’s trial date is set for September 4, 2010. We must act now to help and support her.

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Novartis finally flip, demos in Hampshire

24-08-2010 17:06

Novartis demonstrations in Hampshire despite their new head of securities confusion and poor judgement.

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100 cities protest against ecxecution of Sakine

24-08-2010 16:51

Protests are taking place this coming saturday against the execution of Sakineh Ashtiani. Feel free to join the actions organised. Here are the ones listed so far... Protests are organised by mission free Iran and International Committee against Stoning