UK Repression Newswire Archive
Infoshop News interview with journalist Josh Wolf
27-04-2007 04:41
Independent journalist Josh Wolf recently made headlines for spending more than 7 months in federal prison for his refusal to hand over video of a protest to authorities. Wolf is an anarchist activist and a video journalist based in the Bay Area of California.Oslo: the police is raiding the blitz looking for explosives
27-04-2007 01:03
The police has closed the road around blitz and raided the place looking for explosivesBlitz in Oslo raided by the police
26-04-2007 23:58
The police in Oslo, Norway, has stormed and raided the autonomous centre Blitz after the anti-nato demos thursday.According to the police they were looking for "explosives".
British Lancet medical journal calls for defeat of Australian government
26-04-2007 23:31

Fake Terror Trial: Jose Padilla and the Zucchini Prosecution
26-04-2007 22:12
The case against Jose Padilla would be funny if a man’s life hadn’t been ruined in the process---but it has. The Bush administration has leapt from one absurd accusation to the next completely undisturbed by the glaring inconsistencies of their case. The prosecution’s objective is the same now as it was 5 years ago when the Chicago gang-banger was first arrested at O’ Hare Airport as an alleged “dirty bomber”, that is, keep Padilla behind bars for the rest of his life.solidarity to the demonstrators arrested today
26-04-2007 21:44
Demonstrations in Oslo against the Nato meeting: more the 100 people arrested.Covert Government Investigations, using community policing. AKA Gang Stalking.
26-04-2007 20:40
There are people in large metropolitan cities being stalked, harassed, mobbed, and followd around and many do not know why. Many are having to change jobs, move constantly, have their lives disrupted and they can't find help or assistance for what is happening to them. Many are stumbling in the dark and being mislead by those around them. I hope to the best of my ability to shed a little bit more light on what is happening and help others better start to find help and assistance.Kopi Berlin Radical Space to be auctioned off
26-04-2007 16:50
Auction of Köpi by order of the court on May 8th
Voting nobody is NOT the solution
26-04-2007 14:29
I posted this as a comment earlier but feel strongly enough to post it, slightly modified, up front - apologies to anyone who thinks I'm spamming...Updates from the anti nato demonstrations in Oslo
26-04-2007 14:26
We are going to be streaming updates from the demonstrations in program today from 18:00 local time.Adress is

Official Secrets Act makes mockery of Justice...
26-04-2007 12:12
History is being re-written - Downing Street Memo - what's that?"Senior British civil servant David Keogh [...] is on trial at London's Old Bailey, charged with violating the Official Secrets Act for leaking a classified report on an April 2004 meeting between George W. Bush and Tony Blair.The four page report referred to Bush as a "madman."
Baltasar Garzón, un clavo ardiendo
26-04-2007 10:43
El pasado 10 de abril el canal 2 de la TVE emitió el documental "El alma de los verdugos" codirigido y copresentado por el Juez de la Audiencia Nacional española Baltasar Garzón. Sin embargo, dudamos, y así lo hacemos público, que la persona más adecuada para vehiculizar esta denuncia sea el juez Baltasar Garzón, quien fue presentado a sí mismo como una autoridad en materia de perseguir a torturadores.Capitol protestors campaign to impeach Bush
26-04-2007 01:07

Baghdad : This Wall is their Grave - Stop the walls; stop the occupation!
25-04-2007 21:46
Plans for Al-Adhamiyah confirm that the US occupation and its puppets in Iraq can build nothing but open-air prisons. It will failNo military strategy can impose on the Iraqi people an occupation it overwhelmingly refuses. Its resistance is national and continues
What kind of government walls-in its own people? One desperate and illegitimate, tied to the fate of a defeated occupation
Iraqs “Selected Neighbourhoods”
25-04-2007 16:11
The true intention of the US occupation of Iraq , has been exposed once more with the construction of a so-called security wall “around Sunni districts that are surrounded by Shia areas.”A Terrorist goes free...
25-04-2007 10:29

The Pirate University in London
25-04-2007 10:12
Why, when, where.....come along!15 Rampart Street, E1 2LA
Iraqis oppose US plan to divide Baghdad into ghettos
25-04-2007 08:41
The US military’s plan to seal off an entire suburb of Baghdad behind a three-metre high concrete wall has produced widespread opposition among Iraqis of all religious and ethnic backgrounds. Several thousand residents of Sunni-populated Adhamiyah demonstrated against the wall on Monday behind banners declaring “No Shiite. No Sunni. Islamic Unity” and “No to the sectarian barrier”. Shiite leaders in neighbouring suburbs have also condemned the barrier.Fascist America, in 10 easy steps
24-04-2007 23:29

It is interesting to contrast the following article with the view of the USA that some on the UK left have, for example Mark Osbourn of the AWL considers that John Pilger has a "pathological hatred of the western powers which leads to the repeated and idiotic allusion that the US/UK leaders bear a similarity to Nazis":