UK Repression Newswire Archive
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Indigenous Blockades in the Peru: Cops kill over 25
07-06-2009 10:59
Bagua, Peru (June 6, 2009) – In the early morning hours on Friday, Peruvian Special Forces staged a violent raid on a group of indigenous people at a peaceful blockade on a road outside of Bagua in a remote area of the northern Peruvian Amazon resulting in 25 civilians confirmed dead and over a hundred wounded. Over 600 police attacked several thousand unarmed Awajun and Wambis indigenous peoples including many women and children and forcibly dispersed them using tear gas and live ammunition.Filipino peasant leader ambushed!
07-06-2009 08:36

Act Now for Sri Lankans...Act Now for Tim Martin >>>
07-06-2009 00:16
ACT NOW DIRECTOR, A FORMER AID WORKER, ON HUNGER STRIKE IN LONDONTim Martin, a former aid worker and the Campaign Director of Act Now, is on an indefinite hunger strike outside Parliament, London since Monday 18th May. Tim is calling upon US President Obama to intervene in the crisis in Sri Lanka and has presented a clear list of demands to protect the civilian population from further devastation. Tim’s full letter to the American president was delivered to the American Embassy on the first day of his hunger strike.
The continuing plight of Rossport
06-06-2009 19:50

The last week has witnessed an escalation in confrontation between the
local community of Rossport, Co. Mayo, and the oil corporation shell.
GREECE: Letter by imprisoned comrade Ilias Nikolaou
06-06-2009 16:41
A letter by comrade Ilias Nikolaou from Amphissa Prison in Greece.AID TO GAZA Public Meeting on Tuesday June 9th 7.30pm at Oxford Town Hall
06-06-2009 10:05
7.30pm, Tuesday 9 June
Oxford Town Hall
Drivers who participated in the Viva Palestina aid convoy to Gaza will be telling us about their experience of travelling to Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid in the aftermath of the Israeli onslaught earlier this year.
We will also hear about the ongoing importance of this work in the face of the continuing blockade of Gaza and the long term effects of the war.
Sweden: Police mistreats leftist because he put up a few political stickers
06-06-2009 04:13
A Greek member of a leftist political party is arrested and humiliated by the Swedish police because he put up 3 stickers in the Stockholm tube. His privates were searched for drugs, he was made to get off his clothes, his home in Sweden searched without his approval, and he was jailed even though he was carrying valid ID recognised by the EU.British medic held in Sri Lankan IDP camp.
05-06-2009 22:34

American judge orders cop to stand trial for murder in Oscar Grant killing
05-06-2009 22:01
As of the printing of this article there have been five days of testimony, stretching out over two weeks, at the preliminary hearing of Johannes Mehserle, the cop caught on video shooting Oscar Grant in the back as Grant lay on a train platform.Speak out Against Racism and Deportations - 13 June 2009 12-3pm
05-06-2009 11:33
Open-air rally with speeches from anti-racist groups across London, uniting to take a common stand in defence of migrant workers and asylum seekers.Please come along and bring speeches, music, chants, literature. Add your voice and help us speak out againt racism.
Public rally outside Angel Tube station, Islington, London N1
05-06-2009 08:30
National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit site is back upheld for 24 hours by police for flag-waving
04-06-2009 22:28
police detained maria gallestegui (from for 24 hours after her arrest yesterday evening for waving the tamil eelam homeland flag at parliament squareGreece: The case of Nikos Kountardas
04-06-2009 16:07
Nikos Kundardas, a brave anarchist comrade from Greece, is on hunger and thirst strike, demanding his freedom. He is charged with setting a bank on fire, even though the prosecutor has no evidence available.Which Way Forward for the Black Left: The Formation of DIGNITY
04-06-2009 15:15

Shell causeway 'washed away' by Shell to Sea action
04-06-2009 11:30

Confrontation ensues as Shell vessels arrive at Rossport
04-06-2009 11:27

Tim Martin Hunger Strike, Day 17, London - pictures
04-06-2009 11:10

Sri Lanka: Humanitarian access urgently needed (Amnesty International appeal)
04-06-2009 08:37
*Please complete the email appeal letter to the Sri Lankan authorities expressing their concerns about the hundreds of thousands of Sri Lankans facing serious human rights violations.
Dave Mahoney (RNC arrestee) pleads guilty in exchange for 90day cap.
03-06-2009 14:14
On June 1st 2009 Dave Mahoney, under pressure from US state repression, plead guilty to a single count of second degree assault.