UK Repression Newswire Archive
Zimbabwe vigil 5th anniversary
11-10-2007 10:20
The Zimbabwe vigil 5th anniversary event that was due to happen at the rampART social center this coming saturday has now been moved to a larger venue as it has become apparent that the numbers expected to attended much greater than originally anticipated.The vigil is on the strand as normal and the social event afterwards will now be held at Highgate Newtown Community Centre, 25 Bertram Street, London N19 5DQ.
Cardiff Burma/Total Protest II (Saturday 13th)
11-10-2007 08:34
After a very successful protest against oil and gas company Total's involvement in Burma in Cardiff last Saturday, it's been agreed to call another demonstration - same time, same place - the oppression hasn't stopped so neither should we!Account of last week's protest here:

Politicians: is it one rule for us and another for them? - part II
10-10-2007 22:57
Watch senior MPs squirm when it is suggested to them that lying by politicians be made illegal.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Photo of EDO MBM being forced to smash own window!
10-10-2007 21:07

Al-Qaeda: Sort of Like the Energizer Bunny
10-10-2007 17:12
None of this works, not very well, because people are sick and tired of hearing about “al-Qaeda,” the putative terrorist organization akin to the boy who cried wolf, forever barking but never biting because the wolf has no teeth, heck it is not a stretch to say the wolf does not exist, except in the fervid but all too prosaic imagination of think-tank neocons and the like.Dignity Not Detention - the 3 Day March
10-10-2007 16:55

Oaxaca: PRI candidate house attacked, CIPO-RFM HQ facing repression
10-10-2007 16:19

Reclaim the Night March - Edinburgh - 11th October 2007
10-10-2007 15:24
HUNDREDS of marchers will "reclaim the night" when they take to the city's streets for a rally highlighting violence against women. Both women and men will take part in the event to raise awareness of domestic abuse and a culture in which women feel unsafe walking alone at night.Anti Kettle Foods Campaign Builds Head of Steam
10-10-2007 15:23
Kettle Foods have brought in US union busters. But have they bitten off more they can chew as consumer organising a boycott online?Brothers in Chains and other news from rampART
10-10-2007 12:30
The building occupied for the rampART social center has recently undergone changes to make it more suitable for large meetings. Two rooms on the first floor have been combined into one large room good for meetings of up to sixty people. Additionally, work is being done on the roof garden to provide a sheltered space where people can get a breath of fresh air during events.The Madness of King Nick - the infamous Identity article examined at last
10-10-2007 11:44
A look at the Identity article...Burma: Total Oil London HQ picketed again
10-10-2007 09:42

coffee, donuts & a slice of all-american mischief anyone?
10-10-2007 01:39

Attacks in Argentina and Belgium in solidarity with Gabriel and Jose
09-10-2007 23:24
vols wagen dealership attacked in Buenos Aires, consulate and BMW dealership attacked in BrusselsFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Hidden Detainees, East London Camp Xray
09-10-2007 18:20

Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Video Rush: Troops Out Now Protest, London, 08/10/1007
09-10-2007 11:01

Burma: report from daily embassy protest
09-10-2007 00:59
Around 20 people gathered on Monday lunchtime, reduced perhaps by events elsewhere in the city, in the small Mayfair street where the Burmese Ambassador hides away. Over half those present were Burmese.SOCPA - STWC 'ban' was bollocks
09-10-2007 00:40
i'm sure indymedia readers knew this anyway, but the proof is on the bbc websiteNiger: Massacre in the North of Niger
08-10-2007 21:59
The nigerien army is violating the Human Rights. In massacres in the north of Niger at least 29 innocent persons were killed.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Troops Out Now: Interview with Tony Benn
08-10-2007 21:33