UK Repression Newswire Archive
Housing Corporation savage Pavilion Housing Association
18-10-2004 15:15
Following hard on the heals of a damning report by the Audit Commission, Pavilion Housing Association has now been slammed by the industry regulator, the Housing Corporation.The rebirth of radical samba in Oxford!
18-10-2004 13:53
Love to dance in the streets?Appreciate the energy and strength samba can give a crowd?
Want to reclaim public space, support worthy causes at legal
demos, or defy an authoritarian police ban on political samba?
Enjoy playing drums, or dressing in crazy beautiful costumes?
Photos from the ESF march
18-10-2004 11:07

Translation of ESF report from Athens indy
18-10-2004 10:36
Translation of the athens.indymedia report about the events at the ESF demonstration."APARTHEID ISRAEL" – A Dr. Uri Davis Interview!
18-10-2004 07:30
Uri Davis is a scholar and Jewish citizen of Israel, but prefers to describe himself as a Palestinian Jew. He was born in Jerusalem in 1943, when Palestine was still undivided. Dr. Davis’ research interests focus on questions of citizenship, democracy and human rights in Israel and Palestine.esf: arrestee in court at 10am today
18-10-2004 04:46
arrested activist in court at 10stage storming attemt at Trafalgar square
17-10-2004 21:56
how the organizers dealt with the storming attempt at Trafalgar.Anti- ESF process action at Trafalgar Square report, Sunday, 17th of October
17-10-2004 18:35
"If there would be only one truth, it would not be possible to paint so many pictures about the same topic". - Pablo PicassoIndymedia Reporter Violently Arrested
17-10-2004 15:57
One Indymedia volunteer was arrested from behind the stage at the rally in Trafalgar Square.Maelstrom: anti-repression squat - Events - Leeds
17-10-2004 15:55
Details of some of the events planned...The police are under resourced
17-10-2004 14:15

European Social Forum events
17-10-2004 10:15

Backwards Intelligence Team (FIT surveillance cop piss take)
17-10-2004 02:09

This was part of one of the creative actions from the Autonomous Spaces around the European Social Forum in London 2004
No Borders Action Statement
17-10-2004 01:59
For those who didn't see it, this is the leaflet given out at Waterloo last Thursday night when the Eurostar arrivals section was stormed by a couple of hundred protestors.Guardian / Observer: "Anarchists storm European Social Forum"
17-10-2004 01:28
The Guardian (official media partner of the European Social Forum...) reports on saturday evenings intervention at the ESF:ESF: "In the name of democracy..." ?
16-10-2004 19:54
yesterday's evening session on the occupation of Iraq couldn't go through - because of despite calls for democracy?police video teams at beyond esf
16-10-2004 13:18
police video surveillance team outside beyond esf in tottenham.Police at Ramparts
16-10-2004 11:28
About a dozen police have been reported outside Ramparts, Rampart St, E1.Police Presence At ESF Accommodation
16-10-2004 10:24
Between 9am and 10am there has been a build up of police presence outside a building being used to accomodate people who are attending the ESF and Autonomous Spaces.Haiti slum repels police amid angry protests
16-10-2004 05:43
The morgue at the [Port au Prince] General Hospital issued an emergency call this afternoon stating that there was no longer space for new corpses and it had reached fullcapacity.