UK Repression Newswire Archive
Call for solidarity: Kulon Progo Self-organised Struggle
24-02-2011 07:30
We call for the strongest possible international solidarity with the fighting peasants of Kulon Progo, Indonesia. They are organising to defend their lives and the environment from the ruthless mining operations of the exploiting capitalists and their state backers, with an absolute rejection of leftism and political wrangling. Let’s internationalize the anti-capitalist resistance!List of people on Cameron's tour of middle east
23-02-2011 01:32
An interesting snapshot of the UK PMs friends... maybe this can be of use to someone...Thousands protest as Libya attacks Libyans
22-02-2011 20:17

Thousands joined the protest outside the Libyan Embassy this evening, before marching on Downing Street.. The Socialist Worker reports that 10 coaches travelled from Manchester alone, and that some protestors have declared that they will spend the night outside the Embassy. More joined protests outside Downing Street.
Ban Police Kettling - Campaign
22-02-2011 18:49
Kettling is being used to suppress dissent rather than to prevent violence. In fact it is a cause of violence. You can join this campaign and vote to ban kettling.Ban Police Kettling Campaign
22-02-2011 14:07
Kettling is being used to suppress dissent rather than to prevent violence. In fact it is a cause of violence. You can join this campaign and vote to ban kettling.Libya, European Union and Europe’s left…
21-02-2011 20:01
When, faced with crimes against humanity, you don't pass beyond the level of declarations, you make yourself accomplice of the crime...Sheffield protest against repression in #Libya
21-02-2011 15:41

CairoRising: report back from the Egyptian revolution 22 Feb, Brighton
21-02-2011 14:32
Report back meeting from CairoRising, February 22 at 7.30pm. The Cowley Club, 12 London Road, BrightonMark Kennedy, the Black Bloc & 5 German undercover cops at G8 in Scotland 2005
21-02-2011 13:23
According to German Newspaper Der Spiegel, head of Germany's federal police Jörg Ziercke admitted that German state authorities had specifically requested undercover Met Police officer Mark Kennedy's presence in Heiligendamm in 2006/7.An acknowledgement in the public domain of what some of us long suspected, on quote from the Guardian today: "The Newspaper [Der Spiegel] said Kennedy's involvement in criminal activity raised concerns that he was working as an agent provocateur and not just an observer "
Demo, revolt, fire and escape at Brussels detention centre today
20-02-2011 23:31

The Uninvited Visitors
20-02-2011 20:06
On Wednesday 26th January 2011 at approximately 6am in the morning, my son had just made the first adhan for Fajr and was waiting to make the second adhan. All of a sudden, there was a bang on the door.Uprising spreads as the Egyptian revolution moves to the next stage
20-02-2011 13:24
A version of this article was published in schNEWS….original post at

Breaking News: Bloody protests rock Iraqi Kurdistan
20-02-2011 13:01

Uprising spreads as the Egyptian revolution moves to the next stage
20-02-2011 11:33
An version of this article was published in schNEWS….original post at

Veolia lost contract in Richmond - West London
20-02-2011 09:53

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5 German Undercover agents sent to Scotland G8
19-02-2011 18:43
this now came out as a result of discussions of the Mark Kennedy case in the German ParliamentBreaking News: Bahraini police surrenders to protesters
19-02-2011 16:15

Egyptian Revolution at a Turning Point
19-02-2011 15:23

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Massacre in Bahrain
19-02-2011 12:39
The GOvernment is massacring people in Bahrain. The mainstream coverage is shit.International Solidarity with political prisoners
19-02-2011 02:57