UK Repression Newswire Archive
Tyranny And Rebellion – The Breaking Of The Corporate Media Monopoly
03-03-2011 09:51
Historian Howard Zinn (1922-2010), would be remembered above all for his humanity and warmth, were it not for the crystal clarity of his insight. In 'A Power That Governments Can’t Suppress,' he wrote:
‘There is a tendency to think that what we see in the present moment will continue. We forget how often we have been astonished by the sudden crumbling of institutions, by extraordinary changes in people's thoughts, by unexpected eruptions of rebellion against tyrannies, by the quick collapse of systems of power that seemed invincible.’ (Zinn, A Power That Governments Can’t Suppress, City Lights, 2007, p.267)
David Cameron: We will use military force to free Libya
02-03-2011 21:17

international action against bam
02-03-2011 18:06
Today 2nd march at 14 pm, a fake press release from Royal Bam Group was sent to a large press list including hundreds of financial and economic contacts in Netherlands, UK, Belgium, Ireland and Germany, the European country where such group is operating. The press release was announcing disastrous annual economic results, and it attached a detailed fake financial document showing all the reasons of the losses.TUC and Liberty undermine independent monitoring of police actions
02-03-2011 17:11
News Release – for immediate releaseThe revolt in the Centres d'identification in Italy
02-03-2011 14:12
"It 'a living hell from which escape"Voltage at maximum levels. Four hundred new visitors to Lampedusa. In Bologna, a hundred activists of the social centers have entered the Cie over the wall. An assault: "To free the immigrants." Flames and riots in Turin and Gradisca Cie d'Isonzo
Cie-center for identification and expulsion
Protests of the activists of the social centers in the Center for identification and expulsion of via Mattei
Collective statement from some individuals affected by recent infiltrations
02-03-2011 10:13
A group of people involved in radical action around the environment and other social struggles who have been involved with and been affected by recent exposes of infiltrators have come together to create a joint statement on how the issue has evolved and been represented in the media.Police threaten to kick shop's door in to tear down Palestine flag
02-03-2011 09:05

Camden Town Hall: Is This What Democracy Looks Like?
01-03-2011 13:20

Sign our Open Letter to President Obama: Release Shaker Aamer
01-03-2011 12:06

Defend Julian Assange! Behind the witch-hunt of #WikiLeaks
28-02-2011 22:38

UK Census 2011: Why I Will Be Breaking The Law on March 27, 2011
28-02-2011 16:14

If you live in the England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland then I would also like you to break the law. We can do it together, and I know for a fact that an awful lot of people will be doing the same.
Protect Assange, don’t abuse him
28-02-2011 13:52
Forty years ago, a book entitled The Greening of America caused a sensation. On the cover were these words: "There is a revolution coming. It will not be like revolutions of the past. It will originate with the individual." I was a correspondent in the United States at the time and recall the overnight elevation to guru status of the author, a young Yale academic, Charles Reich. His message was that political action had failed and only "culture" and introspection could change the world. This merged with an insidious corporate public relations campaign aimed at reclaiming western capitalism from the sense of freedom inspired by the civil rights and anti-war movements. The new propaganda's euphemisms were postmodernism, consumerism and "me-ism".'The Road to Wigan Pier' Revisited By Stephen Armstrong
28-02-2011 12:57
The Roots Research Centre and Equanomics UK are assisting author Stephen Armstrong in research for a book with a modern day take on the Orwell book about poverty in the UK 'The Road to Wigan Pier' and he would really like to make contact with people in Manchester, Bradford, Sheffield, Liverpool and Wigan.Libya: Is US pushing for civil war to justify a US-NATO military intervention?
25-02-2011 19:58

Is “manufactured destruction” or “creative destruction” at work?
Is Tripoli being set up for a civil war to justify U.S. and NATO military intervention in oil-rich Libya?
If Qaddafi is not ousted, are the talks about sanctions a prelude to an Iraq-like intervention?
7 March - Freedom of Speech is on trial Westminster Magistrates
25-02-2011 19:39
Kroll, Guy Carpenter ltd, City Police Counter Terrorism Directorate used to silence plumber Ian Puddick for exposing corruption at board level at the worlds largest reinsurance company.Brighton demo in solidarity with Libya
24-02-2011 19:14
Solidarity with the Middle Eastern and North African UprisingsDemonstrate 4.30pm Friday 25th February 2010, Old Steine, Brighton
Over the last eleven days the people of Libya, inspired by revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia and uprisings spreading across the Middle East and North Africa, have risen up against the dictatorship of Muammar Gaddafi. The regime has responded by shutting down phone and internet networks, attacking protests and massacring their own population from the air and with hired mercenaries. The casualties are not yet known but those murdered are estimated at 1000.
Cardiff demo in support of Libyan uprising
24-02-2011 18:31