UK Repression Newswire Archive
Racist Scientology Cult Targets Africa
21-08-2008 16:09

Scientologists in Action: The True Nature of Scientology’s "Vulture Ministers"
21-08-2008 15:59

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Carnival Against Vivisection - SEQUANI Site plan with building information
21-08-2008 15:46

new solidarity-movement for kurdistan in germany
20-08-2008 23:29
this is a report about the new german english is bad, but i hope you will understand it
Tibet Activists Take on the Chinese Government on their Own Turf
20-08-2008 17:29

Interview with Amadeu Casellas Ramon, 60 days on hungerstrike
20-08-2008 12:10
The Catalonian anarchist prisoner Amadeu Casellas has been on hunger strike for 60 days to demand a solution to his critical situation of imprisonment, already lasting for more than 22 years. He has paid for 22 years for struggling against the state, for bank expropriations carried out in the 70s and 80s to help finance the workers’ struggles of that time.Balochistan: Baluchi Ha'al launched in Washington D.C.
20-08-2008 11:37

Netcu Watch // A common sense guide to dealing with Grasses and Infiltrators
20-08-2008 09:47
Recently comments on various articles have accused activists of being grasses without any evidence whatsoever. This has the potential to alienate people from one another, create false rumours and create an atmosphere where new people are treated with suspicion.United Grand Lodge Freemasons yearbook and spreadsheet of Scottish officers
20-08-2008 00:37

why come to the carnival
19-08-2008 17:03

our right to protest has disappeared
this IS the place to take direct action
enough is enough, it's time to fight back
for the animals suffering inside Sequani labs
the Animal Liberation Front said they'd be there
Amadeu Casellas: 45 days on hunger strike
19-08-2008 15:00
Amadeu Casellas has been on hunger strike for 50 days to demand a
solution to his critical situation
As of August 10, 2008, Amadeu Casellas has been on hunger strike for 50 days to
demand a solution to his critical situation of imprisonment, already lasting for more
than 22 years. He has paid for 22 years for struggling against the state, for bank
expropriations carried out in the 70s and 80s to help finance the workers’ struggles
of that era.
Carnival Against Vivisection - Other Targets in Herefordshire!
19-08-2008 10:55

Actions do not have to be limited to Sequani Labs...
I'm sure the police can spare a couple of extra hundred officers to protect all of these other animal abusers in the area.
Invitation to Roma solidarity demo on 19 September 2008, in Manchester
19-08-2008 10:15

Date: Friday 19 September 2008
Time: 11.30am
Place: Italian Consultate. 111 Piccadilly Manchester, M1 2HY.

Italy. Why don't we use the Roma boys as slaves?
18-08-2008 23:51
Racist Italy goes over the limit and through the words of the Rome Police Prefectcomes up with an aberrant proposal: why don’t we use teenage Roma boys as “little slaves”?
ISS offices visited by RMT and No Borders.
18-08-2008 22:44

The RMT were also joined by No Borders and other supporters who briefly occupied the lobby of the firm. Police were called and those inside where removed. They continued the demonstration outside where they made a hell of a racket for quite some time. One person was arrested for reasons unknown.
Carnival Against Vivisection - Transport
18-08-2008 18:28
The carnival against Sequani labs is in just under 3 weeks. Looking for transport?Police want the Carnival Against Vivisection organisers
18-08-2008 17:30

For Immediate Release
Date: August 18th 2008
By: "The Promoters"
Drax Coal Train Occupiers Plea Hearing - Climate Camp bail-breakers not punished
18-08-2008 13:15
The 29 people who occupied and partially emptied a coal train on its way to Drax power station on 13 June appeared in court today (18 August 2008) to register their pleas. Bail conditions banning defendants from entering the Hoo peninsula were dropped.Can International Activists on two Small Boats Break the Siege of Gaza?
18-08-2008 09:53

Fight Speciesism! #4 - Out Now
18-08-2008 01:19

We'd also like to remind everyone that the Carnival Against Vivisection is next month in solidarity with Sean Kirtley. Don't forget to make flags and banners etc, or see the link below to buy flags from RoC.
Check out our press release: