UK Repression Newswire Archive
Protest at John Reid and the G6
25-10-2006 10:18
G6 Ministers visit Stratford upon avon and Warwick for banquet - opportunity to protest at xenophobic and fascist home office policies.Counter Terror World - "strengthening state security"
24-10-2006 22:55

Copenhagen international conference
24-10-2006 14:57
The Danish association ’Rebellion’ invites you to participate in and contribute to the Copenhagen International Conference:Anti-terrorism legislation, political rights and international solidarity
Member of the strike comitee of Mercadona was brutally beatened
24-10-2006 14:32
"This is for Mercadona" they told J.C. member of CNT and of the strike comitee of Mercadona when five individuals came up to him in the street at night, while they beated and kicked him lying in a puddle of blood until he lost conscience. He was carried by an ambulance to the Red Cross where he recieved treatment of craneal traumatism and contusions and must be sutured in different parts of his body.Education workers on stike in Greece.
24-10-2006 11:21

North Korean nuclear test opens up political divisions in South Korea
24-10-2006 01:29

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Media blackout on explosives case continues
23-10-2006 21:00
The silence is deafening...The Semantics of the Israeli Occupation
23-10-2006 20:56
Colony vs SettlementTerminal vs Checkpoint
Public meeting: 'Still in chains? The experience of African asylum seekers and f
23-10-2006 19:54
Next year, 2007, will see the commemoration of the bicentenary of theparliamentary abolition of the transatlantic slave trade in the British
empire. But has African enslavement really ended? Leeds No Borders & School of Geography have organised a public meeting this Friday to debate the issue.
The fake compassion of Europe's right-wing
23-10-2006 16:35
It’s interesting to see what issues can infiltrate and corrupt the Left. Usually the offenses are blatant— supporting the ‘war on terror’, electing ‘progressive Democrats’, calling for military intervention into a troubled region (Yugoslavia— and now Sudan). Sometimes though, more subtle topics can confuse and disorientate the Left, the most recent example being the sudden reemergence of the WWI Armenian genocide as a hot-button issue.Nobel Peace Prize nominated activists speaking in Bristol
23-10-2006 13:51
Nobel Peace Prize nominated Israeli Activists speaking in Bristol.Monday 30th October, 8pm
Bristol University Students' Union building Click
here for map.
Weekly Vigil to Save the Jarawa - Reminder
23-10-2006 09:26

Pauline Campbell nicked at Eastwood Park Prison/YOI/mother & baby unit
23-10-2006 08:59

The David Kelly "Dead in the Woods" PSYOP
22-10-2006 22:37
The media and "establishment" are well into their plans to allow Phoney Bliar the War Criminal to step down from power gracefully, instead of being forced out in disgrace, and held to account for his actions. It's up to us to ensure that this is not allowed to happen.Direct Action at public events. Blanketing the streets with reminders about Bliar's many crimes and deceptions. Massive rallies denouncing his reign.
These must be undertaken in earnest, so that this can never happen again, or worse, be perpetuated through his successor.
*PRESS RELEASE*:- Greek Government sentences Mt. Athos monks to 2 years in jail
22-10-2006 18:41
Dear all5 disabled monks have already died as a result of this blockade. See
They are being sentenced for "heresy" (as a result of their beliefs). They
are not actually "heretical" in True Orthodox Christian terms. It is their
accusers, the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Greek Government who are.
Support the monks in maintaining their peaceful existence in the face of
state sponsored violence.
Adrian Whyatt (

Death in Custody in Ireland (I) / London Protest 28.10.
22-10-2006 15:09

Confronted by more and more scandalous episodes leaking to the public and the recent rise of persistent family campaigns demanding truly independent inquiries, the latter might be just about to change. Currently an ombudsman board is being installed.
In the UK also an 'Independent' Police Complaints Commission had been installed a few years ago (only after persistent family campaigning, just in case you were harboring any doubts). But still the 'friendly unarmed bobbies' kill far more people than police forces of other european countries, while factual immunity of officers prevails.
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Birmingham Guantanamo Campaign and police at Starbucks, 21 October 2006
22-10-2006 11:52

Starbucks coffee shop in New Street, called by Birmingham Guantanamo
Campaign to draw attention to the fact that Starbucks also has a shop
at Guantanamo.
Upon Red Rivers of Genocide
22-10-2006 11:39
For what can you call what is happening in Iraq in the first decade of the twenty-first century anything but genocide, the complete and systematic decimation – the annihilation – of an entire culture, of an entire society, of an entire nation?The QUICKTIME REPORT 22/10/06 - SEE GLOBALLY!
22-10-2006 07:28