UK Repression Newswire Archive
Smash ITT. The end bit (in pictures).
18-10-2008 15:22

Liverpool Police and Antisocial Behaviour
17-10-2008 18:51
Publication of a Complaint made to Liverpool City Council about Antisocial Behaviour from Police Officers in Liverpool City Centre, where civil unrest was orchestrated by Liverpool Police n 10th October 2008.Bonfire night benefit gig for prisoners in Oaxaca.
17-10-2008 18:46

+ Lotsa 'avin it RIOT PORN visuals from REEL NEWS.
+ All dub and ska tunes from DJ Captain Scarlet.
+ Indoor fireworks to celebrate the anniversary of that bloke who came close to solving the Parliament problem.
Lies begin to unravel in police murder of Jean Charles de Menezes
17-10-2008 15:58
Explosive testimony has been presented to the inquest into the police killing of Jean Charles de Menezes, suggesting that he was shot even though he was known to be unarmed.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
New Animal Rights Raids in Gosport
17-10-2008 14:13
2 people were raided and arrested in Gosport at 10am this morning.Smash EDO - a fitwatchers perspective
17-10-2008 10:23
Once again the ability of Smash EDO to stand up to police bullying and intimidation was impressive and inspiring. This was perhaps most obvious as the police blocked the march to the EDO factory and marchers stood their ground against police batons and pepper spray.If "That One" Wins
16-10-2008 18:56

November 4, when a society drenched in racism tries to figure out which of
its "selves" will pull the lever. Lots of whites seem to be profoundly
confused. "A recent poll indicated that many white people, including some
who claim to support Obama, continue to hold very negative opinions about
black people, often viewing them as `violent,' and `complaining.'" But Obama
solves the problem, since his "refusal to directly address the needs of
black people is also appealing to white people." Other whites are more
straightforward. If your car sports an Obama sticker, they won't let you
Animal Rights Activists Remanded in Custody
16-10-2008 18:11
here is a short summary of the facts so far in regard to the 4 activists arrested the other day please do not speculate further in the public domain.4 new prisoners
16-10-2008 15:02
Four people have been remanded in custody.Smash ITT/EDO. Witnesses needed for assault on photographer.
16-10-2008 10:19
Yesterday at around 2.15pm protesters emerged from the woods above the ITT factory into an adjoining field. They had brought with them a sound system. Also in the field were two Police dog handlers and several other officers in riot gear. At one point during the clashes a photographer who was recording the Police action was assaulted. A dog handler set his dog on him causing serious injury.Block the Vichy European Summit on Immigration, November 3-4 2008! (in english,
15-10-2008 22:52
On the next November 3rd and 4th , the French presidency of the European Union will gather, upon the initiative of Brice Hortefeux, French minister of immigration, integration and national identity, the whole 27 European ministers of Interior and Justice. They will all meet in Vichy, the historic capital of the pro-Nazi regime in France during the Second World War.Subvert 2008 Festival: Bristol – 24 to 26 October
15-10-2008 21:04

Full article | 2 additions | 7 comments
Activists Take Over BP Recruitment Event
15-10-2008 11:14
BP's attempt to recruit Oxford graduates at the uber-swanky Randolph Hotel last night didn't quite go according to plan...cops at brighton station at 10.30
15-10-2008 09:38
there are cop cars at brighton station and driving around St Peters church near the LevelFull article | 1 addition | 3 comments
EDO cops in pre-demo propaganda
14-10-2008 11:20
Brighton rag The Argus serves as police propaganda tool. last week the Argus printed a few lines on the demo without publishing any letter or press release from Smash EdoMoazzam Begg talk at Nottingham Uni - Thursday
13-10-2008 23:12

Bradford says ID is bad
13-10-2008 21:14

India Police Chief Challenged on Human Rights Record at International Conference
13-10-2008 20:12

Rotten Borough of Rushmoor loses 2 million
13-10-2008 16:41
The Rotten Borough of Rushmoor has lost 2 million of local taxpayers' money in the Icelandic banking crash.FITwatch at EDO
13-10-2008 16:18