UK Repression Newswire Archive
Barnone:Films about prison
26-05-2008 15:18

Sunday 15th June at the Star and Shadow Cinema
A day full of films and workshops from the UK and around the world that will tap into the visible and invisible voices behind bars.
America facilitating for the UK Census?
26-05-2008 14:45
UK-USA 2011 UK CENSUS CONCERNS: The House of Commons Treasury Committee has expressed strong concerns that if the 2011 UK census is run by a US company that the data could be accessed by USA security and law enforcement agencies:Justice for Darfur - London Protest
26-05-2008 11:19

Pictures (C) 2008, Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.
Silvio Berlusconi and the 2008 'democratic' election campaign
26-05-2008 09:53

These are all statements of Silvio Berlusconi himself in the weeks before the 2008 elections.
Silvio Berlusconi assures a few weeks before the elections that there is no place in his coalition for persons with a criminal past or with mafia connections…
Help Europe:Silvio Berlusconi is taking over the European mediamarket!
26-05-2008 09:48

Do we have to worry in Europe?
If you want to know WHAT won the Italian elections and who controls OUR media.
Read and shiver…
Italian Crystal nights, first the gypsies...Is this Europe 1938?
26-05-2008 09:44

Why didn`t we see the sensational images of burning gypsy camps, terrified and crying children and desperate people in our European press?
Full article | 5 additions | 1 comment
Solidarity for imprisoned anti-fur activists in Austria
24-05-2008 22:55

Support Sean in court - Fri 30th May
24-05-2008 19:45
Please support Sean Kirtley when he is sentenced - Coventry Crown Court, Friday 30th May, 10amNotts Uni detainee innocent but still facing deportation
24-05-2008 16:41
Hicham Yezza, a popular, respected and valued former PhD student and current employee of the University of Nottingham faces deportation to Algeria on Sunday 1st June. This follows his unjust arrest under the Terrorism Act 2000 on Wednesday 14th May alongside Rizwaan Sabir and their release without charge six days later.The Many Faces of Paul Dodds: Pride & Promiscuity
24-05-2008 13:22
This is the third episode in a series about a dangerous con artist, namely Paul Harvey Dick, of Portland, Oregon, USA. Dick, in addition to being an accomplished lady/man killer and confidence trickster, has stolen the identity of Paul G. Dodds, Esquire.FBI files indict Bush, Cheney and Co. as war criminals
24-05-2008 00:15
The most stunning revelation in a 370-page Justice US Department Inspector General’s report released this week was that agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation had formally opened a “War Crimes” file, documenting torture they had witnessed at the Guantánamo Bay US prison camp, before being ordered by the administration to stop writing their reports.Sheffield Guantanamo Campaign Meeting - 28 May
23-05-2008 23:11

Direct Action, Liberation & Solidarity for Political Prisoners
23-05-2008 19:55

Wave of Repression against Activists in Austria
23-05-2008 19:29
(Austria) – Around 7:00 am on Wednesday May 21 members of the Viennese elite police force (WEGA) stormed several apartments in Vienna. Some of the residents were woken up in their beds with guns drawn on them. A total of twenty-three (23) apartments, houses and offices were searches in Vienna, Lower Austria, Styria and Tirol.Direct Action Greece: 17th - 22nd May
23-05-2008 17:45

Attack against the municipal police of Ilioupoli (ATHENS)
Bank firebombed (LOANNINA)
University rectors elections sabotaged (ATHENS-PIRAEUS)
Surveillance cameras destroyed during squaters solidarity march (ATHENS)
Fencing bars around the polytechnic school dismantled (ATHENS)
Arsonists hit a bank (THESSALONIKI)
Anti-racism Public meeting - 31 May 2008, 1.00pm
23-05-2008 16:41
What is the link between defending asylum seekers and the struggle against racism? Should the asylum issue be a charitable or political issue? Come and hear the experiences of a speaker from TCAR in the north east.Help us build for the TCAR regional northern anti-racist conference in Newcastle on 21 June 2008.
Contact us if you want to speak. All speakers welcome. Everyone is welcome.
Press release: Public reading of research material that led to terror arrests
23-05-2008 14:48
Academics and students demonstrate: Public reading of research material that led to terror arrests.Scientology cult fails in attempt to ban word "cult" at anti-cult picket
23-05-2008 12:06
Aim gun at foot. Pull trigger. Repeat until out of feet.Making Governance Gender Responsive.
23-05-2008 09:36

A Conference will occur in October 2008 under the aegis of the CAPWIP and the
United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction in October 2008.

Situs & Queers: "The Social Plague" (1972-1974)
22-05-2008 18:24
First English translation of piece showing the influence of the Situationist International on the homosexual rights movement in France in the 1970s.