UK Repression Newswire Archive
JNV suggested answers to SOCPA consultation
14-01-2008 01:25
Some sample answers drawn up by anti-war group Justice Not Vengeance to send in for the consultation on the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (2005) - deadline 17 Jan.Cambridge anti-SOCPA action montage
13-01-2008 19:50
A short montage illustrating the issues behind the new SOCPA consultation, with the Cambridge action as a background:
Police Farce Belgravia - Absolute Bollocks!
13-01-2008 19:11
Same shit, different day.Same shit, different country.
Same old shit no matter how you slice it or dice it.
Corruption is an ugly state of democracy.
Freedom to protest - Aldermaston
13-01-2008 17:54

Mapuche Comunero Died in Confrontation with Police near Vilcun, Chile.
13-01-2008 17:09
A young Mapuche 'comunero' (member of the local community) died early this morning, it is thought after being wounded by police officers that fired at him at a farm under police protection on the outskirts of Vilcun, in the Araucania region.John Bowden - Latest News
13-01-2008 14:39
Official report discredits lies of prison social worker Matt Stillman, who accused the Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) of being a "terrorist organisation". No action taken though - Yet.Pentagon's troubling role in Haiti
13-01-2008 12:35

Stop Bias Against Iranian Students and Academics in The Netherlands
13-01-2008 11:06
In a radical and unprecedented move Twente University in Enschede, TheNetherlands, has decided on a total exclusion of and denial of
admission to all Iranian nationals. The university bases its decision
upon the request of the Dutch Ministry of Education to "exercise
vigilance and prevent specialized teaching or training of Iranian
nationals of disciplines which would contribute to Iran's
profileration of sensitive nuclear activities and development of
nuclear weapon delivery systems" in compliance with the resolution
1373 of UN Security Council.
Video of Anti-SOCPA demo in London 12-1-08..
13-01-2008 10:11
Unauthorised demo in London, England, against SOCPA legislation which criminalises freedom of expression and freedom of assembly within a zone around Parliament. This legislation is under review and fears are that it might be extended.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Aberystwyth Joins National Day of Action For Right to Protest
13-01-2008 00:53
Activists and concerned citizens from all over West Wales added their voices to the day of action fir the right to protest. See:
For News and Pictures,
Full article | 6 additions | 51 comments
brian haw violently assaulted then arrested at downing street today
12-01-2008 22:55

Freedom to Protest in Milton Keynes
12-01-2008 21:39

Anti-SOCPA London pics
12-01-2008 19:00

Right To Protest - Liverpool Demo
12-01-2008 18:27

Don't forget the SSAT 6 now on trial
12-01-2008 17:14
In Birmingham crown court every week day (court 9 - 10.30am onwards) for the next 12 weeks are 6 non-violent anti-vivisection campaigners charged with "contravening sec 145 SOCPA so as to cause harm to an animal research organisation and its suppliers" (re Sequani Limited vivisection labs Ledbury Herefordshire)Anti-SOCPA demo in Cambridge
12-01-2008 16:05

SOCPA - permission denied for anti-socpa demonstration - please support
12-01-2008 14:47

London Gitmo demo.
12-01-2008 11:27

Kilburn protest against Total Oil support for Burma dictatorship
11-01-2008 19:51

On its Sixth Anniversary, Calls Resound Worldwide for Closure of Guantanamo Bay
11-01-2008 18:36