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UK Repression Newswire Archive

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JNV suggested answers to SOCPA consultation

14-01-2008 01:25

Some sample answers drawn up by anti-war group Justice Not Vengeance to send in for the consultation on the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act (2005) - deadline 17 Jan.

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Cambridge anti-SOCPA action montage

13-01-2008 19:50

A short montage illustrating the issues behind the new SOCPA consultation, with the Cambridge action as a background:

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Police Farce Belgravia - Absolute Bollocks!

13-01-2008 19:11

Same shit, different day.
Same shit, different country.
Same old shit no matter how you slice it or dice it.
Corruption is an ugly state of democracy.

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Freedom to protest - Aldermaston

13-01-2008 17:54

Om Saturday 12 January, Aldermaston Women's Peace Camp(aign) joined others around the country in holding a demonstration claiming the freedom to protest. The Atomic Weapons Establishment is subject to SOCPA and military lands byelaws - both of which intend limiting the right to protest.

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Mapuche Comunero Died in Confrontation with Police near Vilcun, Chile.

13-01-2008 17:09

A young Mapuche 'comunero' (member of the local community) died early this morning, it is thought after being wounded by police officers that fired at him at a farm under police protection on the outskirts of Vilcun, in the Araucania region.

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John Bowden - Latest News

13-01-2008 14:39

Official report discredits lies of prison social worker Matt Stillman, who accused the Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) of being a "terrorist organisation". No action taken though - Yet.

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Pentagon's troubling role in Haiti

13-01-2008 12:35

Residents of Cité Soleil are forced to bathe in open ditches despite over $1.5 b
A reminder of the Defense Department's role in Haiti came Friday when protesters burned tires outside of Cite Soleil's mayor's office to call attention to a $20 million program called the "House of Justice" initiative.

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Stop Bias Against Iranian Students and Academics in The Netherlands

13-01-2008 11:06

In a radical and unprecedented move Twente University in Enschede, The
Netherlands, has decided on a total exclusion of and denial of
admission to all Iranian nationals. The university bases its decision
upon the request of the Dutch Ministry of Education to "exercise
vigilance and prevent specialized teaching or training of Iranian
nationals of disciplines which would contribute to Iran's
profileration of sensitive nuclear activities and development of
nuclear weapon delivery systems" in compliance with the resolution
1373 of UN Security Council.

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Video of Anti-SOCPA demo in London 12-1-08..

13-01-2008 10:11

Unauthorised demo in London, England, against SOCPA legislation which criminalises freedom of expression and freedom of assembly within a zone around Parliament. This legislation is under review and fears are that it might be extended.

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Aberystwyth Joins National Day of Action For Right to Protest

13-01-2008 00:53

Activists and concerned citizens from all over West Wales added their voices to the day of action fir the right to protest. See:
For News and Pictures,

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brian haw violently assaulted then arrested at downing street today

12-01-2008 22:55

a bloody-faced and frightened brian haw (minus hat)
during the freedom to protest assembly this afternoon, brian haw (who was peacefully filming events in whitehall) was violently attacked by a territorial support group policeman who lashed out at him, smashing his camera into his face and causing a deep cut. police then arrested brian for an unspecified public order offence and further assaulted him in a police van.

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Freedom to Protest in Milton Keynes

12-01-2008 21:39

On 12 January 2008, as a part of the national day of action in response to the latest Government consultation titled 'Managing Protest around Parliament', a number of local protesters in Milton Keynes engaged in some leafleting.

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Anti-SOCPA London pics

12-01-2008 19:00

Resting at the Home Office
Unuthorised demo against SOCPA legislation, which criminalises freedom of expression and freedom of assembly. There seemed to be no police FIT photographers around this time.

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Right To Protest - Liverpool Demo

12-01-2008 18:27

On Saturday 12th January, Liverpool activists from a variety of groups, campaigns and political persuasions held an unauthorised march through the city centre to assert their freedom to protest, in the face of increasing harrassment from the police and city wardens. It was also a protest against plans by central government to severely restrict the right to demonstrate nationwide, by amending the Serious Organised Crime and Policing Act (SOCPA).

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Don't forget the SSAT 6 now on trial

12-01-2008 17:14

In Birmingham crown court every week day (court 9 - 10.30am onwards) for the next 12 weeks are 6 non-violent anti-vivisection campaigners charged with "contravening sec 145 SOCPA so as to cause harm to an animal research organisation and its suppliers" (re Sequani Limited vivisection labs Ledbury Herefordshire)

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Anti-SOCPA demo in Cambridge

12-01-2008 16:05

A few people gathered for a spontaneous demonstration to support the freedom to protest. (King's Parade, Cambridge, 12 Jan 2008)

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SOCPA - permission denied for anti-socpa demonstration - please support

12-01-2008 14:47

Maria in Downing St on 9/1/08 with assorted MPs and a Peer of the Realm
Despite the assurances that the Commissioner MUST give "authorisation" for demonstrations, Maria, from Parliament Sq, has been denied that very thing. She will now be holding demonstrations OUTSIDE Downing Street next week. She welcome you if you feel you can support her there, no matter how briefly - Monday 14th - Thursday17th 10am - 2pm and on Wednesday 16th between 5pm and 7:30pm

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London Gitmo demo.

12-01-2008 11:27

Hundreds gather at the US Embassy...
On Friday several hundreds of volunteers from Amnesty International staged a protest in London near the American Embassy. Building work at the temple of darkness prevented the demonstration from happening right outside. The their credit the protesters endured an hour of being made to stand and kneel in the freezing rain while others dressed as American soldiers bawled orders and insults at them. Special mention should go to the attack dogs which gave what can only be described as Oscar worthy performances.

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Kilburn protest against Total Oil support for Burma dictatorship

11-01-2008 19:51

Seven protestors held a demonstration at the Kilburn Total petrol station at 409 Kilburn High Rd on 10th January, calling on the company to stop being an accomplice to the crimes of the military dictatorship, as the largest western investor and financial supporter of the brutal corrupt regime.

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On its Sixth Anniversary, Calls Resound Worldwide for Closure of Guantanamo Bay

11-01-2008 18:36

Over 800 men and boys, so-called “enemy combatants,” have been held without charge at Guantanamo since January 11, 2002.
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