UK Repression Newswire Archive
Around the Campaigns Monday 8th September 2008
08-09-2008 10:43
Alliance Ngondiop didn't fly this morningNever even left Yarl's Wood she was taken to reception at Yarl's Wood in the early hours but told them she wasn't willing to fly, they just took her back to her room.
Background: Alliance Ngondiop Must Stay!

A McTrial – McDonalds Vs Activist
08-09-2008 00:02
Following the arrest of a protester in June at an action in Cambridge as part of the anniversary of the McLibel case (see
Independent media under attack in Oaxaca
07-09-2008 15:38
Call to international action in defence of the free and community radio stations of Oaxaca, currently under attack from the government.Carnival Against Vivisection - some thoughts
06-09-2008 22:56
Here is a brief summary and some thoughts about the Carnival Against Vivisection, which took place in Ledbury today.GMP try to scare migrant workers weeks before party conference
06-09-2008 18:55
In an outrageous act of media manipulation, Greater Manchester Police announced a couple of weeks ago that "A major operation to police the 2008 Labour Party Annual Conference has resulted in the arrest of three more people on suspicion of immigration offences."
Defend independent and community media!
06-09-2008 16:59
Government attacks on free, independent and community media in Oaxaca, Mexico.Nottingham Benefit for Ballymurphy Massacre Committee
06-09-2008 16:52
The Ballymurphy Massacre Committee is campaigning for the British Government to tell the truth about the British Army murdering their relatives.The western Sahara: The verb saharaui conjugated in the present
06-09-2008 11:48

They say that contentious on the western Sahara it has lasted 33 years
Amadeu Casellas win demands & ends hunger strike.
06-09-2008 09:02
After a hungerstrike which lasted 76 days, the Anarchist prisoner Amadeu Casellas won his demands for the privileges he had been denied, supervised freedom under the 3rdº degree.The reports publicised by the Catalan ministry of Justice early yesterday evening that he had abandoned his protest were finally qualified at 10pm last night by his support groups that he had in fact won his demands & that the solidarity campaign will continue to highlight his case with protest actions today to support a visit by his mother & a parliamentary representative.
Disabled man kicked out of his home
05-09-2008 15:38

Italy to increase Troop numbers on the street.
05-09-2008 11:50
We all know that the Italian state put 3,000 troops including paratroopers on the streets of Milan, Rome and Naples earlier this year. We were unanimous in our condemnation. Pat yourself on the back. But now we get to see what they did. Figures available today confirm that the Italian army has participated in 97 arrests of which 66 people were migrants. Just in case you're bad at soft maths - that indicates that two thirds of military arrests of civilians have been migrants & the arrest rate is about one to every thirty soldiers. In addition to those fascination factoids there have been 263 reports made and 242 car thefts dealt with.Obviously Italy needs more troops on the street. & minister of the interior Roberto Maroni has confirmed on his webpage and in an interview that Italy is going to get a surge.
Carnival against vivisection// Roit police prepare for saturday
05-09-2008 09:13
An article from the ledbury reporterStatement from RNC Welcoming Committee, USA (Wed)
04-09-2008 15:57
The RNC Welcoming Committee wants to say thank you to all who have stood with us through these challenging days, to all who have faced the brutal attacks and repressive intimidation of the police, and have still gone back to the streets. Thanks to all who have made calls, sent emails, donated money, and expressed your outrage at these brutal attacks.Terrorist - SHAC 7 Trailer
04-09-2008 14:13

Innocent Prisoners / The Scandal of Britain's Child Detainees
04-09-2008 11:44
No place for childrenThroughout its years in government - from Tony Blair's famous "Education, education, education" speech to the more recent "Every Child Matters" programme - Labour has claimed to champion the needs of the younger generation. For the 2,000 children who are sent to UK immigration detention centres every year, however, these claims ring hollow.
St Paul RNC protesters charged with terrorist offences
04-09-2008 01:02
RNC 8 Charged with "Conspiracy to Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism"In what appears to be the first use of criminal charges under the 2002 Minnesota version of the Federal Patriot Act, Ramsey County Prosecutors have formally charged 8 alleged leaders of the RNC Welcoming Committee with Conspiracy to Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism. Monica Bicking, Eryn Trimmer, Luce Guillen Givins, Erik Oseland, Nathanael Secor, Robert Czernik, Garrett Fitzgerald, and Max Spector, face up to 7 1/2 years in prison under the terrorism enhancement charge which allows for a 50% increase in the maximum penalty.
Shactivists do Hampshire
03-09-2008 22:48

Reinstate Chris Lockwood!
03-09-2008 13:32