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The western Sahara: The verb saharaui conjugated in the present

LQSomos | 06.09.2008 11:48 | Analysis | History | Repression

The length and complex problem of the decolonization
They say that contentious on the western Sahara it has lasted 33 years

Is perhaps that no longer saharauis in Algeria are refugees? Has stopped, ¡ finally! the sisteméticas violations of the human rights in the territory of the western Sahara occupied by Morocco? Nor although fué illiterate branches all the inhabitants of the planet, we could to respond yes that.
Who from the legitimacy attributed to the acts of being able of é lites hegemonic locates in last time made violent that conforms our present, run a triple risk. In the short and mid term, on the one hand, to lose the public credibility of its stories, that thanks to pébulo and the aureole whereupon the means of information and communication surround their words we ended up distrusting of which they tell us and finally we classified like a product month of fiction. By another one, when hiding the voice of the direct protagonists of the reality of which it is spoken is exonerating to the concausantes of the violence that on them is exerted. Finally, they try at all costs to impose its truth, but they are not free of which subalter to us, in right defense, they print in the face of its legitimate owners the violence that they themselves have generated. Long term nobody knows qué for sure; it can happen. The correlation of forces in the board of game of the power not always is the same one.
When the civil employees of the international organisms in charge to contribute to world-wide La Paz share the interests of the violent ones, we were once month, as opposed to another already cansina and offensive reducing sentence from some town to the anything. The sentence that prevails, in the case of the western Sahara, is the one of the collaborators of the cuatreros, gratuitously made outside the law (Resolution 1514 of A. G. of the NN.UU., resolutions 658, 690 and 1495 of the Security Council) without previous judgment, that condemns to saharauis to being a grain in the sand in the hamada one of the globalización.
The effect really that is persecuted to materialize between the common one of the people is that saharaui in multitude of fronts does not exist mighty and combative a present. For that reason they insist, in spite of the lacerantes critics, tambié n not saharauis, in the been mistaken thing of its expositions. They follow ahead because their pretensions are those to make us fall in the trap of which historical reasons `', that exist combined the pragmética essence of its political postulates we will end all giving by legitimate the arbitrary and indiscriminate use of the intimidation, that happens to be called consensuada solution of the conflict.
They affirm that “the length and complex problem of the Sahara” are an insoluble problem, but that with political will it could be solved. As if during the 17 years that the cease-fire lasts between RASD and Morocco had not existed the mature and unshakeable political will in the space of the western Sahara, exile and the refuge in the hamada one to reach a respectful future with the free expression of the populations in this scene of conflict of the ex- Spanish colony, with the scrupulous and clean reading, ademés, of Front POLISARIO in the agreements to the month high level to reach referé agreed ndum, in order that it can, we pruned all, to write only one line in history of the humanity with the alphabet of justice and the red of the free expression of the wills, with the satisfaction to write new verses of the wood with the universal language of La Paz that is the one that we understand who truely we constructed it.
To remember. It is necessary to make remember constantly that referé agreed ndum does not respond to arbitrary desires of autoafirmación of `another group é tnico' in damage of others, nor to the imposition from single a possible exit to the only pending African territory to decolonize with total independence, because in this heterogé neon world in that we fit all exists a small and loving place in where it is possible that the generosity is ample and intelligent, learning and teaching every day to control to the pain the murder, being known how to maintain bows outside themselves because in it the union with his goes to them, including/understanding perfect that to recover the hope happens to receive total conscience which we were needed (1). Thus it is like in the dinémica of international solidarity that we maintain with saharauis is tried to strain by the deck pipe risk that supposes to give false hopes to the Polisario, given hopes by those who we thought that he was not é tico to hope that the Polisario accepted the political reality, the one of Morocco, clear; saharauis, according to this logic, does not have political reality with which `to consensuar' because they do not conform a State to image and similarity of the considered thing like so by the West. They are `subordinate group' and in inferiority of conditions to exert the policy in equality plane, therefore, if the states that conform the Security Council usually they do not debate the political factors, ¡ how they are going to be able to do it saharauis to travé s of its institutions! But the Security Council, like organism independent, supposedly other people's to the interests of each Be-nation, it does not have month remedy that to consider the political reality in order to reach resolutions that do not conculquen the international legality, it is by art of magic transformed into the guarantor of La Paz because `indeed exerts the mother country power on the minor towns' to which it is not possible to be left them tutelary, because is to be guaranteed international security. In this game between the mouse and the cat, which in the end puts us by the deck pipe are ejé armed real rcitos until the teeth that replace a the political factors if we lowered the guard. By all means which the hegemony does not say it with this clarity, because the language of the antidemocrético power, if she is not perverse, is not so. The subject, then, is expressed in té rminos like which it follows:
The potential political factors can be, for example, the fear to the destabilizing effect of a coercive action, the security of which to repair to an injustice 33 years despué s can report new injustices, or the renuencia to contribute to the possible creation of an insolvent State.
Is that only saharauis knows that the political options of referé ndum is three: independence, integration in the kingdom of Morocco and the autonomy? The ex- personal envoy of the Secretary General of Nations United for the western Sahara, Peter van Walsum, seems that he has still not found out. Quizé is because while occupied the position has not been contented with expressing with absolute freedom its personal opinions in the press, no matter how much the newspaper the Country to afir the opposite to me. No matter how much they wrap mass media to him saying that it has had to throw the towel. No, you watch, the truth is that the Secretary General of the O.N.U. the mandate has not renewed him. By all means which méximo representing of the POLISARIO has challenged to him, but being politically member of a group `é minor tnico', the responsibility of the permanence in the position does not fall on Mohamed Abdelaziz, but on the declarations voceadas to four winds by Walsum of which the solution less laborious she is the one of which the Polisario could contemplate one hipoté tica negotiated solution that not outside total independence.
When who mediates in a conflict offers to a part `option' to waver without reasonable reasons, affirming that if at some time future the Polisario is arranged to examine this possibility, I wait for (...) that present its own global proposal of autonomy, it cannot make fall the responsibility of to aggravate the blockade and to perpetuate statu quo in those who could contribute to create Insolvent state. This argument no longer is possible to make it real, neither in the occupied territories, nor in the campings of refugees, nor between the movement of solidarity with the town saharaui. Who confuse to the town with the State has not taken the annoyance to know the huge and modest contribution Front POLISARIO and the town saharaui the construction of the democracy participated by a town. Because who makes length hoping and complejiza the political problems of such form that it pushes to try to make them insoluble, shows an attitude, in the present poscolonial situation in we are it, own of chiquillo allowed and malcriado to which there is to help to decolonize the head to him of the idea that the injustificado ill can be obtained by any means. He is healthy to contribute to international La Paz with the learning to fit the reality to the possible thing without exceeding the limits of the respect, because the false hopes are source of frustrations, impotence and bitter sinsabores. Of this question saharauis is masterful experts.
Because there is clear when we made decisions. The length and complex problem of the decolonization of the western Sahara have already raised realistic solutions for the pacific coexistence. They are not other that the formulated ones by Front POLISARIO which they count on an overwhelming international support, support that does not have the proposal one hipoté tica autonomy in a state without autonomies within the alauita kingdom.
If someday this autonomy prevailed by the route of the violence and the antidemocrética coaction seguirén and we will continue defending the right from the towns the self-determination. But in no case sheltering the idea that repairing an injustice it brings with himself month injustice. On the contrary. For 33 years the RASD it has been an alive example on one of the few states, although the hegemonic forces act in his against, month successful of century XX and of which we took of the XXI.
I will not be that what is increasing is the sensation of which whichever month saharaui is harassed to the town month approaches the future of independence in the present? If to raise the acceptance of the autonomy by saharauis it happens to affirm things like the plasmación of solid guarantees, guaranteed internationally, of which in the future the constitutional agreement agreed or of that is not revoked, adducing reasons of national security, is not gradually undermined right civilians like the freedom of expression in Morocco, it is that everything is changing per moments and that the international community, if in her we included the societies, I will support with greater reason and firmness the liberation fight saharaui which, at the present time we are convinced, still does not have date of conclusion, even even despué s of the celebration of referé legally agreed ndum.

LQSomos. Beatriz Martinez Ramirez. September of 2008
Partner of the CAUM, Club of Friends of the UNESCO of Madrid.

(1) One of the mottos of the CAUM, Club of friends of UNESCO of Madrid.
