UK Repression Newswire Archive
Picket action in Vancouver for John Graham, indigenous prisoner of war
27-06-2008 22:34
On June 26, 2008, the one year anniversary of indigenous warrior John Graham's imprisonment in Vancouver and the 33 year anniversary of the Incident at Oglala, about 20 people, Native and non-Native, picketed and gave out leaflets in solidarity outside of the Ocean Plaza office tower in downtown Vancouver where, at least until recently, the Cash Minerals uranium mining company had its operations office.Nationwide Call-in for Justice in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA
27-06-2008 18:45

Cameron and David Davis come out in support of strike breaking
27-06-2008 16:46
On June 23, the Sun newspaper ran a column by Associate Editor Trevor Kavanagh, “Tories must break strikes or strikes will break them.”Ingushetia- Chechyna-style Counterinsurgency
26-06-2008 20:08

'the battle of tolmers square' (the movie) and The Future Of Bowl Court
26-06-2008 16:51
t## THURSDAY 26TH JUNE8PM @ Bowl Court
[[ 'the battle of tolmers square' and discussion ]]
Aldershot Westgate Scandal
26-06-2008 14:51

[IT] New law grants amnesty for police violence at the 2001 G8 Summit
26-06-2008 14:25
Press Release June 25th 2008- “Race against time”: Court rule against the police in July is now in question
- Protests in Italy and Berlin
Demo at Communications House on 1 July
26-06-2008 13:31
DEMONSTRATE AGAINST BRITAIN ’S RACIST IMMIGRATION LAWSShow solidarity with protesters at Campsfield Immigration Removal Centre and with all asylum seekers and immigrants
Day of Solidarity with Austrian animal rights prisoners
26-06-2008 10:51
2nd of July 2008 - Please join the International Day of SolidarityFull article | 2 additions | 58 comments
Tony Gosling arrested in missing persons hunt
26-06-2008 08:16

Zimbabwe: Tragedy & Hope
26-06-2008 00:08
including a history of ZimbabweZanu PF's hold on power, necessarily steadfast because of their foremost role in the independence struggle, subsequently led to their own concentration of political power. The brutal represssion of the MDC opposition over the last couple of months has led to near universal condemnation. The western media has neglected to mention that there has also been violence from the MDC (under extreme provocation - this is after all a class war between Zanu PF's black bourgeois, their tribal support base and the military versus the trade union working class/impoverished middle class and rural poor of the MDC). Meanwhile doubts continue to surface as to the MDC's privatisation agenda.
Mugabe: A legal remedy for the removal of a tyrant
25-06-2008 21:19
Why Britain might have the legal right to invade Zimbabwe and why it probably won'tZimbabwe: The Country That Never Was
25-06-2008 19:34
Young Abahlali baseMjondolo activist Fanuel Nsingo reflects on his recent trip to his home town in Zimbabwe.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Human Rights Scandal in Austria
25-06-2008 14:16
Non-governmental organisations express concern about what may be a case of state repression of social activismLINDELA (the winnie suite)
25-06-2008 07:21
The ANC Women's League has shares in the notorious Lindela detention centre for illegal immigrants. Dominique Malaquais, who translated Winnie Mandela's autobiography into French, responds....Aung San Suu Kyi Birthday Protest
24-06-2008 21:19

ROG FACTORY / European Social Center's meeting report tonight at Bowl Court >>>
24-06-2008 17:25
7PM @ Bowl Court[[An informal report and discussion on the Rog Social Centre in Ljubljana]]
European Social Center's meeting report tonight at Bowl Court >>>
ROG, 20-21-22 June
More information at:

Law-lord ruling to free Sean Kirtley? NETCU on the run
24-06-2008 12:41
Law Lords have ruled that it is illegal to have anonymous witnesses. A key component of the Sequani trial was the use of annoymous witnesses.