UK Repression Newswire Archive
Govt slaps peace activist with $11,000 travel bill
16-09-2005 01:26

Report and pics from protest outside arms dealers banquet
15-09-2005 23:17

Bush Supports Home-Bred Terrorists
15-09-2005 16:52
President Bush, Alberto Gonzales & Senator Dole support terror threats and civil rights violations within the U.S..CO11 - Official Statement: 'We got it wrong'
15-09-2005 14:56

CO11 accepts that these people were mistakenly identified as a threat to Public Order due to an ideological error.
That error has now been rectified and we have issued new cards to all officers involved in Oracle 17 with criminals we now accept pose a VERY REAL threat to public order and global security.
Please contact our legal department to make a claim at your earliest convenience. I have been assured by very senior officers that the Metropolitan Police Service will make extremely generous payments to all those affected by this awful error.
Greece: Anarchists Riot Against the Government Harsh Economic Policies (video)
14-09-2005 22:43

Yet more dirt on BAE murderers
14-09-2005 22:32
DSEI exhibitor BAE systems must be the most shamefully corrupt of all the death dealing companies at DSEI.Blackwater Mercenaries: Coming Soon to Your Town
14-09-2005 19:09
It is now obvious how martial law (not officially declared as such) will work in America in the wake of the devastation of New Orleans. Instead of federal troops or an influx of National Guard troops sent to “restore order” (the latter mandated in our now anachronistic Constitution; see Article 1, Section 8) and empowered to “suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions,” in Louisiana the state and federal governments have brazenly violated the Constitution by sending in Blackwater Security and other private goon squads. It’s like a scene out of Sinclair Lewis’ dystopic novel, It Can’t Happen Here. “Gun toting militias terrorize the nation at a local level, with the redneck morons handed leadership roles in every community, with the right to summarily execute people who say the wrong thing. Resistors are threatened with imprisonment or death if they don’t go public supporting the party line,” opines Rob Kall for Op-Ed News. “Lewis wrote his book in 1937, having see Hitler’s rise to Power.Proof
13-09-2005 20:41

Solidarity appeal from Poland
13-09-2005 17:24
Appeal for solidarity with polish activist facing persecutionPIRATES NEEDED FOR IRAQ COURT CASE DEMO - WEDNESDAY
13-09-2005 08:32
Thames Magistrates’ Court, Bow Road E3, 9.30 am, Wednesday 14 September: Two activists who occupied the offices of Windrush Communications – the organizer of a string of Iraq-related business conferences – will challenge the legality of privatization measures imposed on Iraq by the US and UK at their trial next Wednesday.New Orleans - Nat'l Guard and Army,Police, etc,Refusing To Allow Animal Rescues,
13-09-2005 05:50
Action Needed!The army can rescue the pets and abandoned animals. The animals can be housed in army portacabins and warehouses. The poor and displaced victims of the hurricane katrina have the right to have their pets rescued from death. The people of New Orleans deserve to be reunited with their loved pet family members. The governments were too slow to save people, now they should save animals while they can.
DESi Companies targeted on September 11th
12-09-2005 09:46
Companies in the south-east of England involved in the exhibiting at DESi, the world’s largest weapons fair, planned for 13th-16th September, have been targeted.Fuck the Police: Belfast Riots
11-09-2005 23:42
Here's the lowdown on the latest riot news from Northern Ireland.Over the top policing in Pitsmoor
11-09-2005 19:47

South Yorkshire Police were there in force. From [a limited view in] my house in Rising Street I could see seven armed officers, two sniffer dogs, four police vehicles and numerous other officers. The police vehicles were positioned to block both Nottingham Street [thereby blocking the 47 and 48 bus routes] and Rising Street.
So what had happened that warranted such a show of force? It seems that the raid was associated with a recent shooting on Earsham Street, and turns out to be a case of mistaken identity. The target of the raid was a 16-year-old black young man who happens to have the same streetname as the perpetrator of the shooting. He was not in the house at the time of the raid.
My family was awakened by noises outside my house. My daughter came and woke my partner and I. I went to look out of my window and was shocked to see two armed officers in *my* yard pointing their guns at my long-term neighbours' house. I then noticed the further five armed officers in the next yard and wondered what the hell was happening. My immediate concerns were for my neighbours -- questions flashed through my mind: "How will Grandma react?", for example. I went downstairs and unlocked my back door and was confronted by one of the two men in my yard. I was told to shut my door "for my safety" and I instantly thought: "Just who is it that's making this situation unsafe? My neighbours who I've known for over a decade or a bunch of anonymized, [yup: no visible numbers] kitted-up, kevlar- and black-clad coppers?".
We got a digital camera together and whilst other members of my family were looking out of other windows, I started taking photos and shooting a few small video clips.
Whilst trying to record the events, I was told in no uncertain terms to "Put that camera away!", when I questioned the officer why, I received no rational response, but just another barked order to stop taking photos [I continued].
While this was all happening, the police banged on the door shouting "Armed police". Grandma answered the door and told the officer that only she and her daughter were in the house. She went to talk to the officers. I didn't see Mum leave [as i went downstairs to another viewpoint]. I then saw a sniffer dog sent into the house followed by the armed officers. After some time they exited and were replaced by what appeared to me to be a search team [rubber gloves, boxes of equipment etc]. It was also at this point that I saw Inspector Jon Ekwubiri, clipboard in hand] directing operations on Rising Street, I don't know whether he was present through the whole operation. I also didn't know what was happening elsewhere as I was still stuck in my house.
In the days following the incident, I got the chance to talk members of the family about the incident. I mentioned earlier that the youth was not present at the premises when the police made entry into the house. The youth had in fact seen the police prescence from further down Nottingham Street, and when he realized that his Grandma's house was the one surrounded, he identified himself to the police officers. To help avoid trauma to his family and others, he offered his key for access. I did *not* see this key used for access.
At this point, the youth was taken to Attercliffe Police Station, where after contacting his solicitor, he was interviewed at around 1500, eventually being bailed at 1730 [nearly twelve hours after the original incident].
Grandma was sufficiently affected by the incident, that she did not stay at the house all weekend and sought medical help.
The family's reactions to the incident will hopefully be the some of the material for a further article as the legal process grinds through its course.
I rang Inspector Ekwubiri [who has responsibility for policing in Burngreave and Fir Vale] at 1630 on Friday, for his comments on the raid, but I reached his answering machine. At the time of publishing the Inspector had not returned my call. I will report further here if and when he does.
The above was written in the three days immediately following the incident. I had still not received a return call from the Inspector. On Saturday 10 September, I was working a stall at Abbeyfield Multicultural Festival Part II and spotted Inspector Ekwubiri and took the opportunity to have a brief chat with him. I hope to be interviewing him over the next couple of days and will, of course, report here.
beat the bombers, party for peace, more pics
10-09-2005 23:26

Photos from rally against racism in Leith Saturday 10th September 2005.
10-09-2005 20:55

Economic Occupation of Iraq on Trial
10-09-2005 20:44
Next week, four British human rights activists will face trial for attempting to prevent the alleged criminal activity of London-based Iraq privatisation organisers Windrush Communications. The defendants have applied for disclosure of all advice given by the Attorney General to the British Government. Their defence statements will be challenging the legality of the economic reforms imposed by coalition authorities in occupied Iraq.No Borders benefit night photos
10-09-2005 16:09