UK Repression Newswire Archive
RTZ/Freeport protest in London
27-10-2003 17:06

Satire gets Israeli journalist sacked
27-10-2003 11:58
The following piece was published in Israeli daily Ma'ariv's chain of local magazines. Within 48 hours, Ma'ariv's editor in chief fired its author, columnist Yehuda Nuriel. The item, part of Nuriel's weekly column Midbar Yehuda (The Yehuda Desert), was titled "A brave and moving response to the refusenik pilots. A must read..."Poster for Shebab Daiya film
27-10-2003 10:02

MONDAY October 27th - Demonstration at Greek Embassy
26-10-2003 21:47
MONDAY October 27th - Demonstration at Greek Embassy
Join the George W. Bush NOT WELCOME Pretzel Campaign
26-10-2003 15:52
Join the George W. Bush NOT WELCOME on-line Pretzel CampaignProtest against Bush's visit to the UK in late November by taking part
in this campaign. It will add an on-line dimension to the various protests
taking place and will increase our visibility.
Monday Hunger Striker Demos
26-10-2003 13:20
LUNCHTIME 12am-2pm & EVENING 4pm-7pm
Action against software patents
25-10-2003 11:44
The dangers of software patents are highlighted tomorrow by the president of the free software foundation (
Talk in Sheffield going as this post is typed.
A must for anyone interested in technology and want to take action. There is lot to be done.
Shooting of ISM-ers in Balata
25-10-2003 10:26
Just received this account in the middle of last night from my close friend, a former Cambridge student who is working in Palestine.Mark of the Beast Technology to Be Implemented in EU
25-10-2003 07:53
Europe is following the US in the snoop technology of the century. They will be supplying their citizens a health indentity card with an embedded microchip. Sounds good, but wait there's a catch. You will be able to be tracked everywhere you go, and have a brand with you almost like the cow. Plans are to eventually insert these into your beautiful body. Could this be the mark of the beast talked about in the Christian Bible? Could this be the final way to keep track of all of us without employing so many security guards, and policemen? Could this be a method of marking certain types of people as they did in the Holocaust? Please read the story from and decide if this is what you want?fiction: The Death of Ariel Sharon
24-10-2003 07:26
A Short story (or a poem in prose) by Andrew L. WilsonThessaloniki Prisoner Update - Oct. 23rd
24-10-2003 04:26
Update on Hunger Strikers and solidarity actionsFINALLY Some Truth about the USS Liberty
23-10-2003 04:21
And NOW, are there ANY Israeli high level ranking military men of HONOR..ANY Israeli soldiers or men.. ANYWHERE who will Break this Ugly Wall of Silence and present the Truth about this?NOW WOULD BE THE TIME.
UN Urges Halting and Tearing Down Apartheid Project, While Israel…
22-10-2003 16:44
…. Blatantly Seizes More Palestinian Land.Resist the Eviction : Defend St Agnes Place this friday
21-10-2003 21:30

(kennington, south london)
Details at

Plus check out streaming radio.
Manchester Camp X-Ray - new panoramic footage
21-10-2003 18:15
Just before the Manchester Camp X-Ray art installation ended, I got some panaoramic overhead footage of the camp on a beautiful Autumn day...Liverpool Students' Union says "FEES ARE PANTS!"
21-10-2003 13:19
The largest student led demonstration against student hardship will take place on Sunday 26th October. We want to say NO to tuition fees. No to top-up fees. NO to student hardship.This is a battle which we can win by changing the minds of all but a few backbench MP's... it really is that simple.
Get your tickets from the Liverpool Students' Union - only £5 for a day trip to London on the coach.
Get Involved - Make a Difference - Make Yourself Heard.
Kings College and Political Reaction: a primer
21-10-2003 10:27
Some of you might have noticed that the Anti Capitalist Action (ACA) group is functional again

Another Israeli Raid Against Civilians INDIRECTLY Funded By US Tax Dollars
21-10-2003 05:29
"Israel's Channel 10 TV said that none of the dead were militants, characterizing the refugee camp strike as a "mistake."Residents said one of the dead was a doctor who was treating victims when a second missile struck. The identity of the other victims was not immediately known."History of the Palestinians in Israel
21-10-2003 00:03
Despite all odds and ethnic cleansing of 70% of natives in 1947-1949, remained in what became Israel. They were kept under martial law until 1966 and are now (separate and unequal) citizens of Israel. "Adalah's main goals are to achieve equal individual and collective rights for the Arab minority in Israel in different fields including land rights; civil and political rights; cultural, social, and economic and rights; religious rights; women's rights; and prisoners' rights."