UK Repression Newswire Archive
Home Office ordered to release suppressed Drugs Classification Review from 2006
23-05-2010 23:52
In response to a Freedom of Information request process submitted by Casey Hardison, acting with the Drug Equality Alliance, on the 9th of March 2010 the Information Commissioner's Office ordered the Home Office to disclose a suppressed draft consultation paper with suggestions for a review of the drug classification system. The Home Office appealed against this decision and the outcome of this appeal is now pending. However on the 7th of May 2010 the Home Office released part of this consultation paper.Sehar and Wania Shebaz have been deported
22-05-2010 21:25
Shehar Shebaz and her daughter Wania were deported at 5pm this evening on a Pakistani Airlines flight to an uncertain future. There are other families in Yarls Wood now facing the same fate, children, babies and pregnant women. It is likely that Scottish children and their parents will now be taken there as Dungavel will no longer hold hold children.The English Defence League are marching at 2pm today [Saturady 22nd May]
22-05-2010 03:16
The English Defence League will be marching tomorrow along with other groups described by the EDL as patriots from England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. They will b egin the march at 2pm in Tothill Street, London SW1 and will march up towards Downing Street, Trafalgar Square and to Waterloo Place. Trevor Kelway has put out a callout for the EDL to join the march in London.Noam Chomsky's contradictions on Palestine
21-05-2010 18:25

Thailand's Class War
20-05-2010 19:15
Some of this info has been taken from wikipedia.Source:

State violence has been met by violence from the Red Shirts, who targetted the stock exchange, shopping malls, banks and media outlets in Bangkok seen as sympathetic to the government. The Bangkok Post and Channel 3 television were both evacuated. Outside Channel-3, cars parked outside the building were set on fire and protesters then entered the Channel 3 building and set it on fire. In total, 30 buildings were gutted with fire, as a curfew was laid down and extended to 21 provinces across the north and north east of the country overnight. The curfew has been extended by 3 days.
Will this mean the rural working class will finally get listened to? Probably not just right now but this just the start. Former PM Thaksin Shinawatra is right to say that the government clampdown will see the start of a guerrilla war. Investors/companies are already moving out of Bangkok. The Red Shirts may have lost the battle, but the may just win the war in view of the potential that exists in view of their sheer numbers, despite a heavy state clampdown. Time for the rich elite to cede some of their power, otherwise even more significant chunks of the middle class will turn against them as well and join in their complete annihilation.
Videos of Paris No Borders action published
20-05-2010 14:13
No Borders and Calais Migrant Solidarity activists gathered in Paris for a day of action for Freedom of Movement around the Gare du Nord.Top Italian Policemen get up to five years for Genoa attacks
19-05-2010 13:14
Good news - the fascist police of Genoa, who attacked people in the Diaz School have finally received sentences! For those of us who where there or across the road, this is a very late but welcome verdict.... though none of those responsible face prison (surprise surprise).Bring Shaker Aamer home now! Demo in Parliament Square, Tue 25 May
19-05-2010 12:25

Next Tuesday (25 May), on the day of the state opening of Parliament, a demonstration and rally in Parliament Square has been organised by the Save Shaker Aamer Campaign:

Strawberry Fair – Open letter to Cambs Cops
18-05-2010 19:35
Open letter to the cops about Strawberry Fair. This letter is published by Cambridge Anima who promote cross movement solidarity between the human, animal and earth movements.Property of the state
17-05-2010 21:38

Fat priests, thin congregations
17-05-2010 14:05
(The accumulative wealth of any congregation no matter how poor, ends up with the head priest)By Nellie de jongh for 'Freemovement', Monday 17th May 2010
Religion is big business a multi-billion dollar industry!
Paris No Borders Action: personal account
17-05-2010 13:45
Here's a personal account of the day of action for freedom of movement which took place in Paris on Saturday.Background:

Nakba Protest For Free Palestine in London
17-05-2010 09:22

London Protest Against Iran Executions
17-05-2010 08:46

Brutal Sabotage of Indigenous Mapuche Earth Song by Chilean State Terrorism
16-05-2010 22:01
An urgent update on the denial of parole of indigenous Mapuche leader Chief Juana Calfunao, leader of the Juan Paillalef Community,Cunco, Temuco, Chile.Photos of Protest in Afghanistan against Execution in Iran
16-05-2010 21:18
demonstration was held in Jalalabad, Afghanistan in protest to thecontinuous execution of Afghans and Kurdish Political activist in Iran by islamic regime.
Video: Boycott P&G 2010 in Cambridge
16-05-2010 16:53
Video of the Boycott P&G 2010 protests in CambridgeWho is bombing in Iraq?
16-05-2010 12:06

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'Rabbits' and 'Vivisectors' Support Boycott P&G 2010 in Cambridge
16-05-2010 11:48

Five new UK screenings of “Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo”
16-05-2010 11:29
Between May 21 and June 2, in London, Oxford and Brighton, there will be five screenings of the new documentary film, "Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo," followed by Q&A sessions with former prisoner Omar Deghayes and journalist and co-director Andy Worthington. Come along and find out how to put pressure on the new government to secure the release from Guantanamo of Shaker Aamer..