UK Repression Newswire Archive
Police Filmed Returning ESF Visitors at Waterloo
18-11-2003 11:14
surveillance society...Saloniki 7 Prisoners Benefit Night & Talk @the Packhorse, Leeds Nov 23 at 19:30
18-11-2003 09:43
A benefit night for the Saloniki 7, this Sunday (23d) at the Packhorse pub (on Woodhouse lane), 19:30 onwards. All donations will go to the Free Simon Chapman/ Thessaloniki 7 campaign.Italy's New Hard Line on Soft Drugs Sparks Row
18-11-2003 08:28
Author: John HooperCannabis and Ecstasy Users Face Tough Penalties in Crackdown
Donate Money to Support the Thessaloniki Prisoners
18-11-2003 01:19
Thessaloniki 7 in urgent need of solidarity!Die Telegraph die
18-11-2003 00:58
Here is a good article on the good news that the daily bullshit from the Telegraph crap could die soon.The quoted sentences below from the article is worth following up as the CBI are a bunch of pigscum.
17-11-2003 22:52
The little old lady named Lindis Percy(Go, Granny, go, Granny, go Granny go)
Has a pretty little flower bed of white gardenias
(Go, Granny, go, Granny, go Granny go)
But parked high up on a Buckingham gate
Is an upside down symbol against occupier hate
And everybody's sayin' that there's nobody meaner
Than the little old lady named Lindis Percy
(She climbs real fast and she jumps real hard)
She's the terror of the Palace Guard
Israeli Abuses "Worst in 35 Years": U.N. Report
17-11-2003 17:54
After 35 years of investigations, a U.N. committee monitoring human rights abuses of Palestinians has concluded that the situation in the Israeli-occupied territories of Gaza and the West Bank was the worst ever last thessaloniki 7, benefit&solidarity exhibition and screening in colchester
17-11-2003 13:03

Cops and Security Guards Riot in Baghdad - report
17-11-2003 10:13
*NEWSFLASH* - read report below but bear in mind that news just came in of another proetst, same place, same issue, taking place now as none of the protestors demands have been met....Prepared for the Provacateurs
17-11-2003 06:10
Check out this article from cancun indy during WTO mtgs-After the violence triggered by paid provocateurs on Tuesday, the death of Mr. Lee, and a general climate of anger and repression, everyone feared the worst sort of confrontation on Saturday, and the police brought in massive reinforcements. They tripled the size of the metal barriers, and the provocateurs showed in greater numbers, with shopping carts filled with stones and huge metal bars. But the diverse sectors of legitimate protestors came together in an amazing plan that produced the most beautiful, moving and symbolic protest imaginable, so powerful that we were all sure we had reached and passed the turning point viz-a-viz the WTO.
Anti-war pupils to face crackdown
16-11-2003 21:13
Independent article: Schools are ready to crack down on pupils who miss classes next week to attend anti- war protests during President George Bush's three-day visit.Privacy dispute threatens Street Link -- Victoria, BC
16-11-2003 21:09
Government holds up funding after society refuses to name homeless clientsEuropean Social Forum - Greek Embassy Occupied
16-11-2003 19:46
Article includes report of fighting bewtween anarchists and trad. socialists., as well greek embasy occupation in solidarity with Salonika 7.Independent (os) reports MET Police to U-turn on Bush March Route
16-11-2003 19:17
Have to wait until tomorrow's MET/STWC meeting to see if this transpires...Saloniki 7 solidarity 'picket' - London, Sat 15 Nov
16-11-2003 17:12

Medical report for thessaloniki hunger strikers
16-11-2003 13:20
This is a medical report for the thessaloniki 5 hunger strikers writen by the personal doctors of the five hunger strikersA list of all the Bush Protests is now available.
16-11-2003 07:56
Bush is visiting, and there are a lot of London events to keep track of. This page has all the events (mainstream, radical, strange, boring) on one page in time/date order.The page only has events for London, but there are plenty of them. The events are accurate as of the Sunday the 16th of November 2003.
15-11-2003 23:03

links on its front page to a white
supremacist website simply because it
provides video footage and still images
of Israeli oppression.
Murder in Jenin 7/11-2003
15-11-2003 22:22
After three weeks of relative quiet the Israeli Occupation Forces returned to the streets of Jenin on the 7th of November. Violence from Israeli soldiers left at least 6 Palestinians dead and a number wounded in the space of two days, with four of the martyrs under the age of 18.Twelve soilders die. Another bad day for imperialism.
15-11-2003 20:51
Another bad afternoon for imperialism and its' cannon fodder.One of the helicopters was hit in the tail by a rocket propelled grenade (RPG), a U.S. officer at the scene said.
By MARIAM FAM, Associated Press Writer
MOSUL, Iraq - Two U.S. Black Hawks crashed after sunset Saturday in this northern Iraqi city, killing 12 coalition soldiers and injuring at least nine, the military said. Witnesses said the two aircraft collided in mid-air.