FX | 22.10.2006 07:28 | Ecology | Repression | Social Struggles | World
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Independent Media Transcript 22 October 2006
Walk Against Warming!
by Colonel Carbon Cutouts Perth IMC18/10/06
International Day of Action on Climate Change - Saturday, Nov 4th 2006
The Australian Government doesn't care about climate change.
We know YOU do.
The Government will only take real action on climate change and protect our kids' futures if you to tell them to. Join thousands of other Australians in a peaceful walk urging action on climate change now...
In Perth Saturday, Nov 4th 2006 - 12:30pm Russel Square, Northbridge
The underpinning premise of the Howard government's recent energy "black" paper is that coal, oil and gas will meet the bulk of Australia's energy needs for the foreseeable future.
A central part of the plan is the totally uncosted option of geosequestration (burying carbon dioxide underground), which is at least ten to 15 years away and cannot be applied to any existing coal fired power station.
Australian environment groups and sustainable energy businesses have shown how, with existing technology and assuming no technological breakthroughs at all, Australia could halve greenhouse gas emissions from stationary energy by 2040.
A key part of the plan is to build no new coal-fired power stations and to retire existing ones as they reach their use-by dates. Despite this the Australian government continues to approve more coal fired power stations!
We know that Australians care about global warming.
From switching to energy efficient light bulbs, to installing solar hot water, to walking to the shops instead of driving, people all across the country are pitching in to reduce their own greenhouse gas emissions.
Unfortunately the actions of individuals in their own homes won't be enough to stop global warming. Governments, industries and the community all have to work together if we are to see the real reductions in greenhouse gas emissions that are so necessary if we are to avoid dangerous climate change taking place.
We need laws put in place to make sure more of our electricity comes from sources such as wind and solar and gradually less from polluting fuels like coal. And the same can be said for the petrol in our cars.
But Governments will only enact the necessary laws if enough people are telling them they are deeply concerned about global warming - and one of these ways is to march on the streets about it.
On December 3rd 2005 3,000 marched in Sydney and there were Walks for the Climate in Canberra, Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane, Alice Springs and Cairns.
At last year's Walk against Warming, people of all ages and backgrounds - kids, parents pushing babies in prams, cyclists, city workers, students and senior citizens, joined thousands of everyday Australians on the streets. Many people said they were marching for the first time and were thrilled to have been able to be a part of the fun and peaceful event.
This year, the organisers are hoping that even more people will take part and that the Australian Government will realise just how much the majority of Australians want action on climate change now.
Because only then can we begin to imagine a healthy, safe future for our kids.
Sian Churcher
Conservation Council of WA
wo (at)
08 9420 7282
Five years since Australia’s SIEV X tragedy: the official cover-up continues
by Socialist Equality Party (Australia) Sydney IMC 19/10/06
Five years after Australia’s worst maritime disaster, in which 353 asylum seekers, including 150 children, drowned, not one of the fundamental questions raised by the terrible tragedy has been answered.
In the early afternoon of October 19, 2001, the boat’s passengers, fleeing mainly from Iraq and Afghanistan, perished in international waters between Indonesia and Australia. They were travelling in a hopelessly overcrowded refugee boat, which sank while trying to reach the Australian territorial outpost of Christmas Island. The area was under heavy surveillance by the Australian air force and navy under the Howard government’s “Operation Relex”, launched to detect and repulse “Suspected Illegal Entry Vessels” (SIEVs).
A number of questions arise:
1. Why were the detailed intelligence reports about the boat’s departure from Indonesia, in an obviously unseaworthy condition, apparently ignored?
2. Why did the navy not intercept this boat, like every other refugee boat sailing from Indonesia to Christmas Island at the time?
3. Why did Howard government ministers and the military lie about what they knew and when? What has the government been trying to conceal?
If a jumbo jet or cruise liner carrying almost 400 individuals had disappeared in the Indian Ocean at the same location it is inconceivable that no search and rescue operation would have been mounted. Imagine the resources that would have been deployed had the passengers been British or American tourists! When lone yachtsmen have gone missing far away from the Australian coast, multi-million dollar rescue operations have, correctly, been carried out. But not in this case. And even more strikingly, no-one in official circles has been held to account. No official inquiry, even a coronial inquest, has been conducted into how and why these people died.
At the very least, it appears that the lives of the 397 stateless and penniless refugees aboard the SIEV 8 (later dubbed the SIEV X, or “unknown” SIEV) were considered to be of little value.
More ominously, their deaths served a definite political agenda. Soon after the catastrophe became known to the public, then immigration minister Philip Ruddock made the following chilling comment on SBS TV. This “may have an upside,” he declared, “in the sense that some people may see the dangers inherent in it”. In other words, the tragedy could prove to be just what the government needed to discourage other asylum seekers from trying to reach Australia.
The election of November 2001
Just three weeks after the drownings, the Howard government won the November 10 general election in a campaign that centred on anti-refugee scare-mongering and “border protection”. Exploiting the “war on terrorism”, Howard and other ministers slandered asylum seekers as likely terrorists who would sink their boats or throw their children into the ocean to force the Australian navy to rescue them.
SIEV X - Helpless human Cargo
by Tony Kevin 19/10/06 2006
Non commercial Repost
Former Australian diplomat, Tony Kevin, reviews five years of political and bureacratic manipulation and coverup of the sinking of the SIEV-X and drowning death of 353 asylum seekers, including 150 children, on October 19, 2001.
One February day in Canberra in 2002, I was having coffee in Manuka with my friend Professor Tony Milner of ANU, outlining my forebodings over the Australian Government’s implausible official statements regarding the sinking of the boat I was soon to name SIEV X (“Suspected Illegal Entry Vessel, Unknown”) (Canberra Times, March 25, 2002).
This small overloaded boat sank in a storm on its way from Java to Australia’s Christmas Island on October 19, 2001 - almost five years ago - drowning 353 asylum-seekers. Most were women and children, drowned trying to reunite with husbands and fathers already arrived in Australia over the previous two years.
I ran through the ways in which the government story was not making sense. Tony replied “Whatever the truth may turn out to be, you won’t let go of this: you’ll be like a dog with a bone because once you get your teeth into an issue that is what you do”.
Later that week I wrote to Simon Crean, then leader of the Opposition, followed by two formal submissions in March and April to the Senate Select Committee into a Certain Maritime Incident - the CMI committee - set up to investigate the notorious “children overboard” incident. I asked the CMI to examine SIEV X: What did the Australian Government and its agencies know about this boat and its fate, and when? Did we have any responsibility for the tragedy? Did we have a duty of care to save the survivors that we shirked?
I testified before the CMI committee on May 1, 2002 and my questions were duly mocked by government senators as being beyond credibility.
SIEV X became a front-page story in May and June 2002. The media smelled an unravelling government cover-up. The government regained control by releasing spurious maps of RAAF air searches of the area where SIEV X went down. These apparently plausible search records turned out much later to be no more than “indicative” approximations of reality, not worth the paper they were printed on.
New Campaign Urges the US to Dialogue with Iran
By Lee-Sean Huang Global IMC 18/10/06
Screenshot of the CeasefireCampaign website
The Res Publica launches a new campaign asking Netizens around the world to urge the US government to begin open, direct talks with Iran about its nuclear program. The Ceasefire Campaign began when 300,000 individuals from over 150 countries came together to demand a ceasefire in Lebanon. The campaign is a project of Res Publica, a global civic advocacy group and registered charitable organization based in New York City. The latest campaign, "Talk to Iran," was launched today (October 18, 2006), with the sending out of an email alert to the Ceasefire Campaign email list and the unveiling of a revamped website.
The new campaign is asking online citizens from around the world to urge the US government to enter open and direct talks with Iran about its nuclear program, a week after the alleged detonation of nuclear device by North Korea demonstrated that policies of isolation and threats of regime change will not prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.
Over 8000 people have already participated in the first day of the campaign by sending a customizable message the White House asking for dialogue. To find out more and to participate in the campaign, please visit the link:
Tags: Disaster, Asylum-Seekers, Cover-Up, Walk-Against-Warming, Climate-Change.
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Tags: War, Terror, Peace, Climate-Change, Singapore, IMF, World-Bank.
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Independent Media Transcript 22 October 2006
Walk Against Warming!
by Colonel Carbon Cutouts Perth IMC18/10/06
International Day of Action on Climate Change - Saturday, Nov 4th 2006
The Australian Government doesn't care about climate change.
We know YOU do.
The Government will only take real action on climate change and protect our kids' futures if you to tell them to. Join thousands of other Australians in a peaceful walk urging action on climate change now...
In Perth Saturday, Nov 4th 2006 - 12:30pm Russel Square, Northbridge
The underpinning premise of the Howard government's recent energy "black" paper is that coal, oil and gas will meet the bulk of Australia's energy needs for the foreseeable future.
A central part of the plan is the totally uncosted option of geosequestration (burying carbon dioxide underground), which is at least ten to 15 years away and cannot be applied to any existing coal fired power station.
Australian environment groups and sustainable energy businesses have shown how, with existing technology and assuming no technological breakthroughs at all, Australia could halve greenhouse gas emissions from stationary energy by 2040.
A key part of the plan is to build no new coal-fired power stations and to retire existing ones as they reach their use-by dates. Despite this the Australian government continues to approve more coal fired power stations!
We know that Australians care about global warming.
From switching to energy efficient light bulbs, to installing solar hot water, to walking to the shops instead of driving, people all across the country are pitching in to reduce their own greenhouse gas emissions.
Unfortunately the actions of individuals in their own homes won't be enough to stop global warming. Governments, industries and the community all have to work together if we are to see the real reductions in greenhouse gas emissions that are so necessary if we are to avoid dangerous climate change taking place.
We need laws put in place to make sure more of our electricity comes from sources such as wind and solar and gradually less from polluting fuels like coal. And the same can be said for the petrol in our cars.
But Governments will only enact the necessary laws if enough people are telling them they are deeply concerned about global warming - and one of these ways is to march on the streets about it.
On December 3rd 2005 3,000 marched in Sydney and there were Walks for the Climate in Canberra, Adelaide, Melbourne, Brisbane, Alice Springs and Cairns.
At last year's Walk against Warming, people of all ages and backgrounds - kids, parents pushing babies in prams, cyclists, city workers, students and senior citizens, joined thousands of everyday Australians on the streets. Many people said they were marching for the first time and were thrilled to have been able to be a part of the fun and peaceful event.
This year, the organisers are hoping that even more people will take part and that the Australian Government will realise just how much the majority of Australians want action on climate change now.
Because only then can we begin to imagine a healthy, safe future for our kids.

Sian Churcher
Conservation Council of WA
wo (at)
08 9420 7282

Five years since Australia’s SIEV X tragedy: the official cover-up continues
by Socialist Equality Party (Australia) Sydney IMC 19/10/06
Five years after Australia’s worst maritime disaster, in which 353 asylum seekers, including 150 children, drowned, not one of the fundamental questions raised by the terrible tragedy has been answered.
In the early afternoon of October 19, 2001, the boat’s passengers, fleeing mainly from Iraq and Afghanistan, perished in international waters between Indonesia and Australia. They were travelling in a hopelessly overcrowded refugee boat, which sank while trying to reach the Australian territorial outpost of Christmas Island. The area was under heavy surveillance by the Australian air force and navy under the Howard government’s “Operation Relex”, launched to detect and repulse “Suspected Illegal Entry Vessels” (SIEVs).
A number of questions arise:
1. Why were the detailed intelligence reports about the boat’s departure from Indonesia, in an obviously unseaworthy condition, apparently ignored?
2. Why did the navy not intercept this boat, like every other refugee boat sailing from Indonesia to Christmas Island at the time?
3. Why did Howard government ministers and the military lie about what they knew and when? What has the government been trying to conceal?
If a jumbo jet or cruise liner carrying almost 400 individuals had disappeared in the Indian Ocean at the same location it is inconceivable that no search and rescue operation would have been mounted. Imagine the resources that would have been deployed had the passengers been British or American tourists! When lone yachtsmen have gone missing far away from the Australian coast, multi-million dollar rescue operations have, correctly, been carried out. But not in this case. And even more strikingly, no-one in official circles has been held to account. No official inquiry, even a coronial inquest, has been conducted into how and why these people died.
At the very least, it appears that the lives of the 397 stateless and penniless refugees aboard the SIEV 8 (later dubbed the SIEV X, or “unknown” SIEV) were considered to be of little value.
More ominously, their deaths served a definite political agenda. Soon after the catastrophe became known to the public, then immigration minister Philip Ruddock made the following chilling comment on SBS TV. This “may have an upside,” he declared, “in the sense that some people may see the dangers inherent in it”. In other words, the tragedy could prove to be just what the government needed to discourage other asylum seekers from trying to reach Australia.
The election of November 2001
Just three weeks after the drownings, the Howard government won the November 10 general election in a campaign that centred on anti-refugee scare-mongering and “border protection”. Exploiting the “war on terrorism”, Howard and other ministers slandered asylum seekers as likely terrorists who would sink their boats or throw their children into the ocean to force the Australian navy to rescue them.

SIEV X - Helpless human Cargo
by Tony Kevin 19/10/06 2006
Non commercial Repost
Former Australian diplomat, Tony Kevin, reviews five years of political and bureacratic manipulation and coverup of the sinking of the SIEV-X and drowning death of 353 asylum seekers, including 150 children, on October 19, 2001.
One February day in Canberra in 2002, I was having coffee in Manuka with my friend Professor Tony Milner of ANU, outlining my forebodings over the Australian Government’s implausible official statements regarding the sinking of the boat I was soon to name SIEV X (“Suspected Illegal Entry Vessel, Unknown”) (Canberra Times, March 25, 2002).
This small overloaded boat sank in a storm on its way from Java to Australia’s Christmas Island on October 19, 2001 - almost five years ago - drowning 353 asylum-seekers. Most were women and children, drowned trying to reunite with husbands and fathers already arrived in Australia over the previous two years.
I ran through the ways in which the government story was not making sense. Tony replied “Whatever the truth may turn out to be, you won’t let go of this: you’ll be like a dog with a bone because once you get your teeth into an issue that is what you do”.
Later that week I wrote to Simon Crean, then leader of the Opposition, followed by two formal submissions in March and April to the Senate Select Committee into a Certain Maritime Incident - the CMI committee - set up to investigate the notorious “children overboard” incident. I asked the CMI to examine SIEV X: What did the Australian Government and its agencies know about this boat and its fate, and when? Did we have any responsibility for the tragedy? Did we have a duty of care to save the survivors that we shirked?
I testified before the CMI committee on May 1, 2002 and my questions were duly mocked by government senators as being beyond credibility.
SIEV X became a front-page story in May and June 2002. The media smelled an unravelling government cover-up. The government regained control by releasing spurious maps of RAAF air searches of the area where SIEV X went down. These apparently plausible search records turned out much later to be no more than “indicative” approximations of reality, not worth the paper they were printed on.

New Campaign Urges the US to Dialogue with Iran
By Lee-Sean Huang Global IMC 18/10/06
Screenshot of the CeasefireCampaign website
The Res Publica launches a new campaign asking Netizens around the world to urge the US government to begin open, direct talks with Iran about its nuclear program.

The new campaign is asking online citizens from around the world to urge the US government to enter open and direct talks with Iran about its nuclear program, a week after the alleged detonation of nuclear device by North Korea demonstrated that policies of isolation and threats of regime change will not prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.
Over 8000 people have already participated in the first day of the campaign by sending a customizable message the White House asking for dialogue. To find out more and to participate in the campaign, please visit the link:

Tags: Disaster, Asylum-Seekers, Cover-Up, Walk-Against-Warming, Climate-Change.
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Tags: Iraq-War, 665,000-Deaths, Occupation, Asylum-Seekers, Refugees, Scapegoats, Show-Trials, Islamophobic-Political-Terror.
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Tags : New-Zealand Weapons-Conference Protest Palm Island QLD-Police Death-in-Custody Solomon-Islands RAMSI
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Tags: Pine-Gap, Citizens-Inspection, US-Impeachment-Bush, The-World-Can't-Wait, Aboriginal, Noongar-People.
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Tags: Welfare-Destruction, CAWRB, Charities, Boycott, Welfare-To-Work, Human-Rights, Civil-Liberties, Habeas-Corpus, Torture, Guantanamo, Pakistan, Illegal-Detention, Rendition.
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Tags: Nukiller, Maralinga, Visualizing-Dead, Iraq-War, Police -Taser-50,000-volt-Shock-Paralysis-Death.
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Tags: PHILIPPINES, Martial Law, Police-Sniffer-Dogs, Manchester-Demonstration, Anti-War-Christians.
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Tags: War, Terror, Peace, Climate-Change, Singapore, IMF, World-Bank.
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