UK Repression Newswire Archive
TOPOFF 4 and Vigilant Shield 08: a view from the "feverish fringe"
08-10-2007 18:11
All the pieces will be in place. The top officials in town. The Iranian problem presumably still unresolved. The usual alphabet soup of security agencies represented. The majority of the citizenry rendered fully docile by the reporting and editorial pablum of mass media narcotics purveyors like The Oregonian.Juana suffers heart attack in Jail
08-10-2007 11:29

If you care about human rights, please read and act!
The Plight of Myanmar’s People: Challenges and Responsibilities for the Internat
08-10-2007 06:48
By Christopher B. RobertsResearch Associate - S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS)
Republished from:

SOCPA - brian haw's protest site is now reminiscent of his glory days
07-10-2007 23:38

Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
London Burma Protest
07-10-2007 22:07

RAF Croughton.... not just tea brewing....
07-10-2007 20:59
More than 70 local people gather for protest and cakes at RAF Croughton, the US military listening base, just outside Oxford.Put The FIT Team On Trial - Call for solidarity and resistance
07-10-2007 18:06
9th October, Highbury Corner Magistrates' Court, 9amFull article | 2 additions | 5 comments
Cardiff Total closed in Burma protest
07-10-2007 12:14

Pictures from the Burma march in London
07-10-2007 01:50

Report from the Oxford Total demo
07-10-2007 00:01
A brief explanation of some of the situation in Burma and a report on the demonstration in Oxford which took place on the 6th of October, 2007.Total Totally Blockaded in Oxford
06-10-2007 17:46

Prepare now for emergency protests! Free Mumia Abu-Jamal!
06-10-2007 11:32

Mumia Abu-Jamal is a former Black Panther Party spokesman, supporter of the MOVE
organisation and an award-winning journalist known as the “voice of the voiceless”. He was
framed up in 1982 on false charges of killing a Philadelphia police officer. Sentenced to death
based on his political history and beliefs, Mumia has spent 25 years on death row for a crime
he did not commit.
See below, contact the PDC or visit for more information.
Police ban London antiwar march
06-10-2007 06:41
The Metropolitan Police have banned a demonstration by the Stop the War Coalition in central London. Police spokesmen have indicated that this is in response to pressure from the Labour government of Prime Minister Gordon Brown.East London Muslims Caged Guantanamo-Style
05-10-2007 22:51

ATTN: Commissioner of police of the Metropolis
05-10-2007 21:57
Application has been made for return of Brian Haw's display/property, stolen by the met, before Southwark Crown Court.The meme freebatasuna: a campaign for democratic solution in the Basque Contry
05-10-2007 20:37
We have started a campaign to report the arrest of near 20 Basque left wing independentist representatives.