UK Repression Newswire Archive
The Inventiveness of John Howard: The SIM Card Terror Case
20-07-2007 20:53
And now, citizens, or rather immigrants, must be careful to lend their SIM cards to their relatives. The reasons might be honourable enough to use the rest of the credit at some future date. The suggestion in Canberra is different: They might end up in a global conspiracy to target civilians, stretching from Scotland to Queensland, consumed in a Glaswegian fireball at a rather ugly looking airport or plotting to blow up nightclubs.US-Israeli Sponsored Coup d'Etat: Overcoming the Conspiracy against Palestine
20-07-2007 17:26

Those words were written by the Fatah warlord Mohammed Dahlan in a 13 July 2003 letter to then Israeli defense minister Shaul Mofaz.
Why no coverage of the Nadeem Khan death?
20-07-2007 15:32
Nadeem Khan died in police custody on Saturday 30th June, since then there's been a big march through Burnley against police brutality - how come indymedia's not picked up on any of this?Assault on Pauline Campbell by Police
20-07-2007 11:14

Icelandic Embassy Targeted by Activists
20-07-2007 10:53

SOCPA - the brown stuff
19-07-2007 23:36
mainstream media has recently been consistently reporting that gordon brown has lifted the restrictions on demonstrating near parliament. this is a lie. socpa has not been repealed, and if anything the police appear to have been given orders to crack down harder than ever on the handful of peaceful campaigners who daily dare to point out that our government is still committing genocide in iraqWashington’s consensus al-Qaeda deception
19-07-2007 21:01
The “war on terrorism” is a foreign policy weapon favored by an elite and ironclad Anglo-American consensus, supported equally by Washington’s political factions. The surge of "al-Qaeda" covert operations and "terrorism" propaganda over the past three weeks, and reports of “renewed al-Qaeda power," marks the beginning of intensified false flag deception.Ankara: 87 people imprisoned
19-07-2007 19:29

27 of those who were detained were released yeserday because they were under 18 years of age. Today 43 women who were detained were released after they were brought before a state prosecutor.
Jean Charles de Menezes - public meeting -Mon23Jul - LONDON
19-07-2007 12:04

Two years too long to wait for justice.
Public Meeting
All Welcome
Activist targetted in latest arrest at EDO MBM
19-07-2007 09:32
At a peaceful demonstration against Brighton arms company EDO MBM yesterday a protester was arrested and a sound system seized in the latest show of force by Sussex police. Police used an obscure council bylaw which has never been used in a prosecution to confiscate the equipment. Last week the same protester had charges for a public order offence dropped after having to spend two days in court.Haiti: Labor Press Release on State Privatization
18-07-2007 16:58

Sadr comes to terms with Maliki
18-07-2007 15:18
Sadr apparently suspected that Maliki was behind the low-key military action by U.S. occupation troops against his militias, known as Mahdi Army.Iraqi children suffer psychological damage
18-07-2007 15:11
UNICEF is increasingly concerned that the number of vulnerable children in Iraq has outstripped the country’s capacity to care for them.Oaxaca meeting 23 July, Parliament
18-07-2007 13:50
Forwarding from the Global Women's Strike and Payday Men's Network.Stop Cowley Road CCTV!
18-07-2007 09:46
Your chance to stop CCTV along the Cowley Road (from The Plain to The Regal).....London Sound Posse presents: Detention Without Trial: Lives in limbo in Britain
18-07-2007 00:43

"Detention Without Trial: Lives in limbo in Britain"
MOVE's Ramona Africa on May 13th Bombing and 'Justice'
17-07-2007 22:53

Ramona Africa, sole adult survivor of the FBI bombing of the MOVE house in Philidelphia on May 13th 1985, talks about how she coped with the aftermath of the bombing and how she sees justice from an uncompromising, revolutionary perspective.
If you're having problems playing the video, download and install VLC Player or Mplayer
The fallen paradise
17-07-2007 18:13

Where next for the BNP's amoeba-like Solidarity union?
17-07-2007 14:41
Hey, let's make another one!First Squat “Rebil” in Romania
17-07-2007 14:09

On Friday the 6th of July a group of anarchists squatted an old “cinema” building in the city of Iasi, close to the ukrainian/moldavien borders. This first Romanian squat is named “Rebil” as an anagram for “liber” meaning free in Romanian.