UK Repression Newswire Archive
A fund-raising evening for Cuba: report 2
13-10-2005 09:27
This is a slightly edited version of the presentation on Cuba given on 9 October by Sue Smith. She and her partner Ali will be going to Cuba towards the end of November, as members of the Northern Lights Choir taking part in the Santiago de Cuba singing festival. The event at the Friends Meeting House raised just under £200, and more details can be found at
Terrifying Terror Laws
13-10-2005 08:24
'He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression.' - Thomas Paine (1795)Anti-terrorism laws draw rights watchdog's ire
12-10-2005 23:19

12-10-2005 16:25

Jenny Jones (Mayor's Road Safety Ambassador) On Critical Mass Criminalisation
12-10-2005 13:33
JENNY JONES - Green Party London Assembly Member, the former Deputy Mayor of London, the Mayor's Road Safety Ambassador and Member of the Metropolitan Police Authority... speaks about the potential criminalisation of London Critical Mass monthly bike ride.Doctor that autopsied Carlo Giuliani: "CAT scan showed fragment but we didn't fi
12-10-2005 09:23
Translation of press release from Support Legale regarding the 60th hearing in the trial against the 25 demonstrators accused of looting and sacking during the Genoa G8 events in 2001.Question Everything: Worry, be alert and alarmed!
12-10-2005 06:43

FWD: Trial of 6 arrestees during the 21st June 2003 Demostration against the EU
12-10-2005 02:33
The trial of 6 people arrested in Thessaloniki during the demonstrations of the 21st of June 2003, against the EU Summit, was held today in the three-member Magistrate's court of Thessaloniki. All six of them were accused for the minor offence of (participating in a) revolt. Five of them were Greek; the sixth one, coming from Spain, named Carlos, had been initially accused for a criminal offence and detained. After a long hunger-strike he was imprisoned, and the Magistrate's Council changed the offences from criminal to minor ones.Trial forces Italy to relive shocking police brutality
11-10-2005 23:26
Yes well I know it is straight out of a corporate paper but I think it's a pretty good article and i was there and live in Italy I hope this will go onto the Genoa page but I can't see where to click so I hope one of youi tech spec guys will make sure it gets there and oh by the way the Calvi trial also started in Rome this week ...Experts Predict US Attack on Iran
11-10-2005 14:49
At a talk given in London last week, Scott Ritter was unequivocal. Plans for an attack on Iran are being drawn up and acted upon “right now….as we speak”.Freedom to Protest?
11-10-2005 13:53

URGENT HELP RESIST the illegal eviction @ St. George's Tufnell Park NOW!
11-10-2005 11:43

Unjust anti-terror law
10-10-2005 23:35
This week the Government is likely to bring forward a new Terrorism Bill which will have serious and frightening implications for free speech and allow for the detention of suspects for three months prior to charge.TREASONGATE - NO WAY OUT for US Admin - Wake up, America!
10-10-2005 19:51
"The issue which has never been litigated before is: Whether civil Officers of the United States, removed from office by conviction in "Cases of Impeachment", who are later tried and punished in criminal courts, can thereafter be pardoned by the President? This report concludes that the Constitution bars any such pardon."Nottingham Refugee Artist Project Festival Day :: Chile SCDA
10-10-2005 16:36

Nottingham Refugee Artist Project Festival Day @ The Playhouse
10-10-2005 16:30

A festival day celebrating the work of artists in exile across the region and the launch of an East Midlands refugee artist network: Long Journey Home. The day included theatre, music, song, poetry, film, exhibitions, food, crafts and free workshops.
Art Contest at Abu Ghraib!
10-10-2005 13:32

Sometimes I don't know whether to laugh or scream.
Migrant testimonies: murders in Nador, deportations to Sahara desert
10-10-2005 07:35
Testimonies by subsaharian migrants about recent events at Melillia speak of 36 deaths and an indeterminate number of disappeared.UK paper: British and American leaders likened to Nazi war criminals
09-10-2005 08:33
Good news: Even in a mainstream paper like 'The Telegraph' in England reality begins to dawn! Scott Ritter - former UN Chief weapons inspector: "Both these men could be pulled up as war criminals for engaging in actions that we condemned Germany in 1946 for doing," he said.